Abbreviation ofSpanish español
( international standards ) ISO 639-1 language code forSpanish . es
( radio slang ) a synonym for "and"WX HR COLDES RAINY The weather here is cold & rainy. es (plural esses )
Alternative form ofess ( the name of theLatin-script letterS /s ) in compounds such as "es-hook ". Frome +-s .
( rare ) Alternative form ofe's .es
Pronunciation spelling ofis .es (plural eses )
The name of theCyrillic script letter С /с . FromDutch est , variant ofeest , fromMiddle Dutch eeste (alsoeste ).
es (plural esse )
fireplace Synonym: vuurherd es n
neuter ofen :a /an 1978 ,Rolf Lyssy & Christa Maerker,Die Schweizermacher (transcript):Short forms of the dative –eme ,ere ,eme – are also common. FromMiddle High German ëȥ , fromOld High German iȥ , fromProto-Germanic *it . Cognate withGerman es .
es n
( personal ) it Alemannic German personal pronouns nominative accusative dative possessivem singular 1st person ich ,i mich ,mi mir ,mier ,mer min ,miin 2nd person familiar du dich ,di dir ,dier ,der din ,diin polite Si Ine ,Ene ,-ne Ire 3rd person m er in ,en im sin ,siin f si ire n es ,'s ,-s im sin ,siin plural 1st person mir ,mer üs ,öis ,ois ,eus üse ,öise ,oise ,euse 2nd person ir ,ier öi ,eu öie ,eure 3rd person si ine ,ene ,-ne ire
them ( masculine direct object ) FromLatin exeō . Compare Daco-Romanian ieși ,ies .
es first-singular present indicative (third-person singular present indicative easi or ease ,past participle ishitã )
toleave ,exit ,go out ( of the sun, moon ) torise ( figuratively ) todefecate Cognate withGerman es .
it ( nominative ) Synonym: des The usage ofes is mainly impersonal. When referring to a noun, the formdes is preferred.
Alternative spelling ofeß ( “ you ” ,plural ) Inherited fromLatin sē .
es (proclitic ,contracted s' ,enclitic se ,contracted enclitic 's )
himself ,herself ,itself (direct or indirect object)oneself (direct or indirect object)themselves (direct or indirect object)each other (direct or indirect object)es is the reinforced (reforçada ) form of the pronoun. It is used before verbs beginning with aconsonant .Catalan personal pronouns and clitics strong/subject weak (direct object) weak (indirect object) possessive proclitic enclitic proclitic enclitic singular 1st person standard jo ,mi 3 em ,m’ -me ,’m em ,m’ -me ,’m meu majestic1 nós ens -nos ,’ns ens -nos ,’ns nostre 2nd person standard tu et ,t’ -te ,’t et ,t’ -te ,’t teu formal1 vós us -vos ,-us us -vos ,-us vostre very formal2 vostè el ,l’ -lo ,’l li -li seu 3rd person m ell el ,l’ -lo ,’l li -li seu f ella la ,l’ 4 -la li -li seu n ho -ho li -li seu plural 1st person nosaltres ens -nos ,’ns ens -nos ,’ns nostre 2nd person standard vosaltres us -vos ,-us us -vos ,-us vostre formal2 vostès els -los ,’ls els -los ,’ls seu 3rd person m ells els -los ,’ls els -los ,’ls seu f elles les -les els -los ,’ls seu 3rd person reflexivesi es ,s’ -se ,’s es ,s’ -se ,’s seu adverbial ablative/genitive en ,n’ -ne ,’n locative hi -hi
1 Behaves grammatically as plural. 2 Behaves grammatically as third person.3 Only as object of a preposition. 4 Not before unstressed (h)i-, (h)u-.
FromLatin ipse .
es m sg (feminine sa ,masculine plural es ,masculine plural sos ,feminine plural ses )
( Balearic ) the In Balearic Catalan,es contrasts withel as an obviative article, but is often used in first instance. es
plural ofe ( “ the letter E ” ) FromMiddle High German ëz ,iz , fromOld High German iz , fromProto-West Germanic *it , fromProto-Germanic *it , nominative/accusative singular neuter of*iz . Cognate withGerman es .
