Stellaria media Wikispecies
FromMiddle English chykwed ,chykewode ,chike wed ,chikewed ,chekwede , a variant ofchykynwede ,chekyn-wede ,cheken-wede ( literally“ chicken-weed ” ) , equivalent tochick +weed .
chickweed (usuallyuncountable ,plural chickweeds )
Any of several small-leavedherbs of the generaCerastium andStellaria .especiallycommon chickweed (Stellaria media ), a common, edible weed in North America and Europe.1993 , John Banville,Ghosts :I look at the little sprigs ofchickweed trembling among the bean shoots and I am strangely moved. Such steadfastness! Such yearning! They want to live too. That is all they ask: to have their little moment in the world.
Stellaria pro parteCerastium (mouse-ear chickweed ) Other plants of similar appearance andhabit , including those of species:Ageratum conyzoides Holosteum (jagged chickweed )Moenchia (upright chickweed )Paronychia spp. herb
Bulgarian:врабчови чревца ( vrabčovi črevca ) Catalan:morró m Chinese:Mandarin:繁縷 / 繁缕 (zh) ( fánlǚ ) Czech:ptačinec m Danish:fuglegræs n Dutch:hoornbloem (nl) ,muur (nl) Faroese:høsnagras n ,høsnagørn f Finnish:pihatähtimö (fi) French:mouron blanc (fr) m Galician:muruxa f German:Vogelmiere (de) f Hungarian:tyúkhúr (hu) Icelandic:haugarfi (is) m Irish:fliodh Italian:centocchio m Japanese:繁縷 (ja) ( はこべ, hakobe, はこべら, hakobera ) Lithuanian:žliūgė f Maori:kohukohu Norwegian:vassarve c Polish:gwiazdnica f Portuguese:morrião-dos-passarinhos m ,morugem (pt) f Romanian:răcovină (ro) f Russian:алзи́на f ( alzína ) ,мокри́чник (ru) m ( mokríčnik ) Spanish:capiquí m ,pamplina (es) f ,hierba gallinera f Swedish:våtarv c Turkish:kuş otu (tr) ,serçe dili Welsh:brechlys m ,gwlydd m pl Yiddish:שטערנדל n ( shterndl )