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Alternative forms




FromMiddle Englishconneccioun,connexioun,conneccyon,conneccion, fromLatinconnexionem (nominativeconnexio(aconclusion,bindingtogether)), fromconnectō, an alternative spelling ofcōnectō(Ibindtogether), from compound ofco-(together) andnectō(Ibind).

InAmerican English mid-18c., spelling shifted fromconnexion toconnection (equivalent toconnect +‎-ion), thus makingconnexion British dated andconnection in international use.





connection (countable anduncountable,pluralconnections)

  1. (uncountable) The act ofconnecting.
  2. The point at which two or more things are connected.
    theconnection between overeating and obesity
    My headache has noconnection with me going out last night.
    • 2004 April 15, “Morning swoop in hunt for Jodi's killer”, inThe Scotsman[1]:
      A spokesman for Lothian and Borders Police said: "We can confirm that a 15-year-old boy has been arrested and charged in connection with the murder of Jodi Jones. A 45-year-old has also been arrested inconnection with allegations of attempting to pervert the course of justice. A report on this has been sent to the procurator fiscal."
  3. A feeling ofunderstanding andease ofcommunication between two or more people.
    As we were the only people in the room to laugh at the joke, I felt aconnection between us.
  4. Anestablishedcommunications ortransportation link.
    computers linked by a networkconnection
    I was talking to him, but there was lightning and we lost theconnection.
    The Route 4 bus will arrive on 5th St. at Robinson Ave at 3:30. The northbound number 14 is scheduled to arrive on Robinson at 3:31. That means you have to run across the street once you arrive, it's a spotconnection.
  5. (transport) Atransfer from one transportation vehicle to another in scheduled transportation service.
    The bus was late so he missed hisconnection at Penn Station and had to wait six hours for the next train.
    • 2022 January 12, Paul Bigland, “Fab Four: the nation's finest stations: Eastbourne”, inRAIL, number948, page26:
      It is kept super-clean by helpful staff who still find the time to help customers with tightconnections.
  6. Akinshiprelationship between people.
  7. A person related to oneself, through eitherfamily orbusiness.
    I have someconnections in Lancashire.
  8. (mathematics) Aset of sets that contains theempty set, all one-element sets for any element that is included in any of the sets, and theunion of any group of sets that are elements where the intersections of those sets is non-empty.
  9. Coherence; lack ofdisjointedness.
  10. (religion) AMethodist denomination as a whole, as opposed to itsconstituentchurches,circuits,districts andconferences.
  11. Sexual intercourse.
    • 1927, Havelock Ellis,Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 (of 6)[2]:
      The exact nature of the relations between the boy-wife and his protector are doubtful; they certainly haveconnection, but the natives repudiate with horror and disgust the idea of sodomy.
    • 1941,George Ryley Scott,Phallic Worship: A History of Sex and Sex Rites in Relation to the Religions of All Races from Antiquity to the Present Day, London: T. Werner Laurie, page29:
      At the town of Mendes, in the principal temple, there was a living male goat, with which, if the statement of Herodotus is to be accepted, naked female worshippers actually had carnal intercourse. Male worshippers similarly hadconnexion with she-goats.
  12. (slang) Adrug dealer.
    • 1957,Jack Kerouac,On the Road, Viking Press,→OCLC:
      Now the final study was the drug habit. He was now in New Orleans, slipping along the streets with shady characters and hauntingconnection bars.

Derived terms


Related terms



act of connecting
point at which two or more things are joined
feeling of understanding and ease of communication between two or more people
established communications or transportation link
transport: transfer
kinship relationship
individual related to oneself, through either family or business
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