( Sette Comuni ) it Cimbrian personal pronouns nominative accusative dative 1st person singular ich mich miar 2nd person singular familiar du dich diar polite iart ach òich 3rd person singular m èar ,ar in ,en iime f zi ,ze iar n es ,is es ,'s iime 1st person plural bar ,bandare zich izàndarn 2nd person plural iart ,iartàndare ,artàndare òich ,ach ogàndarn 3rd person plural ze ,zòi ,zandare zich innàndarn
“es” inMartalar, Umberto Martello, Bellotto, Alfonso (1974 )Dizionario della lingua Cimbra dei Sette Communi vicentini , 1st edition, Roana, Italy: Instituto di Cultura Cimbra A. Dal Pozzo FromProto-Turkic *es . Compare toKumyk эс ( es ) , etc.
mind ,consciousness es n (indeclinable )
The name of theLatin-script letterS /s . ( Latin-script letter names ) písmeno ;á ,bé ,cé ,dé ,é ,ef ,gé ,há ,chá ,í ,jé ,ká ,el ,em ,en ,ó ,pé ,kvé ,er ,es ,té ,ú ,vé ,dvojité vé ,iks ,ypsilon ,zet es n
inflection ofeso : genitive singular nominative / accusative / vocative plural ViaMiddle Low German es , fromLatin as .
es n (singular definite esset ,plural indefinite esser )
( card games ) ace Jeg har alleesserne .I have all theaces . ( tennis ) abbreviation ofservees ViaMiddle Low German esse , fromLatin esse .
es c ( indeclinable )
( only in the expression ) være i sit es Synonym: være i sit rette element es n (singular definite esset ,plural indefinite esser )
( music ) Aflat ; abemol ;♭ (a note onesemitone lower).FromMiddle Dutch essche , fromOld Dutch *aska , fromProto-West Germanic *ask , fromProto-Germanic *askaz ,*askiz .
CompareWest Frisian esk ,English ash ,German Esche ,Danish ask , compareWelsh onnen ,Latin ornus ( “ wild mountain ash ” ) ,Lithuanian úosis ,Russian ясень ( jasenʹ ) ,Albanian ah ( “ beech ” ) ,Ancient Greek ὀξύα ( oxúa ,“ beech ” ) ,Old Armenian հացի ( hacʻi ,“ ash tree ” ) .
es m (plural essen ,diminutive esje n )
ash ,ash tree ,Fraxinus excelsior ash , any tree of the genusFraxinus es m (plural essen ,diminutive esje n )
( music ) E-flat IPA (key ) : /əs/ ,/ɪs/ Hyphenation:es es
( informal , dialectal ) Alternative form ofeens ( “ once ” ) Komes hier ―Come over here (for a second ). FromMiddle Dutch esche , ultimately fromProto-Germanic *atiska- . More atGerman Esch ,Gothic 𐌰𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺 ( atisk ) .
es m (plural essen ,diminutive esje n )
atract ofopen , oftenraised agricultural land near or surrounding avillage orhamlet Synonym: enk FromGerman Es (German key notation).
( music ) E-flat Capitalized for the great octave or any octave below that, or in names of major keys; not capitalized for the small octave or any octave above that, or in names of minor keys.
second-person singular present indicative ofêtre es (plural esing )
child Robert L. Bradshaw,Fuyug grammar sketch (2007) es
second-person singular present indicative ofser 's ( chiefly informal or poetic ) -'s FromMiddle High German ëz , fromOld High German iz , fromProto-Germanic *it . CompareEnglish it .
