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Etymology 1


FromFrenchexprès, fromLatinexpressus, past participle ofexprimere (seeEtymology 2, below).



express (comparativemoreexpress,superlativemostexpress)

  1. (not comparable) Moving or operating quickly, as a train not making local stops.
  2. (comparable)Specific orprecise; directly and distinctly stated; not merelyimplied.
    Synonyms:explicit,plain;see alsoThesaurus:explicit
    I gave himexpress instructions not to begin until I arrived, but he ignored me.
    This book cannot be copied without theexpress permission of the publisher.
    • 1949 November and December, “Return to Monthly Publication”, inRailway Magazine, page351:
      Beginning with the next issue, which will be the January, 1950, issue, this magazine will be published on the first of every month. This step has been taken at theexpress wish of readers despite the present paper and production difficulties.
  3. Truly depicted; exactly resembling.
    In my eyes it bore a livelier image of the spirit, it seemed moreexpress and single, than the imperfect and divided countenance.
    • 1634,John Milton, edited byHomer Sprague,The Mask of Comus, New York: J. W. Schermerhorn & Co., published1876,page253:
      Soon as the potion works, their human countenance, / Theexpress resemblance of the gods, is changed / Into some brutish form, of wolf, or bear, / Or ounce, or tiger, hog, or bearded goat, / All other parts remaining as they were[]
  4. (postpositive, retail) Providing a more limited but presumably faster service than a full or complete dealer of the same kind or type.
Usage notes
Derived terms
moving or operating quickly
specific or precise
truly depicted, exactly resembling
providing limited, fast service
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express (pluralexpresses)

  1. A mode of transportation, often atrain, that travels quickly or directly.
    I took theexpress into town.
    • 1931,Francis Beeding, “1/1”, inDeath Walks in Eastrepps[1]:
      The train was moving less fast through the summer night. The swiftexpress had changed into something almost a parliamentary, had stopped three times since Norwich, and now, at long last, was approaching Banton.
    • 1961 October, “The winter timetables of British Railways: Western Region”, inTrains Illustrated, page590:
      Except for the mid-winter period, when the 11.30 a.m. from Paddington and its opposite number will be withdrawn - Torquay now has seven dailyexpresses to and from Paddington as compared with five down and six up previously.
    • 2023 November 1, Philip Haigh, “TPE must choose the right route to a brighter future”, inRAIL, number995, page56:
      This is also a TransPennineExpress service which makes a mockery of the word 'express'.
    1. (Philippines, chiefly Metro Manila) apublic utility vehicle, typically ajeepney, that traverses through anexpressway
  2. A service that allowsmail ormoney to be sent rapidly from one destination to another.
  3. Anexpress rifle.
  4. (obsolete) A clear image or representation; an expression; a plain declaration.
    • 1651,Jer[emy] Taylor, “Section V”, inClerus Domini: or, A Discourse of the Divine Institution, Necessity, Sacrednesse, and Separation of the Office Ministerial. [], London: [] R[ichard] Royston [], published1655,→OCLC, paragraph 5,page30:
      And this [holy communion] being the great myſtery of Chriſtianity, and the onely remanentexpreſſe of Chriſts ſacrifice on earth, it is moſt conſonant to the Analogy of the myſtery, that this commemorative ſacrifice be preſented by perſons as ſeparate, and diſtinct in our miniſtery,[]
  5. Amessenger sent on a special errand; acourier.
    • 1792,Charlotte Smith,Desmond, Broadview, published2001, page381:
      I learned, to my inexpressible terror, that at two o'clock, the day before, anexpress had been sent to Geraldine by Mr Bergasse, with a letter, which he had received from the Hotel de Romagnecourt.
  6. Anexpress office.
    • 1873,Edward Everett Hale,Christmas Eve and Christmas Day:
      She charged him[] to ask at theexpress if anything came up from town.
  7. That which is sent by an express messenger or message.
Derived terms
quick mode of transportation




  1. Moving or operating quickly, as a train not making local stops.
    The train runsexpress to96 St.

Etymology 2


FromOld Frenchespresser,expresser, from frequentative form ofLatinexprimere.



express (third-person singular simple presentexpresses,present participleexpressing,simple past and past participleexpressed)

  1. (transitive) To convey or communicate; to make known or explicit.
    Words cannotexpress the love I feel for him.
    • 1897 December (indicated as1898),Winston Churchill, chapter V, inThe Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.:The Macmillan Company; London:Macmillan & Co., Ltd.,→OCLC:
      Weexpressed our readiness, and in ten minutes were in the station wagon, rolling rapidly down the long drive, for it was then after nine. We passed on the way the van of the guests from Asquith. As we reached the lodge we heard the whistle, and we backed up against one side of the platform as the train pulled up at the other.
  2. (transitive) Topress,squeeze out (especially said ofmilk).
    • 1851 November 14,Herman Melville, “chapter 13”, inMoby-Dick; or, The Whale, 1st American edition, New York, N.Y.:Harper & Brothers; London:Richard Bentley,→OCLC:
      The people of his island of Rokovoko, it seems, at their wedding feastsexpress the fragrant water of young cocoanuts into a large stained calabash like a punchbowl[]
    • 1949,United States Naval Medical Bulletin, volume49, number 1, page61:
      It contained many cysts which were filled with sagolike granules that could beexpressed under pressure.
    • 2018 March 15, Kelsey Munroe,The Guardian[2]:
      They don’t have teats, so the mothersexpress their milk onto their bellies for their young to feed.
  3. (biochemistry) Totranslatemessenger RNA intoprotein.
  4. (biochemistry) Totranscribedeoxyribonucleic acid into messenger RNA.
    • 2015, Ferris Jabr,How Humans Ended Up With Freakishly Huge Brains Wired[3]:
      When a cell “expresses” a gene, it translates the DNA first into a signature messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence and subsequently into a chain of amino acids that forms a protein.
Derived terms
Related terms
to convey meaning
to squeeze out
to excrete or cause to excrete
to translate messenger RNA into protein
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express (pluralexpresses)

  1. (obsolete) The action of conveying some idea using words or actions;communication,expression.
    • 1646, SirThomas Browne,Pseudodoxia Epidemica,V.20:
      Whereby they discoursed in silence, and were intuitively understood from the theory of theirexpresses.
  2. (obsolete) A specificstatement orinstruction.
    • 1646,Sir Thomas Browne,Pseudodoxia Epidemica, II.5:
      This Gentleman [...] caused a man to go down no less than a hundred fathom, withexpress to take notice whether it were hard or soft in the place where it groweth.





Borrowed fromEnglishexpress, fromFrenchexprès, fromLatinexpressus.





express (invariable)

  1. express,rapid

Derived terms




express m (pluralexpress)

  1. express train or service

Further reading

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