FromMiddle English cyvyl ,civil , borrowed fromOld French civil , fromLatin cīvīlis ( “ relating to a citizen ” ) , fromcīvis ( “ citizen ” ) . Cognate withOld English hīwen ( “ household ” ) ,hīrǣden ( “ family ” ) . More athind ;hird .
civil (comparative morecivil or civiler ,superlative mostcivil or civilest )
( not comparable ) Having to do with people andgovernment office as opposed to the military or religion.She went intocivil service because she wanted to help the people.
( comparable ) Behaving in areasonable orpolite manner; avoiding displays ofhostility .Antonyms: anti-civil ,impolite ,inconsiderate ,noncivil ,rude It was verycivil of him to stop the argument.
They despise each other, but they are alwayscivil in public.
( archaic ) In apeaceful andwell-ordered state .1593 , anonymous author,The Life and Death of Iacke Straw [ … ] ,Act I :Herein thou haſt done good ſeruice to thy country: VVere all inhumaine ſlaues ſo ſerued as he, England would beciuill , and from all ſuch dealings free.
( law ) Relating to private relations among citizens, as opposed tocriminal matters.acivil case
Secular .1680 ,A Practical Discourse of Regeneration :As if our Saviour had said, No man can enter into heaven except he be born again; so as he speaketh not only of notorious Sinners, as Adulterers, Drunkards, Swearers, & c. but of all who are in their natural condition, tho' they live never so unblameably, free from scandalous sins, if they be not born again, theircivil Righteousness will do them little good, for they shall never see the Kingdom of God.
2008 , Jerald Finney,God Betrayed ,→ISBN , page174 :The word from which "evil" in Romans 13.4 is translated means "generally opposed tocivil goodness or virtue, in a commonwealth, and not to spiritual good, or religion, in the church.
2013 , John Calvin,Calvin's Complete Commentary, Volume 7: Acts to Ephesians :Some grammarians explain this passage as referring to acivil sanctity, in respect of the children being reckoned legitimate, but in this respect the condition of unbelievers is in no degree worse.
related to people and government office as opposed to military or religion
Arabic:مَدَنِيّ ( madaniyy ) ,أَهْلِيّ ( ʔahliyy ) Asturian:civil Azerbaijani:mülki (az) Basque:zibil Belarusian:грамадзя́нскі ( hramadzjánski ) ,цыві́льны ( cyvílʹny ) ,грама́дзкi ( hramádzki ) Breton:keodedel Bulgarian:гра́ждански (bg) ( gráždanski ) ,циви́лен (bg) ( civílen ) Catalan:civil (ca) Chinese:Mandarin:民事的 (zh) ( mínshì de ) Czech:civilní (cs) Danish:civil (da) Dutch:burgerlijk (nl) ,civiel (nl) Esperanto:civila Finnish:kansalais - ,siviili - French:civil (fr) Galician:civil (gl) German:zivil (de) ,bürgerlich (de) Hebrew:אֶזְרָחִי (he) m ( ezrakhí ) Hindi:सिविल (hi) ( sivil ) ,नागरिक (hi) ( nāgrik ) Hungarian:polgári (hu) Indonesian:sipil (id) Irish:sibhialta Italian:civile (it) Japanese:民事 (ja) ( みんじ, minji ) ,民事上 ( みんじじょう, minjijō ) ,民事的 ( みんじてき, minjiteki ) Kazakh:азаматтық (kk) ( azamattyq ) Khmer:ស៊ីវិល ( siivɨl ) Korean:민사(民事) (ko) ( minsa ) Kyrgyz:жарандык (ky) ( jarandık ) ,граждандык (ky) ( grajdandık ) Latin:cīvīlis (la) Latvian:pilsonisks Macedonian:граѓански ( graǵanski ) Malay:sivil Maori:rarautake Occitan:civil (oc) Persian:شهری (fa) ( šahri ) ,مدنی (fa) ( madani ) Piedmontese:sivil Polish:cywilny (pl) Portuguese:civil (pt) Russian:гражда́нский (ru) ( graždánskij ) ,шта́тский (ru) ( štátskij ) ,циви́льный (ru) ( civílʹnyj ) Scottish Gaelic:catharra ,sìobhalta Serbo-Croatian:Cyrillic:гра̏ђанскӣ ,цѝвӣлнӣ Roman:grȁđanskī (sh) ,cìvīlnī (sh) Slovak:civilný Slovene:civilen Spanish:civil (es) Swedish:civil (sv) Tagalog:bayanhin Tajik:гражданӣ ( graždani ) ,шаҳрвандӣ (tg) ( šahrvandi ) ,маданӣ (tg) ( madani ) Turkish:sivil (tr) Ukrainian:громадя́нський ( hromadjánsʹkyj ) ,шта́тський ( štátsʹkyj ) ,циві́льний (uk) ( cyvílʹnyj ) Uzbek:grajdan (uz) Welsh:sifil (cy)
behaving in a reasonable or polite manner
Bulgarian:ве́жлив (bg) ( véžliv ) ,учти́в (bg) ( učtív ) Catalan:civil (ca) Czech:civilizovaný ,slušný (cs) ,kulturní (cs) ,vychovaný Danish:høflig (da) ,civiliseret Dutch:beschaafd (nl) ,geciviliseerd (nl) Finnish:kohtelias (fi) ,asiallinen (fi) French:civil (fr) German:zivilisiert (de) Hebrew:מנומס m ( menumás ) Hindi:सिविल (hi) ( sivil ) ,मिलनसार (hi) ( milansār ) ,सभ्य (hi) ( sabhya ) Indonesian:beradab (id) Irish:sibhialta ,béasach Japanese:うやうやしい (ja) ( uyauyashī ) ,礼やか ( いややか, iyayaka ) Macedonian:во́спитан ( vóspitan ) ,ку́лтурен ( kúlturen ) ,у́чтив ( účtiv ) ,цивилизи́ран ( civilizíran ) Malay:sivil Manx:beasagh Portuguese:civil (pt) ,civilizado (pt) Russian:цивилизо́ванный (ru) ( civilizóvannyj ) ,воспи́танный (ru) ( vospítannyj ) ,культу́рный (ru) ( kulʹtúrnyj ) ,ве́жливый (ru) ( véžlivyj ) Slovak:civilizovaný ,slušný ,kultúrny (sk) ,vychovaný Spanish:civil (es) Swedish:civiliserad (sv)
law: related to private relations among citizens, as opposed to criminal matters
Translations to be checked
“civil ”, inOneLook Dictionary Search . civil inKeywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary , edited by The Keywords Project, Colin MacCabe, Holly Yanacek, 2018. William Dwight Whitney ,Benjamin E[li] Smith , editors (1911 ), “civil ”, inThe Century Dictionary [ … ] , New York, N.Y.:The Century Co. ,→OCLC .Borrowed fromLatin cīvīlis .
civil (epicene ,plural civiles )
civil ,civilian "civil " inDiccionariu de la Llingua Asturiana Borrowed fromLatin cīvīlis .
civil m or f (masculine and feminine plural civils )
civil Antonym: incivil civilian Antonym: militar civil m or f by sense (plural civils )
a member of theguàrdia civil civil m (plural civils )
( colloquial ) a preservedsardine Synonym: arengada From clipping ofEnglish civil engineering .
( Hong Kong Cantonese ) civil engineering ;civil engineer civil m anim
( informal ) civilian ( non-military person ) Synonym: civilista Declension ofcivil (hard masculine animate )
“civil ”, inPříruční slovník jazyka českého (in Czech),1935–1957 “civil ”, inSlovník spisovného jazyka českého (in Czech),1960–1971, 1989 Borrowed fromLatin cīvīlis .
civil ( all senses ) ,civilian Inflection ofcivil positive comparative superlative indefinite common singular civil — —2 indefinite neuter singular civilt — —2 plural civile — —2 definite attributive1 civile — —
1 When an adjective is applied predicatively to something definite, the corresponding "indefinite" form is used.2 The "indefinite" superlatives may not be used attributively.