es n
nominative and accusative neuter third-person singular personal pronoun Wo ist das Buch?Es liegt auf dem Tisch. ( ) ―Where's the book?It ’s on the table. Wo ist das Kind? Ich habees . ―Where is the child? I haveit . Welche Farbe hat das Pferd?Es ist weiß. ( ) ―What color is the horse?It is white. Ich bemerkte ein merkwürdiges bärtiges Individuum und beschloss,es im Auge zu behalten. ( ) ―I remarked a strange bearded individual and decided to keep an eye onhim . Das Mädchen wusste nicht, dasses beobachtet wurde. ( ) ―The girl didn’t know thatshe was being observed. Jedes Vorstandsmitglied kann das Wort ergreifen, wennes dies wünscht. ( ) ―Any board member may take the floor ifthey so wish. 1952 ,Marie Luise Kaschnitz ,Das dicke Kind :Das Kind sagte nichts und sah mich mit seinen kühlen Augen an. Dann wares fort. The child said nothing and looked at me with her cold eyes. Thenshe was gone. Impersonal pronoun used to refer to statements, activities, the environment etc., or as a placeholder/dummy pronoun —it ,there Das kann es nicht geben . ( ) ―This is nothing that could possibly exist.Sie begann zu laufen, und ich tates auch. ―She started to run, and so did I. (literally, “She began to run, and I didit also. ”)Es wareinmal eine schöne Prinzessin. ( ) ―There was once a beautiful princess.Es ist gut zu leben! ( ) ―It' s good to be alive!Es regnet. ( ) ―It ’s raining.Es ist sicher, dass morgen die Sonne scheinen wird. ( ) ―It' s certain that the sun will shine tomorrow.Wie gehtes dir? ( ) ―How are you doing? Ich bines , Michael. ( ) ―It' s me, Michael.Es spielt das Fernsehorchester. ( ) ―The television orchestra is playing. Sie wirdes noch weit bringen. ( ) ―She is going to go far. As a pronoun referring to people who are grammatically neutral, it is sometimes considered old-fashioned or dated to insist on using the neutrales instead ofer/sie , especially forMädchen , in spoken language, and when there is a large distance between when the person is introduced and when the corresponding pronoun is used. In a small and closed set of phrases,es continues a Middle High Germanës which was the genitive ofëz :Ich bines müde ‘I am tiredof it ’. In the colloquial speech of some areas, this pronoun is fully replaced with the demonstrative pronoundas , with which it shares the unstressed reduction /s/. This reflects a similar development forsie /die , but predates it.
es n
( regional , colloquial ) Alternative form ofdas Soll iches Fenster zumachen? Should I closethe window? The contracted form's is more common, butes is also frequently heard. Guinea-Bissau Creole [ edit ] FromPortuguese este . Cognate withKabuverdianu es .
this es
it es n (genitive singular es or ess ,nominative plural es )
( music ) E flat Kristín Bjarnadóttir, editor (2002–2025 ), “es ”, inBeygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls [The Database of Modern Icelandic Inflection ] (in Icelandic), Reykjavík: The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies Mörður Árnason (2019 )Íslensk orðabók , 5th edition, Reykjavík: ForlagiðBy assimilation with English is , French es , Italian essere , Spanish es .
Apocopic form ofesas Mees hike pro ke lu volis lo. ―Iam here because he wanted me here. FromDutch ijs , fromMiddle Dutch ijs , fromOld Dutch *īs , fromProto-Germanic *īsą , fromProto-Indo-European *h₁eyH- .
ès (plural es -es )
ice ais ( Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore ) FromDutch es .
ès (plural es -es )
The name of theLatin-script letterS /s . ( Latin-script letter names ) huruf ;a ,be ,ce ,de ,e ,ef ,ge ,ha ,i ,je ,ka ,el ,em ,en ,o ,pe ,ki ,er ,es ,te ,u ,ve ,we ,eks ,ye ,zet es
present indicative ofesser :is ,are ,am FromPortuguese eles .
they FromPortuguese este .
this FromProto-Balto-Slavic *ēź , fromProto-Indo-European *eǵ . Cognates includeLatvian es andLithuanian aš .
I Nicole Nau (2011 )A short grammar of Latgalian , München: LINCOM GmbH,→ISBN , page35 (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
es f (indeclinable )
The name of the letterS . Multiple Latin names for the letterS ,s have been suggested. The most common ises or asyllabic s , although there is some evidence which also supports, as names for the letter,sē ,sss ,əs ,sə , and even (in the fourth- or fifth-century first Antinoë papyrus, which gives Greek transliterations of the Latin names of the Roman alphabet’s letters)ισσε ( isse ) . ( Latin-script letter names ) littera ;ā ,bē ,cē ,dē ,ē ,ef ,gē ,hā /*acca ,ī ,kā ,el ,em ,en ,ō ,pē ,kū ,er ,es ,tē ,ū ,ix /īx /ex ,ȳ /ī graeca /ȳpsīlon ,zēta es inGaffiot, Félix (1934 )Dictionnaire illustré latin-français , Hachette. Arthur E. Gordon,The Letter Names of the Latin Alphabet (University of California Press , 1973; volume 9 ofUniversity of California Publications: Classical Studies ), especially pages 30–31, 42–44, and 63 FromProto-Italic *es , fromProto-Indo-European *h₁ési .
