FromOld Frenchdeliverance (Frenchdélivrance), equivalent todeliver +-ance.
deliverance (countable anduncountable,pluraldeliverances)
- The act ofsetting free orextricating fromdanger,imprisonment,bondage,evil, etc.
2012 January, Philip E. Mirowski, “Harms to Health from the Pursuit of Profits”, inAmerican Scientist[1], volume100, number 1, page87:In an era when political leaders promisedeliverance from decline through America’s purported preeminence in scientific research, the news that science is in deep trouble in the United States has been as unwelcome as a diagnosis of leukemia following the loss of health insurance.
- The act ofdelivering orconveying something.
1994 November 2,The Canberra Times, page 2, column 6:"We're right on schedule as far as thedeliverance of those bins is concerned and everybody will have both of their bins ready to start both collections in early December," he said.
1995 March 22,The Canberra Times, page14, column 7:Voluntary contributions are no longer supplementary to thedeliverance of basic education requirements in many primary schools - they are essential, according to a recent survey by the ACT Councils of Parents and Citizens Associations Inc.
- Delivery inchildbirth.
- (act of delivering, something delivered):delivery
Act of delivering, the state of being delivered, or something delivered
Extrication from danger, imprisonment, etc.
Translations to be checked