In either the Frankish or Old Dutch part of the word's history, the word shifted in meaning from “father” to “judge”, analogous to how in Latin the wordpatres(“fathers”) took the additional meaning “senators”.
Collard, Howard, Collard, Elisabeth Scott (1984)Castellano-mayo, mayo-castellano (Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas Mariano Silva y Aceves; 6)[1] (in Spanish), third edition, México, D.F.:Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, pages83, 139
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Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning.张, 进锋 (Ayso Cañ Cinfen) (2008) 乌璐别格 (Ulubeğ), 鄭初陽 (Çuyañ Yebey oğlı Ceñ), editors,Salar İbret Sözler 撒拉尔谚语 [Salar Proverbs][7], China Salar Youth League, page45
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