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See also:Appendix:Variations of "eg"


WOTD – 2 September 2023



Theadverb is a terser form ofex. gr., bothabbreviatingLatinexemplī grātiā(for the sake of an example);[1]e.g. was also used as an abbreviation in Latin.[2]

Thenoun is derived from the adverb.






  1. Aninitialismused tointroduce anillustrativeexample orshortlist of examples:for the sake of anexample;for example.
    Continents (e.g., Asia) contain many large bodies of water (e.g., lakes and inland seas) and many large flowing streams of water (i.e., rivers).
    • 1682,Richard Baxter, “Mr.[Henry] Dodwell’sLeviathan, or Absolute Destructive Prelacy, []. Chapter III. The Consequence of Mr. Dodwell’s foresaid Doctrine.”, inAn Answer to Mr. Dodwell and Dr. Sherlocke; Confuting an Universal Humane Church— [], London: [] Thomas Parkhurst, [],→OCLC,§ 14,page23:
      For though all is not to be done that is to be believed, yet all muſt bebelieved to be lavvful and duty vvhich muſt be done as ſuch:e. g. VVe cannot love God, vvorſhip him, hear and read his VVord,&c. as by Divine obedience, unleſs vve believe it to be our duty by a Divine command.
    • 1889 July 18,The Nation; quoted in “Dr.[Joseph] Leidy’s Anatomy”, inWilliam Pepper [et al.], editors,The University Medical Magazine, volume II, number 1, Philadelphia, Pa.: A. L. Hummel, October 1889,→OCLC,page45:
      Stated in technical linguistic terms, in this treatise pœcilonymy is avoided;e. g., instead oftænia hippocampi in one place,corpus fimbriatum in another, andfimbria in a third, the last is consistently employed and the others given as synonyms.
    • 1922 February,James Joyce, “[Episode 17:Ithaca]”, inUlysses, Paris:Shakespeare and Company, [],→OCLC, part III [Nostos],page668:
      Might he become a gentleman farmer of field produce and live stock? Not impossibly, with 1 or 2 stripper cows, 1 pike of upland hay and requisite farming implements,e. g., an end-to-end churn, a turnip pulper etc.
    • 1963, V[asudeva] S[harana] Agrawala, “Social Life”, inIndia as Known to Pāṇini: A Study of the Cultural Material in the Ashṭādhyāyī, 2nd edition, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh: Prithvi Kumar, Prithivi Prakashan,→OCLC, section 3 (Marriage),page88:
      The social status of the husband devolved on his wife, as implied in Pāṇini’ssūtra (Puṁyogād ākhyāyām, IV. 1. 48),i. e. a designation derived from her husband;e. g. mahāmātrī (ministrix), wife of amahāmātra, a high government official, andgaṇakī, wife of agaṇaka (accountant).
    • 2000,Endymion Wilkinson, “Geography”, inChinese History: A New Manual (Harvard–Yenching Institute Monograph Series;52), revised edition, Cambridge, Mass., London:Harvard University Asia Center for theHarvard–Yenching Institute,→ISBN,page135:
      Cities were not infrequently named after the era name in which they were founded (e.g., Shaoxing紹興 in Zhejiang, after the Shaoxing era, 1131–62).

Usage notes

  • Unlikeetc.,e.g. is very seldom read as a full Latin phrase. Likei.e., it is typically read out as its English version (“for example”) or as its letters (“E-G”). It is also sometimes taught or glossed as “example given” for the benefit of English speakers.
  • E.g. and its examples are typically set off from the rest of the sentence by punctuation. In US English,e.g. is usually followed by a comma.[3] It is not followed by a comma in other English-speaking countries.
(UK)I like sweet foods, e.g.danishes.
(US)I like sweet foods (e.g.,marzipan) but brush regularly.
(US)I like sweet foods (e.g.marzipan) but brush regularly.
(rare, US)I like sweet foods — e.g.,red-beanzongzi — and so preferShanghainese cuisine to, e.g.,Cantonese.
  • The example(s) followinge.g. should be illustrative,not exhaustive.[4] An exhaustive list or rephrasing usesi.e. instead. The use ofetc. aftere.g. is typically redundant.
  • Rarely,exempli gratia is spelled in full.

Alternative forms



initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples




  1. (informal, nonstandard, proscribed) Anexample.
    Lemurs are ane.g. of a non-simian primate.


  1. ^John C[harles] Traupman (2007)The New College Latin and English Dictionary, 3rd edition, New York, N.Y.:Bantam Books,→ISBN.
  2. ^e.g.,adv.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press, January 2018.;e.g.,abbrev.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  3. ^Mignon Fogarty (2016 October 20) “Grammar Girl: I.e. Versus E.g.”, inQuick and Dirty Tips[1], archived fromthe original on2023-05-25.
  4. ^Ernest Gowers,Sidney Greenbaum, Janet Whitcut (2002)The Complete Plain Words, 2nd U.S. edition, Boston, Mass.:Godine,→ISBN.





Alternative forms




e.g. (byjustification)

  1. exemplī grātiā ("for the sake of anexample,for example")
    • 1732 (MDCCXXXII), Antonius Mayr,Theologia Scholastica, Ingolstadium, page 55, by justification:
      nam licèt e. g. fornicatio prohibita sit[] non tamen id semper fieri necesse est.e.g. aliquis corruptus pecuniâ[] & tamen obligationem e. g. restituendi damnum
      (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1821, Julius Müller,Ratio et historia odii quo foenus habitum est, pages 3 and 10, by justification:
      Interdum etiam utrumque vocabulum in usu loquendi inter se commutatur, e. g. Dig. XIII, C. 4. Liv. XXIII, 48.
      Recentiora denique iura, quibus foenus prohibitum est,e.g. ius Francogallorum,[]
      (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)
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