FromMiddle English ee ,ea ,æ , fromOld English ēa ( “ river ” ) , fromProto-West Germanic *ahu ( “ waters, river ” ) , fromProto-Germanic *ahwō ( “ waters, river ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂ekʷeh₂ ( “ water, flowing water ” ) .Doublet ofaqua .
Cognate withNorth Frisian ia ( “ river ” ) ,Saterland Frisian Äi ( “ river ” ) ,West Frisian ie ( “ water, stream ” ) ,Dutch a ( “ water, stream ” ) ,German Ache ( “ water, stream, river, flood ” ) ,Danish å ( “ stream, creek ” ) ,Swedish å ( “ stream, creek ” ) ,Icelandic á ( “ stream, river ” ) ,Latin aqua ( “ water ” ) .
ea (plural eas )
( UK dialect or archaic ) Ariver orwatercourse .1866 , Charles Kingsley,Hereward the Wake: Last of the English :And they rowed away for Crowland, by many a mere and many anea ; through narrow reaches of clear brown glassy water; between the dark-green alders; between the pale-green reeds; where the coot clanked, and the bittern boomed, and the sedge-bird, not content with its own sweet song, mocked the song of all the birds around; and then out into the broad lagoons, where hung motionless, high overhead, hawk beyond hawk, buzzard beyond buzzard, kite beyond kite, as far as eye could see.
Alternative form ofea. ea
bad ,evil Ross, M. & Næss, Å. (2007 ) “An Oceanic origin for Äiwoo, the language of the Reef Islands?”, inOceanic Linguistics , volume46 , number 2 . Cited in: "Äiwoo " in Greenhill, S.J.,Blust, R. , &Gray, R.D. (2008).The Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database: From Bioinformatics to Lexomics .Evolutionary Bioinformatics , 4:271–283.FromLatin illa , feminine ofille . CompareRomanian ea .
ea f (plural eali )
( third-person feminine singular pronoun, nominative form ) she ea f
( long/stressed accusative form ) her el /elu (masculine equivalent (third-person singular nominative) )eali (feminine plural ),elj (masculine or mixed plural )u (feminine singular accusative- short/unstressed form )(a) ljei (feminine singular genitive andfeminine singular dative- long/stressed form )ãlj /ilj /lji (feminine singular dative- short/unstressed form )io /iou ,mini (first-person singular )tu ,tini (second-person singular )noi (first-person plural )voi (second-person plural )nãsh ,elj (third-person (masculine or mixed) plural )ea
Used in indirect questions as an intensifier. Ea nork egin dituen etxeko lanak. ―Let's see who has done the homework.Used to express one's desire ; Ihope ,I wish Ea azkar sendatzen zaren. ―I hope you get well soon.When using this particle, the verb takes the conjunction-n . “ea ”, inEuskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy ] (in Basque),Euskaltzaindia [Royal Academy of the Basque Language ] “ea ”, inOrotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary ],Euskaltzaindia ,1987–2005 ea
genitive singular ofiga FromProto-Polynesian *eqa .
sovereignty ,rule air ,breath ,gas ,vapor life , lifeforce ea
( intransitive ) torise ,go up ( intransitive ) tosmell Pukui, Mary Kawena, Elbert, Samuel H. (1986 ) “ea”, inHawaiian Dictionary , Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press FromOld Irish ed ( “ it ” ) . Ultimately akin toEnglish it ,Latin id , etc.
it Only used with thecopula , in constructions that do not reference any noun. 개 ( gae ) , and other unitary bound nouns (권 ,자루 ,켤레 , etc)FromEnglish ea. ( “ whole piece ” ) .
ea • (ea )
symbol of개 ( gae ,“ item ,piece , general counter for objects” ) .총 10ea . 5ea 정도. FromProto-Indo-European *íh₂ .
nominative feminine singular ofis : "she ", "it " (referring to feminine nouns), or demonstratively (as a demonstrative pronoun) "this ", "that " (likewise referring to feminine nouns)nominative neuter plural ofis : "they (things)"accusative neuter plural ofis : "them (things)"eā f
ablative feminine singular ofis First-declension noun.
Latin personal pronouns together with the possessive and reflexive pronounspronoun possessive number person nominative genitive dative accusative ablative singular first ego meī mihi mē meus ,-a ,-um second tū tuī tibi tē tuus ,-a ,-um third m is ēius eī eum eō — f ea eam eā n id id eō plural first nōs nostrī ,nostrum nōbīs nōs nōbīs noster ,-tra ,-trum second vōs vestrī ,vestrum vōbīs vōs vōbīs vester ,-tra ,-trum third m eī ,iī eōrum eīs eōs eīs — f eae eārum eās n ea eōrum ea reflexive — suī sibi sē ,sēsē suus ,-a ,-um
Declined fromis . It stands as if foreā viā ("this/that way"). Compareeō .
