2003, Jimmy Lerner,You Got Nothing Coming: Notes from a Prison Fish, page77:
Fuckers never see the light of day. Nevada Fucking Prisneyland, O.G.! Homos, snitches,Chomos, straight-up J-Cats, and children all P.C.'d up together, scandalous shit, dawg!
2012, Conrad Black,A Matter of Principle, page451:
The child molesters (chomos, they are called) were a peculiar group. Some hobbled about with canes or walkers from the beatings they had received from some other prisoners because of their perceived moral degeneracy[…]
2013, Landon Parham,First Night of Summer, page300:
Charlie shifted in his chair and inhaled the fresh, evening air. “See, child molesters—they call themchomos—have it the roughest in prison. Even the worst, most sadistic convicts have no respect for pedophiles.[…]