Borrowed fromLatin cīvīlis .
civil (feminine civile ,masculine plural civils ,feminine plural civiles )
civil ( war, marriage etc. ) ( politics ) lay civilian ( literary ) civil ,courteous ,polite civil m (plural civils ,feminine civile )
civilian Learned borrowing fromLatin cīvīlis .
civil m or f (plural civís )
civil ,civilian Borrowed fromGerman Zivil , fromLatin cīvīlis ( “ relating to a citizen ” ) , fromcīvis ( “ citizen ” ) .[ 1]
IPA (key ) : [ˈt͡sivil] Hyphenation:ci‧vil Rhymes:-il civil (notcomparable )
civilian ( not related to the military, police or other governmental professions ) Synonym: polgári civil szervezet ―non-governmental organizationpolgár háború ―civil warcivil (plural civilek )
civilian ( a person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of the armed forces ) civil in Géza Bárczi ,László Országh ,et al. , editors,A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára [The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language ] (ÉrtSz.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó , 1959–1962.Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN . civil in Nóra Ittzés, editor,A magyar nyelv nagyszótára [A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language ] (Nszt.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó , 2006–2031(work in progress; publisheda–ez as of 2024) .civil (not comparable )
civil ,civilian ( not associated with the armed forces ) Borrowed fromLatin cīvīlis , fromcīvis ( “ citizen ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *ḱey- ( “ to lie down, settle; home, family; love; beloved ” ) .
civil m
( Jersey ) polite ( Jersey ) civil Borrowed fromLatin cīvīlis .
civil m (feminine singular civila ,masculine plural civils ,feminine plural civilas )
civil Borrowed fromLatin cīvīlis ( “ civil ” ) , fromcīvis ( “ citizen ” ) .Doublet ofcível .
Rhymes:( Portugal ) -il ,( Brazil ) -iw Hyphenation:ci‧vil civil m or f (plural civis )
civil ;civilian ( not relating to the military or clergy ) Se não quiser levar um tiro, use roupascivis . ―If you don’t want to be shot, usecivilian clothing. civic ( relating to citizens ) Synonym: cívico Antonym: militar Deves cumprir tua obrigaçãocivil . ―You must perform yourcivic duty. ( law ) relating tocivil law Synonym: cível Antonym: criminal Estudo direitocivil . ―I studycivil law. occurring between the inhabitants of the same countryGuerracivil . ―Civil war. civil ( behaving in a reasonable or polite manner ) Synonyms: civilizado ,cortês ,educado ,polido Antonyms: deseducado ,grosseiro ,deselegante ,feio Seja maiscivil e pare de criticar as pessoas. ―Be morecivil and stop criticising people. civil m or f by sense (plural civis )
civilian , non-combatant( person who is not a member of the military, police or belligerent group ) “civil ”, iniDicionário Aulete (in Portuguese), Rio de Janeiro: Lexikon Editora Digital,2008 –2025 “civil ”, inDicionário inFormal (in Portuguese),2006 –2025 “civil ” inDicionário Aberto based onNovo Diccionário da Língua Portuguesa de Cândido de Figueiredo , 1913 “civil ”, inDicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Porto: Porto Editora,2003 –2025 “civil ”, inMichaelis Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), São Paulo: Editora Melhoramentos,2015 –2025 “civil ”, inDicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Lisbon: Priberam,2008 –2025 țivil —archaic and popular Borrowed fromFrench civil ,Latin cīvīlis .
civil m or n (feminine singular civilă ,masculine plural civili ,feminine and neuter plural civile )
civil civil m (plural civili )
civilian Borrowed fromGerman Zivil , fromFrench civil , fromLatin cīvīlis ( “ civic, civil ” ) , fromcīvis ( “ citizen ” ) .
cìvīl m (Cyrillic spelling цѝвӣл )
civilian ( not related to the military armed forces ) Borrowed fromLatin cīvīlis ( “ civil, civic ” ) , fromcīvis ( “ citizen ” ) .
civil m or f (masculine and feminine plural civiles ,superlative civilísimo )
civil ( all senses ) Borrowed fromLatin cīvīlis .
civil ,civilian ; having to do with people and organizations outside military or police, sometimes also outside religion or team-based activities, such as a professional sports team( nominalized , chiefly in theplural ) acivilian Inflection ofcivil Indefinite positive comparative superlative1 common singular civil — — neuter singular civilt — — plural civila — — masculine plural2 civile — — Definite positive comparative superlative masculine singular3 civile — — all civila — —
1 The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.2 Dated or archaic.3 Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.