FromMiddle French dividende , fromLatin dividendum ( “ thing to be divided ” ) , future passive participle ofdivido ( “ to divide ” ) , bysurface analysis ,divide +-end .
dividend (plural dividends )
( finance ) Acash payment ofmoney by acompany to itsshareholders , usually madeperiodically (e.g.,quarterly orannually ).1861 ,Laws of Pennsylvania of the Session of 1861 ,page511 :On alldividends which do not exceed six per centum per annum, eight per centum; ondividends exceeding six per centum and not exceeding seven per centum, a tax of nine per centum...
( arithmetic ) A number orexpression that is to be divided by another.In "42 ÷ 3" thedividend is the 42.
( figuratively ) Beneficial results from ametaphorical investment (oftime ,effort , etc.)His 10,000 hours of practice and recitals eventually paiddividends when he become first-chair violinist.
2012 , Cameron Haley,Retribution [1] :That blood and pain paid adividend , too, even when the subject wasn't a sorcerer.
2014 , Bobby Adair,Slow Burn: Dead Fire, Book 4: [2] :The money I'd spent on getting scuba certified was about to pay a dividend. My half-baked escape plan came together.
2016 , Christina Stead,The Beauties and Furies [3] , page163 :'Why not: you, Elvira, will shortly pay adividend , that is, have a child.'
arithmetic: a number or expression
finance: a payment of money by a company to its shareholders
Arabic:حِصَّة f ( ḥiṣṣa ) Armenian:շահաբաժին (hy) ( šahabažin ) ,դիվիդենտ (hy) ( divident ) Azerbaijani:dividend Basque:dibidendu Belarusian:дывідэ́нд m ( dyvidénd ) Bulgarian:дивиде́нт (bg) m ( dividént ) Catalan:dividend m Chinese:Mandarin:股息 (zh) ( gǔxī ) ,紅利 / 红利 (zh) ( hónglì ) Czech:dividenda (cs) f , podíl na zisku, poměrný díl ze zisku Danish:udbytte n Dutch:dividend (nl) n Esperanto:dividendo (eo) Estonian:dividend (et) Finnish:osinko (fi) ,( in bankruptcies ) jako-osuus French:dividende (fr) m Georgian:დივიდენდი ( dividendi ) German:Dividende (de) f Greek:μέρισμα (el) n ( mérisma ) Hebrew:דִּיבִידֶנְד (he) m ( dividend ) Hindi:लाभांश m ( lābhāñś ) Hungarian:osztalék (hu) Icelandic:arður (is) m Indonesian:dividen (id) Italian:dividendo (it) m Japanese:配当 (ja) ( はいとう, haitō ) ,配当金 (ja) ( はいとうきん, haitōkin ) Kazakh:дивиденд ( dividend ) Korean:배당금(配當金) (ko) ( baedanggeum ) ,배당(配當) (ko) ( baedang ) Kyrgyz:дивиденд ( dividend ) Latvian:dividende f Lithuanian:dividendas m Macedonian:дивиде́нда f ( dividénda ) Malay:dividen Norwegian:Bokmål:utbytte (no) n Nynorsk:utbytte n ,utbyte n Persian:سود سهام ( sud-e sahâm ) Polish:dywidenda (pl) f Portuguese:dividendo (pt) m Romanian:dividend (ro) n Russian:дивиде́нд (ru) m ( dividénd ) Serbo-Croatian:Roman:dividenda (sh) f Slovak:dividenda (sk) f Slovene:dividenda f Spanish:dividendo (es) m Swahili:gawio (sw) Swedish:utdelning (sv) c ,( in Finland ) dividend (sv) c ,återbäring (sv) c Tajik:ҳаққи саҳм ( haqq-i sahm ) ,дивиденд ( dividend ) Tatar:дивиденд ( diwidend ) Thai:เงินปันผล ( ngən-bpan-pǒn ) Turkish:kâr payı (tr) Ukrainian:дивіде́нд m ( dyvidénd ) Uzbek:dividend (uz) Vietnamese:cổ tức (vi) Yiddish:דיווידענד m ( dividend )
beneficial results from a metaphorical investment (of time, effort, etc.)
dividend (third-person singular simple present dividends ,present participle dividending ,simple past and past participle dividended )
( transitive ) Topay out a dividend.1997 ,Shareholder Rights, Oppression and Good Faith , page40 :He held instead that the words "sell or otherwise dispose of" in Clause 2 of the Shareholders' Agreement prevented thedividending of the shares in Hawker Holdings to the shareholders of Hawker Siddeley[ …]
2007 , Kevin K. Boeh, Paul W. Beamish,Mergers and Acquisitions: Text and Cases , page324 :Therefore, $125 million of 1983 Preferred Shares (Blue Jay) would be tendered for retirement with $135 million of the $370 milliondividended up to Blue Jay.
Other terms used inarithmetic operation s:
Advancedhyperoperation s:tetration ,pentation ,hexation
dividend m (plural dividends )
( arithmetic ) dividend ( finance ) dividend Borrowed fromFrench dividende .
dividend n (plural dividende )
dividend dividend c
( arithmetic ) dividend ( finance , Finland ) dividend