second-person singular present active indicative / imperative ofsum ("you are") (singular )or ("be!")Form of the verbedō ( “ I eat ” ) .
second-person singular present active indicative / imperative ofedō FromProto-Balto-Slavic *ēź- , fromProto-Indo-European *eǵ (from*éǵh₂ ). The non-nominative forms derive fromProto-Indo-European dependent stem*me- (thea instead ofe in the Baltic languages appears to result from Iranian influence): reduplicated*me-me- →*mene →Proto-Baltic genitive/accusative*mane →*manen (by analogy with other accusatives) →*manens (by analogy with other genitives) → genitivemanis , while*manen → accusativemani . Dativeman comes from an older*mani . Instrumental variantmanim imitates the nominali -stem paradigm. Cognates includeLithuanian aš (archaiceš ),Old Prussian es ,as ,Sudovian as ,Proto-Slavic *(j)azъ (Old Church Slavonic азъ ( azŭ ) ,Old East Slavic ꙗзъ ( jazŭ ) ,Belarusian ,Ukrainian ,Russian я ( ja ) ,Bulgarian аз ( az ) ,Czech já (fromjaz ),Polish ja (fromjaz )),Proto-Germanic *ekan ,*ek (Gothic 𐌹𐌺 ( ik ) ,Old Norse ek ,Old High German ih ,German ich ,Old English ic ,English I ),Hittite [script needed] ( uk ) ,Sanskrit अहम् ( ahám ) ,Avestan 𐬀𐬰𐬆𐬨 ( azəm ) ,Ancient Greek ἐγώ ( egṓ ) ,Latin ego ,Ossetian ӕз ( æz ) .[ 1]
es (personal, 1st person singular)
I ;first person pronoun, referring to the speaker Es te dzīvoju. ―I live here.Viņšmani sastapa ceļā. ―He metme on the road. Atnāc piemanis ! ―Come tome (to my place)! Nāc armani dejot! ―Come dance withme ! Man nav laika. ―I don't have time. (lit. There is no timeto me .)The dative formmanim is used only optionally, with prepositions.
es m (invariable )
I ,ego ( theessence of aperson ) manses ―myI , myego Runātājs izcēla savues . ―The speaker highlighted hisI , hisego . Briesmīgi nezināt nekā un just tikai sevi, savues . ―It is terrible to know and feel nothing except oneself, one'sI . Cilvēks var pierādīt savu vērtību, apliecināt savu “es ” tikai darbā. ―A person can prove their worth, testify their “I ”, only in (their) work. A cross-linguistically frequent way of naming this sound, and the respective letter.
es m (invariable )
The Latvian name of theLatin script letterS /s . Latvian letter names: a (A ),garais ā (Ā ),bē (B ),cē (C ),čē (Č ),dē (D ),e (E ),garais ē (Ē ),ef (F ),gā (G ),ģē (Ģ ),hā (H ),i (I ),garais ī (Ī ),jē (J ),kā (K ),ķē (Ķ ),el (L ),eļ (Ļ ),em (M ),en (N ),eņ (Ņ ),o (O ),pē (P ),er (R ),es (S ),eš (Š ),tē (T ),u (U ),garais ū (Ū ),vē (V ),zē (Z ),žē (Ž )es m inan
The name of theLatin-script letters /S . ( Latin-script letter names ) a ,bej ,cej ,čet ,ćej ,dej ,ej ,ět ,ef ,gej ,ha ,cha ,i ,jot ,ka ,eł ,el ,em ,en ,ejn ,o ,pej ,er ,ejŕ ,es ,eš ,śej ,tej ,u ,wej ,y ,zet ,žet ,źej FromEnglish ess .
