After jettison of nose cap, all the detectorcircuitry became exposed to the radiation environment.
1964 November, Alfred G. Beswick, “Impact-detection Experiment”, in Charles T. D’Aiutolo, editor,The Micrometeoroid Satellite Explorer XIII (1961 Chi): Collected Papers on Design and Performance (NASA Technical Note;D-2468), Washington, D.C.:National Aeronautics and Space Administration,→OCLC, section II (Impact-detection-systems Operation),pages177–178:
The output signal of the multi-vibrator pulse-shaper circuit was the impact-event counting pulse. Its constant parameters provide a better form of input signal for the counting and storingcircuitries than the originally tranduced impact signal. The status of the impact event-counting and storagecircuitries was telemetered whenever the satellite transmitted its data.
1975 March 24, Wallace Keith Larkin,Acoustical Communications Headset, US Patent3,993,879(PDF version),column 1:
Prior art radio and telephone communication headsets typically incorporate a microphone and receiver which require amplifier or other appropriate electronic impedance matching circuits for interface with the console, or at least electrically conductive wires to similar electroniccircuitry located in the console.
Before he died, James Halliday (Mark Rylance), the hermit-like, socially maladjusted tech genius who created The Oasis, hid an Easter egg somewhere in thecircuitry, scattering bread crumbs that lead to its location. Find the egg, and the mogul’s fortune—along with total control of his digital fiefdom—is yours. It’s the ultimate capitalist scavenger hunt!
(uncountable) Electrical (or,by extension, other) circuits considered as agroup.
1964 February, William Jury, “Green River Greets the Space Age: Work Begins on New $16,000,000 Research Center”, in Chester Chatfield, editor,The Boeing Magazine, volume XXXIV, number 2, Seattle, Wash.: Public Relations Office,The Boeing Company,→OCLC,page11, column 3:
In the microelectronics area, research and development efforts will concentrate on thin filmcircuitry, packaging and solid state electronics (work with transistors and the like). [...] The savings in weight over old-fashionedcircuitry are important when the cost of items in orbit is figured at $1,000 per pound.
The source of that passion [according toRené Descartes] is "animal spirits," acircuitry of mechanical energy—blood circulation, heartbeat, muscle tension—whose purpose is not to inform but to protect the body from harm. Although thecircuitry operates automatically in animals, in men bodily energies also register on the soul so as to "incite the soul to correct and contribute to the actions which may serve to maintain the body."
1969, L. M. H. Larramendi, “Electron Microscopic Studies of Cerebellar Interneurons”, inMary A[gnes] B[urnston] Brazier, editor,The Interneuron: Proceedings of a Conference Held September, 1967:[…] (UCLA Forum in Medical Sciences;no. 11), Berkeley, Los Angeles, Calif.:University of California Press,→OCLC,page269:
Since[Santiago Ramón y] Cajal's neuralcircuitry did not include inhibitory cells, he believed that short-axoned cells were important in maintaining a continuous and persistent activity in neural centers.
1993, Kathleen R. Gibson, “Introduction: Overlapping Neural Control of Language, Gesture and Tool-use”, in Kathleen R. Gibson,Tim Ingold, editors,Tools, Language and Cognition in Human Evolution, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, New York, N.Y.:Cambridge University Press, published2004,→ISBN, part III (Connecting up the Brain),page187:
Some argue that the human brain contains structures orcircuitry not found in the brains of other animals. [...] Others emphasize the massive increase in human brain size and posit that human behavior is an emergent phenomenon which reflects quantitative increases in neural processing capacity.
Increases in cortical volume translate largely into increases in cortical area, and beneath each area of cortex the cellular composition of the cortical laminae is rather similar. Thus, the operation of making more cortex seems to emphasize localcircuitry.
1999, Auke Jan Ijspeert, “Synthetic Approaches to Neurobiology: Review and Case Study in the Control of Anguiliform Locomotion”, inDario Floreano,Jean-Daniel Nicoud,Francesco Mondada, editors,Advances in Artificial Life: 5th European Conference, ECAL’99, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1999: Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence;1674), Berlin, Heidelberg:Springer,→ISBN, abstract,page195:
The first experiment consists in using the evolutionary algorithm for instantiating low level parameters of a connectionist simulation of the lamprey's locomotorcircuitry. The second experiment develops potential neural circuits for the swimming and trotting of the salamander; an animal whose locomotorcircuitry has currently not been decoded.
2015, Paula J. Brunton, John A. Russell, “Maternal Brain Adaptations in Pregnancy”, in Toby M. Plant, Anthony J. Zeleznik, editors,Knobil and Neill’s Physiology of Reproduction, 4th edition, volume 1, London, Waltham, Mass.:Academic Press,→ISBN, part VI (Pregnancy and Lactation),page1976, column 1:
Possible changes in pregnancy to explain increased food intake and consequent increased energy storage have been considered in the context of the neuralcircuitry in the hypothalamus and brain stem that homeostatically regulates appetite, the mesolimbiccircuitry regulating hedonic appetite, and the actions of circulating hormones on or in thiscircuitry.