"What did shedie of, Work'us?" said Noah. "Of a broken heart, some of our old nurses told me," replied Oliver[…].
2000, Stephen King,On Writing, Pocket Books, published2002, page85:
In 1971 or 72, Mom's sister Carolyn Weimerdied of breast cancer.
followed byfrom as an indication of direct cause; general use, though somewhat more common in the context ofmedicine or the sciences:
Hedied from heart failure.
1865 March 4,British Medical Journal, page213:
She lived several weeks; but afterwards shedied from epilepsy, to which malady she had been previously subject.
2007, Frank Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson,Sandworms of Dune, Tor, published2007, page191:
"Or all of them willdie from the plague. Even if most of the candidates succumb[…]"
followed byfor; often expressing wider contextual motivations, though sometimes indicating direct causes:
Hedied for the one he loved.
1961, Joseph Heller,Catch-22, Simon & Schuster, published1999, page232:
Englishmen aredying for England, Americans aredying for America, Germans aredying for Germany, Russians aredying for Russia. There are now fifty or sixty countries fighting in this war.
2003, Tara Herivel, Paul Wright, editors,Prison Nation, Routledge, page187:
Less than three days later, Johnson lapsed into a coma in his jail cell anddied for lack of insulin.
(now rare)followed bywith as an indication of direct cause:
Therefore let Benedicke like covered fire, / Consume away in sighes, waste inwardly: / It were a better death, todie with mockes, / Which is as bad asdie with tickling.
1830, Joseph Smith,The Book of Mormon, Richards, published1854, page337:
And there were some whodied with fevers, which at some seasons of the year was very frequent in the land.
2014, S. J. Groves,The Darker Side to Dr Carter, page437:
Dr Thomas concluded she haddied to a blow to the head, which led to a bleed on the brain, probably a fall and had hit her head hard on the wooden bedpost, as there was blood on the bedpost.
(still current)followed bywith as an indication of manner:
2019, Lou Marinoff,On Human Conflict: The Philosophical Foundations of War and Peace, Rowman & Littlefield,→ISBN, page452:
[…] he chose instead to suffer even greater personal pain, with unimaginable fortitude and resolve, albeit for a shorter time. Thus hedied a small death, in order to benefit the living. Similarly, a small and voluntary death wasdied by Socrates.
(video games,slang) Tolose or be eliminated from a game, particularly with a deathlike animation.
1995, “Slobzone”, inComing Soon! magazine[1] (video game review):
Of course, Nazis are not present in this game. Instead, we have animals that will try to cover you with dirt. As soon as you get too dirty, you willdie.
2009, Brian Sulpher, 9:15–9:30 from the start, inOnto Doom And Gloom[2] (video game playthrough), via youtube:
Oh look, I justdied.[…]I missed that jump again! That was dumb! Hey, I justdied on the same freakin' Zinger.
Yes, and his ill conditions; and in despite of all,dies for him.
2004, Paul Joseph Draus,Consumed in the city: observing tuberculosis at century's end, page168:
I could see that he was dying,dying for a cigarette,dying for a fix maybe,dying for a little bit of freedom, but trapped in a hospital bed and a sick body.
"My dad[…] beat us until we couldn't sit down."[…] "What about your mother?"[…] "She's alive.[…] My aunt visits her once a year, but I don't ask about my mother. Shedied to me the day she chose my father over protecting us." Luke's voice hitched with emotion.
2017, Mike Hoornstra,Descent into the Maelstrom, page366:
"You haven't been my son since you were ten years old. That boydied to me the day he ran away. I don't know you. You are merely a shell that resembles someone I used to know, but you are dead to me. You are the bringer of pain and death. Leave me be. Leave me with my son, Jyosh." "Mother..." Barlun pleaded.
Through all the Worlds are sounds, the noises of moving, and the echoes of voices and song; but upon the River is no sound ever heard, for there all echoesdie.