és (plural es -es )
The name of theLatin-script letterS /s . ès ( Indonesian ) sin ( Jawi letter name ) ( Latin-script letter names ) huruf ;e ,bi ,si ,di ,i ,ef ,ji ,hec ,ai ,je ,ke ,el ,em ,en ,o ,pi ,kiu ,ar ,es ,ti ,yu ,vi ,dabel yu ,eks ,way ,zed es
genitive ofhi genitive ofhet es
Alternative form ofis ;third-person singular present indicative ofwēsen es
Alternative form ofhis ( “ his ” ) es
Alternative form ofhis ( “ his ” ) es
Alternative form ofhis ( “ her ” ) es
Alternative form ofis ( “ is ” ) Old French es ("[you] are").
second-person singular present indicative ofestre Old French es ("in the").
Contraction ofen +les ( “ in the (plural) ” ) .es f (genitive esi )
stoat ,weasel Mutation ofes radical lenition nasalization es unchanged n-es
Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in Middle Irish. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
third-person singular present ofwiis es
present ofasa ( to swell, ferment ) es
third-person singular present indicative ofèsser FromProto-Algonquian *e·hsa .
es (plural esag )
shell (2)oyster Contraction ofen les .
in the 1377 ,Bernard de Gordon ,Fleur de lis de medecine (a.k.a. lilium medicine) , page186 of this essay:l'autre partie vaes muscules the other part goes into the muscles French:ès ( archaic except in fixed expressions ) ess ( theoretically available for all senses; attested in only some ) es (gender unknown )
the letters (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
es (gender unknown )
death (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
es (gender unknown )
food (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
es (gender unknown )
ox See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
Alternative spelling ofas :third-person singular masculine ofa Mutation ofes radical lenition nasalization es ( pronounced with/h/ inh -prothesis environments ) unchanged n-es
Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in Old Irish. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
FromProto-Norse ᛁᛊᛏ ( ist ) , fromProto-Germanic *isti ,first / third-person singular indicative present of*wesaną . Evolved to younger varianter . Comparevesa ,vas (vera ,var ).
Archaic form ofer .,third-person singular indicative present ofvera FromProto-Germanic *iz ( “ he; 3rd person personal pronoun ” ) . Cognate withGothic 𐌹𐍃 ( is ) ,Old High German ēr (German er ).
Archaic form ofer .(which ,that ) es
Archaic form ofer .(when ,where ) Pennsylvania German [ edit ] CompareGerman es ,Dutch het ,English it .
es n (definite )
nominative / accusative neuter singular ofder :the es n
it es
third-person singular present ofsennen Inherited fromEarly Medieval Latin essere , fromLatin esse .
tobe ( auxiliary , used to form composite past tense of many intransitive verbs) to have (done something).es
at once Uvur haramavimaken, du famud, es! — The tide is about to turn; cook the sago at once![ 1] enough ^ Don Richardson,Peace Child . es (plural eses )
Alternative spelling ofaes IPA (key ) : /ˈes/ [ˈes] Rhymes:-es Syllabification:es FromLatin est , fromProto-Italic *est , fromProto-Indo-European *h₁ésti . Cognate withSanskrit अस्ति ( ásti ) ,English is .
third-person singular present indicative ofser es f pl
plural ofe FromProto-Balto-Slavic *is , fromProto-Indo-European *ís . CompareLithuanian ji̇̀s , but dissimilarLatvian viņš ( “ he ” ) ,Old Prussian tāns ( “ he ” ) .[ 1] [ 2]
eſ m
( third-person singular ) he Borrowed fromEnglish ess , the English name of the letterS /s .
es (Baybayin spelling ᜁᜐ᜔ )
the name of theLatin-script letterS /s , in theFilipino alphabet Synonyms: ( in the Abakada alphabet ) sa ,( in the Abecedario ) ese ( Latin-script letter names ) titik ;ey ,bi ,si ,di ,i ,ef ,dyi ,eyts ,ay ,dyey ,key ,el ,em ,en ,enye ,en dyi ,o ,pi ,kyu ,ar ,es ,ti ,yu ,vi ,dobolyu ,eks ,way ,zi “es ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 FromProto-Tocharian *ānse , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂ṓms-o-s , a form of*h₂ṓms . CompareTocharian B āntse .
shoulder bough ,limb (of a tree)branch of a particular matterInherited fromProto-Turkic *es ( “ memory, mind ” ) .
IPA (key ) : /es/
( archaic ) mind ( archaic ) memory es
first-person singular preterite colloquial ofmynd