FromFrenchconfinement. Bysurface analysis,confine +-ment.
confinement (countable anduncountable,pluralconfinements)
- The act ofconfining or the state of beingconfined.
- (dated)Lying-in,time ofgiving birth.
- Synonyms:labour,birthing
1887,The Popular Science Monthly, volume31, page629:Inconfinement ladies are attended, not by the ordinary doctors, but by women especially devoted to the calling, who regard their profession as honorable and humanitary.
1913,D. H. Lawrence, chapter1, inSons and Lovers:At the wakes time Morel was working badly, and Mrs. Morel was trying to save against herconfinement.
- lockdown
Fromconfiner(“to confine”) +-ment.
confinement m (pluralconfinements)
- confinement
- the act ofquarantining, of putting into quarantine
- Synonym:miseenquarantaine
- quarantine
- lockdown
- être en confinement ―to be in lockdown, under lockdown
- containment
- enceinte de confinement ―containment building