But it came to passe in the morning, when the wine was gone out of Nabal, and his wife had told him these things, that his heartdied within him, and he became as a stone.
2002, John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson,Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Elsevier,→ISBN,page19:
The number ofdies per wafer is basically the area of the wafer divided by the area of thedie.
2009, Paul R. Gray,Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons,→ISBN,page159:
Once the wafer has undergone the wafer-probe test, it is separated into individualdice by sawing or scribing and breaking. Thedice are visually inspected, sorted, and readied for assembly into packages.
Any small cubical or square body.
1741,I[saac] Watts,The Improvement of the Mind: Or, A Supplement to the Art of Logick:[…], London:[…] James Brackstone,[…],→OCLC:
Some young creatures have learnt their letters and syllables, and the pronouncing and spelling of words, by having them pasted or written upon many little flat tablets ordies.
If aDye were mark’d with one Figure or Number of Spots on four Sides, and with another Figure or Number of Spots on the two remaining Sides, ’twould be more probable, that the former ſhould turn up than the latter;
2000, Richard Shoup, edited by Barry Lenson,Take Control Of Your Life: How to Control Fate, Luck, Chaos, Karma, and Life’s Other Unruly Forces,McGraw-Hill,→ISBN, page42:
When you roll twodies—or three, or four—the odds of obtaining a specific number becomes complex in a logarithmic progression.
2012, Rinaldo B. Schinazi, “Probability Space”, inProbability with Statistical Applications, 2nd edition,Birkhäuser,→ISBN, “Independent Events”, “Exercises”, page16:
We roll twodies repeatedly until we get the first double.
The game of dice is singular. Thus in "Dice is a game played with dice," the first occurrence is singular, the second occurrence is plural. See alsothe usage notes under "dice".
1739, John Cay,An abridgment of the publick statutes in force and use from Magna Charta, in the ninth year of King Henry III, to the eleventh year of his present Majesty King George II, inclusive,Drapery, XXVII. Sect. 16:
Also no dyer shalldie any cloth, except hedie the cloth and the list with one colour, without tacking any bulrushes or such like thing upon the lists, upon pain to forfeit 40s. for every cloth. And no person shall put to sale any cloth deceitfully dyed,
1813, James Haigh,The Dier's Assistant in the Art of Dying Wool and Woollen Goods:
Todie wool with madder, prepare a fresh liquor, and when the water is come to a heat to bear the hand, put in half a pound of the finest grape madder for each pound of wool;
1827, John Shepard,The artist & tradesman's guide: embracing some leading facts:
Todie Wool and Woollen Cloths of a Blue Colour. One part of indigo, in four parts concentrated sulphuric acid, dissolved; then add one part of dry carbonate of potash, [...]
FromDutchdie, which is used only as a demonstrative in Dutch. The replacement of the articlede with strongerdie is also common inSurinamese Dutch and among non-native speakers of Dutch.
Ik weet niet welke ik moet kiezen. Deze is mooier, maardie is goedkoper. ―I don't know which one I should choose. This one is prettier, butthat one is cheaper.
A preceding comma may alter the meaning of a clause starting with a relative pronoun. Compare the following sentences:
Alle arbeidersdie staken zullen op sancties moeten rekenen.
All workerswho are on strike should expect sanctions.
Alle arbeiders,die staken, zullen op sancties moeten rekenen.
All workers,who are on strike, should expect sanctions.
In the first sentence, only the workers on strike are advised to expect sanctions. In the second sentence, the parenthetical phrase indicates that all the workers are on strike, and should all expect sanctions.
FromMiddle High Germandie(acc. f. sg. & nom./acc. m./f. pl.), originally distinguished fromdiu(nom. f. sg. & nom./acc. n. pl.). This distinction was lost early on inCentral German, by the end of the Middle High German period also inUpper German. Ultimately from inflections ofProto-Germanic*sa, which see.
Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.
Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor,A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, published1867,page35