eā (notcomparable )
there that way on that side type demonstrative anaphoric identity interrogative/ relative indefinite negative other proximal medial distal relative indefinite free choice universal negative polarity basic hic iste ,istic ille ,illic is ipse ,īdem quis /quī quisquis ,quīcumque quis ,quī ,quīdam ,aliquis ,aliquī ,quispiam quīvis ,quīlibet quisque quisquam ,ūllus , °aliquisquam nēmō ,nihil ,nūllus alius dual uter utercumque alteruter utervīs ,uterlibet uterque neuter alter place hīc istīc illīc ibī̆ ibī̆dem ubī̆ ubiubi ,ubī̆cumque alicubī ,uspiam ubivīs ,ubilibet ubīque usquam nusquam ,nūllibī alibī ,aliās source hinc istinc illinc inde indidem unde undecumque ,undeunde alicunde °undelibet undique aliunde destination hūc , °hōrsum istūc , °istōrsum illūc , °illōrsum eō eōdem quō ,quōrsum quōquō ,quōcumque aliquō ,quōpiam , °aliquōvorsum quōvīs ,quōlibet quōquam nusquam ,nūllōrsum aliō ,aliōrsum method, means, path, place hāc istāc illāc eā eādem quā quāquā ,quācumque aliquā quāvīs ,quālibet quāque nēquāquam ,haudquāquam aliā manner hōc modō istō modō illō modō ita ,sīc ,eō modō item ,itidem ut ,quī ,quō modō ,quōmodo ,quemadmodum utut ,utcumque ,quōmodocumque quī ,quōdam modō ,aliquō modō quōmodolibet utīque ūllō modō nūllō modō aliter ,aliōquī ,alterō /aliō modō time num ,nunc ōlim tum ,tunc simul quandō , ‡cum cumque ,quandōcumque ,quandōque quondam ,aliquandō quandōlibet quandōque umquam numquam aliās quantity tam †tamen , †tandem quam †quamquam aliquam quamvīs ,quamlibet size tantus tantusdem quantus quantuscumque aliquantus quantusvīs ,quantuslibet quality tālis quālis quālis ,quāliscumque aliquālis quālislibet number tot totidem quot quotquot ,quotcumque aliquot quotlibet order totus quotus quotuscumque aliquotus quotuslibet repetition totiēns quotiēns quotiēnscumque aliquotiēns quotiēnslibet multiplication totuplex quotuplex † Turned conjunction with original meaning somewhat dissimulated ° Rare ‡only used as a conjunction, not as an interrogative
“ea ”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879 )A Latin Dictionary , Oxford: Clarendon Press “ea ”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891 )An Elementary Latin Dictionary , New York: Harper & Brothers ea inGaffiot, Félix (1934 )Dictionnaire illustré latin-français , Hachette. Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894 )Latin Phrase-Book [1] , London:Macmillan and Co. the vegetable kingdom:ea, quae terra gignit the vegetable kingdom:ea, quae e terra gignuntur the vegetable kingdom:ea, quae a terra stirpibus continentur the vegetable kingdom:ea quorum stirpes terra continentur (N. D. 2. 10. 26) eastern, western Germany:Germania quae orGermaniae ea pars quae, ad orientem, occidentem vergit to be of such and such an age:ea aetate, id aetatis esse this is our natural tendency, our destiny; nature compels us:ita (ea lege, ea condicione) nati sumus all depends on this; this is the decisive point:in ea re omnia vertuntur with the intention of..:eo consilio, ea mente, ut on condition of..:ea lege, ut what is your opinion:quid de ea re fieri placet? (ambiguous) I blame this in you; I censure you for this:hoc in te reprehendo (notob eam rem )(ambiguous) to happen to think of..:in eam cogitationem incidere (ambiguous) to induce a person to think that..:aliquem ad eam cogitationem adducere ut (ambiguous) to discuss a subject more fully on the same lines:plura in eam sententiam disputare (ambiguous) peace is concluded on condition that..:pax convenit in eam condicionem, ut... Charlton T. Lewis (1891 )An Elementary Latin Dictionary , 1st edition. (Oxford University Press) ea
shy ;ashamed ea
( Early Middle English ) Alternative form ofee FromProto-West Germanic *ahu , fromProto-Germanic *ahwō , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂ekʷeh₂ ( “ water ” ) .
ēa f (nominative plural ēa or ēan )
river late 9th century ,translation ofOrosius’ History Against the Pagans Þonne west fram Tigris þǣreēa oþ Eufrate þāēa , þonne betweox þǣmēan syndon þās land Babylonia, and Caldea, and Mesopotamia. Then west from theRiver Tigris to theRiver Euphrates, then between therivers are the lands of Babylon, Chaldea, and Mesopotamia running water ,stream Regarding declension,ēa is usually indeclinable, but occasionally inflected forms are encountered. Uncertain. Perhaps from earlier*eah, *æh , fromProto-West Germanic *a ,*ah ( “ ah ” ) , related toOld High German a ,ah ( “ ah ” ) . Alternatively fromProto-West Germanic *au , cognate withOld High German au ,ō ( “ oh, ah ” ) .
oh ,alas > ? Middle English:a ,aa ,ah Inherited fromLatin illa , feminine ofille .
ea f (third-person singular ,plural ele ,masculine equivalent el )
( nominative form ) she Synonym: ( polite form ) dumneaei Declension ofea stressed unstressed nominative ea accusative ea o dative ei îi genitive ei possessive forms singular plural masculine său săi neuter sale feminine sa reflexive forms stressed unstressed accusative sine se dative sieși își
ea f (stressed accusative form of ea )
( direct object, preceded by preposition, such as "pe", "cu", "la", or "pentru" ) her el (third-person masculine singular )ei (third-person masculine plural )ele (third-person feminine plural )ea
( Sutsilvan , Surmiran ) yes ( used to indicate agreement with a positive statement ) FromLatin ēia .
IPA (key ) : /ˈea/ [ˈe.a] Rhymes:-ea Syllabification:e‧a ¡ea!
come on !,come now !( expressing encouragement ) so ,and so ,now ( expressing resolution, preceding a willful resolution ) (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
( literary ) ever , at any time“ea ”, inWurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch),2011