If we take in hand any Volume; of Divinity or School Metaphyſics, for Inſtance; let us aſk,Does it contain any abſtract Reaſonings concerning Quantity or Number? No.Does it contain any experimental Reaſonings concerning Matters of Fact or Exiſtence? No.Commit it then to the Flames: For it can contain nothing but Sophiſtry and Illuſion.
Any sudden assent to the proposal[…]might possibly be considered ascommitting the faith of the United States.
2005 July 31, Teri Karush Rogers, quoting Julie Friedman, “Fear of Committing?”, inThe New York Times[1],→ISSN:
[…] the perennial bachelor and “the single woman who has never married, who is afraid tocommit to an apartment, because she's afraid if she somehowcommits to a studio or one-bedroom then she's never going to get married,” said Julie Friedman, a senior associate broker at Bellmarc Realty.
When all SQL statements in the transaction are executed successfully, the transaction iscommitted and all the work that the SQL statements performed is made a permanent part of the database.
2014, Wlodzimierz Gajda,Git Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Apress,→ISBN,page86:
We cancommit all unstaged files with one command:[…]
For, in theſe ſtrifes, and on ſuch perſons, were as wretched to affect a victorie, as it is vnhappy to becommitted with them.
1677, Richard Gilpin, “part II, chapter VII”, inDæmonologia Sacra[2], London:J. D., page313:
[…]and from hence ( as when Fire and Water arecommitted together ) ariſeth a most troubleſome conflict.
1877 [1804 March 4], Lord Castlereagh, quotee, “part II, chapter VII”, in Sidney James Owen, editor,Selection from the Despatches, Treaties, and Other Papers of the Marquess Wellesley[…][3], Oxford: Clarendon Press, page263:
[…]whilst itcommits us in hostility with the three greatest military powers of the empire.
Harry whoſe tuneful and well meaſur'd Song / Firſt taught our Engliſh Muſick how to ſpan / Words with juſt note and accent, not to ſcan / WithMidas Ears,committing ſhort and long;
As a vaſt Herd of Cows in a rich Farmer's Yard, if, while they are milked, they hear their Calves at a Diſtance, lamenting the Robbery which is thencommitting, roar and bellow: So roared forth theSomerſetſhire Mob an Hallaloo, made up of almoſt as many Squawls, Screams, and other different Sounds, as there were Perſons, or indeed Paſſions, among them:[…]
(informal,sports, chiefly US) A person, especially ahigh schoolathlete, who agrees verbally or signs a letter committing to attend a college or university.
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