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Fromeagle +‎-let(diminutive suffix).



eaglet (pluraleaglets)

  1. Theimmature young of aneagle; an eaglechick.
    • 1861,Charles Boner, “The Golden Eagle”, inForest Creatures, London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, page177:
      He [Christopher North] speaks in his "Second Canticle" of "the imps," "theeaglets," "the young ones," "the bursting of the shells," as though it were the commoner occurrence for there to beseveraleaglets in a nest. This is not the case.
    • 1879 January, Ellis Clare, “The Christmas Eaglet”, inBallou's Monthly Magazine, volume49, number 1, Boston: Thomes & Talbot:
      Alas! in the morning theeaglet was gone; and, full of sorrow, they stooped to pick up the shining fleece with which the floor was spread. At their touch, every feather became a golden coin.
    • 1900, M. Gaster, “Art. XIII.—Contributions to the History of Aḥiḳar and Nadan”, inJournal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland, page308:
      [A]fter the ten days Arkirie came to the king and asked him to give him twoeaglets.
    • 1962 July, Richard Petrow, “Last chance to save the Bald Eagle”, inPopular Science, volume181, number 1,→ISSN, page192:
      Once theeaglets are born—tiny balls of white fuzz—the adult eagles prove that birds can be as protective and solicitous of their young as humans. They'll rip food into bite-size pieces for theeaglets and stand ceaseless watch over the eyrie.
    • 2024 March 6, Francine Kiefer, “Bald eagles offer webcam lessons on patience and parenting”, inThe Christian Science Monitor:
      The early days and weeks of aneaglet’s life are not without risks.


an eagle chick


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