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Alternative forms




FromMiddle Englishderknesse, fromOld Englishdeorcnes; equivalent todark +‎-ness.






darkness (countable anduncountable,pluraldarknesses)

  1. (uncountable) The state of beingdark; lack oflight; theabsolute orcomparativeabsence of light.
    Thedarkness of the room made it difficult to see.
    • 1912,Willa Cather,The Bohemian Girl:
      Over everything wasdarkness and thicksilence, and the smell of dust andsunflowers.
    • 1914 November,Louis Joseph Vance, “An Outsider []”, inMunsey’s Magazine, volume LIII, number II, New York, N.Y.:The Frank A[ndrew] Munsey Company, [], published1915,→OCLC, chapter III (Accessory After the Fact),page382, column 1:
      Turning back, then, toward the basement staircase, she began to grope her way through blindingdarkness, but had taken only a few uncertain steps when, of a sudden, she stopped short and for a little stood like a stricken thing, quite motionless save that she quaked to her very marrow in the grasp of a great and enervating fear.
    • 1989, “One”, performed byMetallica:
      Darkness imprisoning me
      All that I see
      Absolute horror
      I cannot live
      I cannot die
      Trapped in myself
      Body my holding cell
  2. (uncountable) The state or quality ofreflecting little light, of tending to ablackish orbrownish color.
    Thedarkness of her skin betrayed her Mediterranean heritage.
  3. (uncountable, countable) Any space that such colour pervades.
    Out of thedarkness came some flickers of light.
  4. (uncountable)Gloom;gloominess;depression.
  5. (countable) The product of beingdark.
  6. (uncountable) Lack ofunderstanding orcompassion;spiritual ormentalblindness.
    • 1984, 41:18 from the start, inDune[1] (Science Fiction), spoken by Reverend Mother Ramallo,→OCLC:
      And now, the prophecy. One will come, the voice from the outer world, bringing the holy war, the jihad, which will cleanse the universe and bring us out ofdarkness.
  7. (uncountable) Secrecy; concealment.
  8. (uncountable) Lack of knowledge; obscurity or meaning or intelligibility; the unknown.
  9. (uncountable)Nothingness,vanity,emptiness.
  10. (uncountable)Hell.
    • 2008,BioWare,Mass Effect (Science Fiction), Redwood City: Electronic Arts,→ISBN,→OCLC, PC, scene: Eden Prime:
      Shepard: Can you tell me anything about the beacon?
      Dr. Warren: It's some type of data module from a galaxy-wide communications network. Remarkably well-preserved. It could be the greatest scientific discovery of our lifetime!
      Dr. Warren: Miraculous new technologies. Groundbreaking medical advances. Who knows what secrets are locked inside?
      Dr. Manuel: We have unearthed the heart of evil. Awakened the beast. Unleashed thedarkness.







Derived terms



state of being dark
the product of being dark
state of reflecting little light; tending to blackish or brownish
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