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WOTD – 9 September 2016
EnglishWikipedia has an article on:
Cleavage between breasts
Cleavage planes in acalcite crystal



Fromcleave +‎-age.





cleavage (countable anduncountable,pluralcleavages)

  1. The act ofcleaving or the state of beingcleft.[from 19th c.]
    • 1905,Charles Kenneth Leith, “The Observed Relation of Secondary Rock Cleavage to the Parallel Arrangement of Mineral Particles”, inRock Cleavage (United States Geological Survey Bulletin;no. 239), Washington, D.C.:Government Printing Office,→OCLC,page51:
      Mineralcleavage is a property of cohesion. Thecleavage of the particles themselves and its attitude with reference to the plane of the greatest and mean dimensional axes help to determine the perfection of rockcleavage. The more nearly parallel to the greater dimensions of the particle, and the better the mineralcleavage, the better the rockcleavage produced.
    • 1985 August 24, Robert Butler, “Sex More Punished Than Murder”, inGay Community News, volume13, number 7, page 5:
      [] the forces — the internalcleavages over class differences, the desire for "the good life," the white racist flight from thedie schwartze — which shattered Jewish working-class community in the generation before mine.
    • 1990,N[eville] J. Price, J[ohn] W. Cosgrove, “Rock Cleavage and Other Tectonic Fabrics”, inAnalysis of Geological Structures, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,→ISBN, page434:
      It will become apparent from the following discussion that some of the various structures which are grouped together ascleavage may correspond to a schistosity and/or foliation. Accordingly, Wilson definesrockcleavage (and schistosity) as a planar structure, usually distinct from stratification, which permits rocks to be fractured or cleaved into thin slices. Dennis (1977) definescleavage as a set of closely spaced secondary, planar, parallel fabric elements that impart mechanical anisotropy to a rock without apparent loss of cohesion. This latter definition appears more precise; however, as we shall see, it presents many difficulties in dealing with those forms ofcleavage which are mainly defined by foliation or by fractures.
  2. Thehollow orseparation between awoman'sbreasts, especially asrevealed by a lowneckline.[from 20th c.]
    Synonym:intermammary sulcus(anatomy)
    Coordinate terms:reverse cleavage,underboob;nip slip
    • 1946 August 5, “Cinema: Cleavage and the Code”, inTime:
      Low-cut Restoration costumes worn by the Misses Lockwood and Roc (see cut) display too much "cleavage" (Johnston Office trade term for the shadowed depression dividing an actress' bosom into two distinct sections).
    • 2003, Chess Denman,Sexuality: A Biopsychosocial Approach, Basingstoke, Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,→ISBN:
      Wendy thought that her therapist was looking down hercleavage and said so. The therapist was mortified and chiefly felt guilty, unsure whether she had been looking down her patient'scleavage or not. On a reflex she assured Wendy that she was not looking down hercleavage and the matter appeared to rest.
    • 2015,Viet Thanh Nguyen,The Sympathizer, New York, N.Y.:Grove Press,→ISBN:
      All this time I kept my gaze fixed on hers, an enormously difficult task given the gravitational pull exerted by hercleavage. While I was critical of many things when it came to so-called Western civilization,cleavage was not one of them.
  3. (by extension) Any similar separation between two body parts, such as thebuttocks ortoes.
    • 2003,Helen Fielding,Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination, London:Picador,→ISBN, page95:
      Half an hour later, she was staring at a large bottom-cleavage, which was protruding from under the bed. / 'Ohhh Kayyy. Here we go. This is basically your problem.' / Olivia took a few steps back as the bottom-cleavage started wriggling out towards her. Connor the counter-surveillance expert pulled himself awkwardly to his knees,[]
    • 2014, Bridgett M. Davis,Into the Go-Slow, New York, N.Y.:The Feminist Press at theCity University of New York,→ISBN:
      Brenda lifted the top off a shoebox and dug beneath the tissue paper, unearthing a two-toned, turquoise-and-cream, high-heeled pump. "This is one of my favorites," she said, balancing it in the palm of her hand. "I love shoes that show toecleavage." / "Toecleavage?" / Brenda kicked off a leather sandal, slipped her foot into the pump, and pointed to the baseline of her toes peeking through. "That's toecleavage!"
  4. (biology) The repeateddivision of acell into daughter cells aftermitosis.[from 19th c.]
    • 2008 spring, Dierdre Colleen Lyons, “Mechanisms Controlling the Asymmetric Second Cleavage”, inMechanisms Controlling the Asymmetric Second Cleavage in the Helobdella Embryo (unpublished Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology dissertation), Berkeley, Calif.:University of California, Berkeley,→OCLC, page16:
      [C]itellate annelids (leeches + oligochaetes) provide solid ground for comparative analyses, because they form a monophyletic group within the paraphyletic polychaetes [].[] The unequalcleavage of the zygote followed by the unequalcleavage of the CD cell is critical for D-quadrant specification since the cytoplasmic determinants present in teloplasm are segregated to the larger CD cell at first asymmetriccleavage and then to the larger D cell at the second asymmetriccleavage [].
  5. (chemistry) Thesplitting of a largemolecule into smaller ones.
    • 2006, E. K. Marasco, K. Vay, C. Schmidt-Dannert, “Identification of Carotenoid Cleavage Oxygenases fromNostoc sp. PCC7120 with Different Cleavage Activities”, inJournal of Biological Chemistry, volume42, abstract, page281:
      Carotenoidcleavage oxygenases (CCOs) are a class of enzymes that oxidatively cleave carotenoids into apocarotenoids. Carotenoidcleavage oxygenases have been identified in plants and animals and produce a wide range ofcleavage products.[] Two of the three enzymes showedcleavage of β, β-carotene at the 9,10 and 15,15' position, respectively.
  6. (mineralogy) Thetendency of acrystal tosplit along specificplanes;schistosity.[from 19th c.]
    • 1982, Alan Holden, Phylis Morrison, “Cleaving and Gliding Crystals”, inCrystals and Crystal Growing, Cambridge, Mass., London:MIT Press,→ISBN, page202:
      Notice thatcleavage has nothing to do with imperfections in the crystal. Indeed, if you try cleaving an imperfect crystal, you may find that it cannot be cleaved as well as a perfect one. Thecleavage is the result of the orderliness of the atomic arrangement. No wonder imperfections, which disturb the orderliness, disturb thecleavage as well. You will also note that thecleavage directions are obedient to the symmetry of the crystal.
  7. (politics) Thedivision ofvoters into votingblocs.
    • 2011, Scot Schraufnagel, “Voting bloc”, inHistorical Dictionary of the U.S. Congress, Lanham, Md.:Scarecrow Press,→ISBN, page235:
      A voting bloc in Congress can represent a long-standing alliance or can be created anew as a result of the increased saliency of a particular issue, such as war or a severe economic downturn. A division between voting blocs is called acleavage and because voting blocs are impermanent, dominantcleavages are always changing.

Derived terms


Related terms



the act of cleaving or the state of being cleft
separation between breasts
biology: cell division
chemistry: splitting of a large molecule
mineralogy: tendency of a crystal to split

See also

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