FromLatindissociō(“dissociate”) +-ate(verb-forming suffix), fromdis-(“apart”) +sociō(“join”), fromsocius(“related, leagued”).
- (UK)IPA(key): /dɪˈsəʊ.ʃi.eɪt/,/dɪˈsəʊ.si.eɪt/
- (US)IPA(key): /dɪˈsoʊ.ʃi.eɪt/,/dɪˈsoʊ.si.eɪt/
dissociate (third-person singular simple presentdissociates,present participledissociating,simple past and past participledissociated)
- (transitive) To makeunrelated; tosever aconnection; toseparate.
A number of group members wish todissociate themselves from the majority.
- (intransitive) Topart; tostopassociating.
After the big fight, the gang totallydissociated from each other.
- (chemistry, transitive) To separatecompounds into simplercomponent parts, usually by applyingheat or throughelectrolysis.
Wedissociated the lead iodide into its elements by heating
- (chemistry, intransitive) To undergodissociation.
- (Can we add anexample for this sense?)
- (psychology, intransitive) To undergodissociation.
Gerald checked himself into the hospital because he wasdissociating.
(transitive) to make unrelated
(intransitive) to part, stop associating
chemistry: to separate compounds into simpler parts
chemistry: to undergo dissociation
- feminineplural ofdissociato
dissociate f pl
- feminineplural ofdissociato
dissociate f
- plural ofdissociata
- inflection ofdissociare:
- second-personpluralpresentindicative
- second-personpluralimperative