Nothing was too small to receive attention, if a supervising eye could suggest improvements likely to conduce to thecommon welfare. Mr. Gordon Burnage, for instance, personally visited dust-bins and back premises, accompanied by a sort of village bailiff, going his round like a commanding officer doing billets.
Bats host many high-profile viruses that can infect humans, including severe acute respiratory syndrome and Ebola. A recent study explored the ecological variables that may contribute to bats’ propensity to harbor such zoonotic diseases by comparing them with another order ofcommon reservoir hosts: rodents.
"Commoner" used to becommoner, but "morecommon" is now morecommon.
Sharks arecommon in these waters.
It differs from thecommon blackbird in the size of its beak.
2012 March, Lee A. Groat, “Gemstones”, inAmerican Scientist[1], volume100, number 2, archived fromthe original on14 June 2012, page128:
Although there are dozens of different types of gems, among the best known and most important are […] . (Common gem materials not addressed in this article include amber, amethyst, chalcedony, garnet, lazurite, malachite, opals, peridot, rhodonite, spinel, tourmaline, turquoise and zircon.)
2019 February 3, “UN Study: China, US, Japan Lead World AI Development”, inVoice of America[2], archived fromthe original on7 February 2019:
Machine learning was the mostcommon method of AI listed in patent requests.
In our daily-diary studies, one source of awe was by far the mostcommon: other people. Regular acts of courage—bystanders defusing fights, subordinates standing up to abusive power holders—inspired awe.
Mr. Crackit (for he it was) had no very great quantity of hair, either upon his head or face, but what he had was of a reddish dye, and tortured into long corkscrew curls, through which he occasionally thrust some very dirty fingers ornamented with largecommon rings.
Merchants,common sailors, captains of vessels, skippers, […] naval officers of all countries, and the Governments of several states on the two continents, were deeply interested in the matter.
If it be asked wherein the utility of some modern extensions of mathematics lies, it must be acknowledged that it is at present difficult to see how they are ever to become applicable to questions ofcommon life or physical science.
She was frankly disappointed. For some reason she had expected to discover a burglar of one or another accepted type—either a dashing cracksman in full-blown evening dress, lithe, polished, pantherish, or acommon yegg, a red-eyed, unshaven, burly brute in the rags and tatters of a tramp.
(taxonomy) As part of thevernacular name of a species, usually denoting that it is abundant or widely known.
As to eleemoſynary corporations, by thedotation the founder and his heirs are ofcommon right the legal viſitors, to ſee that that property is rightly employed, which would otherwiſe have deſcended to the viſitor himſelf:[…]
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
The hovel stood in the centre of what had once been a vegetable garden, but was now a patch of rank weeds. Surrounding this, almost like a zareba, was an irregular ring of gorse and brambles, an unclaimed vestige of the originalcommon.
1980,AA Book of British Villages, Drive Publications Ltd, pages264-265:
Throughout the land there is a great variation in the shape and size of village greens, from the many of pocket-handkerchief size to a roadsidecommon of 20 acres or more - as at Lindfield in West Sussex.
(law) Theright of taking aprofit in theland of another, in common either with the owner or with other persons; so called from the community of interest which arises between the claimant of the right and the owner of the soil, or between the claimants and other commoners entitled to the same right.
Then entred Satan into Judas, whose syr name was iscariot (which was of the nombre off the twelve) and he went his waye, andcommened with the hye prestes and officers, how he wolde betraye hym vnto them.