From theVulgar Latinde unde(“from where, whence”), fromLatindē +unde(“whence”).
- (archaic)whence; from where or which
- Synonym:onde
- Decameron I:3
né veggendodonde così prestamente come gli bisognavano avergli potesse- not seeingwhere he [Saladin] might fetch so much money so quickly as he needed it
FromVulgar Latindeunde, fromde +unde.
donde (Hebrew spellingדונדה)
- ofwhom, ofwhich,whose
- ofwhom, ofwhich,whose
- presentparticiple ofdōn
Contraction ofdeonde(“from where”).
- (adverb, obsolete)Synonym ofonde
Donde ele está?- Where is he?
- (adverb)whence; from where
- Synonym:(especially in Brazil)deonde
Ninguém viudonde ele chegou.- No one sawwhere he camefrom.
- (conjunction)whence
- Synonym:(especially in Brazil)daí
Ela perdeu inteiramente o juízo,donde as asneiras que tem feito.- She's completely lost her mind,whence the stupid things she's been doing.
See usage notes atonde. This contraction isn't frequently used in Brazil.
donde (Cyrillic spellingдонде)
- to that place
- Trčimo odandedonde. ―We run from that place to that place.
Fromde(“from”) + Old Spanishonde(“whence, from where”), fromLatinunde.
Replaced Old Spanisho(“where”), from Latinubi, although the latter survives, in a marginal way, in the formdo, which is also prefixed withde.
- (in indirect questions)where, inwhatplace
Deja los librosdonde quieras.- Leave the bookswhere you want.
- (Chile, colloquial)because
- (Latin America, colloquial)if
- by,near to
Estamosdonde la plaza mayor.- We'rearound by the main square.
- (colloquial)round(at the house of),chez
Cenamosdonde Daniel.- We're having dinner (round) at Daniel's place.
- Donde Maria(restaurant name) ―Chez Maria
- (relative)where, inwhatplace
El lugardonde estamos es secreto.- The placewhere we are is secret.
- “donde”, inDiccionario de la lengua española [Dictionary of the Spanish Language] (in Spanish), online version 23.8,Royal Spanish Academy [Spanish:Real Academia Española], 2024 December 10
- Joan Coromines,José A[ntonio] Pascual (1984) “donde”, inDiccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico [Critical Castilian and Hispanic Etymological Dictionary] (in Spanish), volume II (Ce–F), Madrid: Gredos,→ISBN, page516
- “donde”, inDiccionario de americanismos [Dictionary of Americanisms] (in Spanish),Association of Academies of the Spanish Language [Spanish:Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española],2010