Pelexan os cans polacarniza(idiom) ―Said when several fight fiercely because of money, a position, inheritance, etc. (literally, “The dogs quarrel for thecarrion”)
1877,O tío Marcos da Portela, number27, page108:
O Auntamiento enteiro está dormindo... Punto redondo. Siguennos dando carne morrediza (¿Dixenvos carne? Non; évoscarniza.) Os buxeos qu'están decote altivos, Dá-na chea de ósos, cara e mala Feita d'encargo pra matar a vivos. O Concexal non fala: ¿Por qué diaños será?
"The whole Town Council is asleep... That's it. We are still fed with decaying meat (Did I say meat? No; that'scarrion.) Butchers, always so haughty, give it full of bones, expensive and bad, custom-made for killing the living ones. The Councillor says nothing: Why on earth?"