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See also:büst


WOTD – 19 January 2016
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Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishbusten, a variant of Middle Englishbursten,bresten(to burst). CompareGerman Low Germanbasten andbarsten(to burst). More atburst.



bust (third-person singular simple presentbusts,present participlebusting,simple past and past participlebustedorbust)

  1. (transitive, colloquial, chiefly US) Tobreak.
    Ibusted my cooker while trying to fix it.
  2. (transitive, slang) Toarrest (someone) for a crime.
    Aaron gotbusted by the feds for leaking confidential government documents on Reddit.
  3. (transitive, slang) Tocatch (someone) in the act of doing somethingwrong,socially andmorallyinappropriate, orillegal, especially when being done in asneaky orsecretive state.
  4. (transitive) Todebunk,dispel (a belief).
  5. (snowboarding)An emphatic synonym ofdo orget.
    Hebusted huge air off that jump!
  6. (US, informal) Toreduce in rank.
    Hebusted him down to patrolman for insubordination.
  7. (finance, transitive) To undo atrade, generally an error trade, that has already beenexecuted.
  8. (poker) Tolose all of one's chips.
  9. (blackjack) To exceed a score of 21.
  10. (transitive, slang) Tobreak in (an animal).
    • 1997, Charles Oswald,Gone with the Western Wind:
      A few weeks later, Richard was killed accidentally whilebusting a wild mustang[]
  11. (transitive, slang) Tobreak in (a woman or girl), todeflower
    • 2014, Tison Pugh,Truman Capote: A Literary Life at the Movies[1], page127:
      Smith hears Nancy's protests - "Don't ... no, please don't." - when Hicock menaces her with "You ever had a man?" Finding Hicock rubbing her thigh as she whimpers in fear, Smith confronts him about his intentions, and Hicock says, "First, I'm going tobust that little girl." Smith tells him no, but Hicock replies, "What do you care? You canbust her too."
  12. (intransitive, vulgar, slang) Toejaculate; toejectsemen or tosquirt.
    Ibusted a fat one just wackin' it to the selfie she sent me.
    • 1996,Lil' Kim, “Not Tonight”:
      After ten times we fucked, I think Ibust twice
      He was nice, kept my neck filled with ice
  13. (journalism, intransitive) For aheadline toexceed the amount ofspace reserved for it.
    • 1990, Paul Williams,The Computerized Newspaper: A Practical Guide for Systems Users, page105:
      The temptation to squeeze in a favourite headline thatbusts by using the flexibility of new technology is often very strong.
    • 2007, Rob Steen,Sports Journalism: A Multimedia Primer, page167:
      If your headlinebusts (breaks the confines of the layout) you will know straightaway. Similarly, the computer will inform you, in terms of the number of lines, how much longer or shorter the copy is in relation to the space allotted.
  14. (chess, slang) Torefute an establishedopening.
    • 2012 April 2, Frederic Friedel, “Rajlich: Busting the King's Gambit, this time for sure”, inChessBase[2]:
      So is the King's Gambit reallybusted?
  15. (slang, African-American Vernacular, transitive) Toshoot (a gun).
    Hebusted his glock.
  16. (slang, African-American Vernacular, intransitive) Toattack,hit orinsult (someone).
    He's alwaysbusting on you.
  17. (slang) To do or perform; to move quickly.
    Bust a left turn.
  • (to arrest for a crime):nick
Derived terms
alteration ofburstsee alsoburst
to break something
(slang) to arrest for a crime
(slang) to catch someone in the act of doing something wrong, socially and morally inappropriate, or illegal
to debunk, dispelseedebunk,‎dispel
snowboarding: an emphatic synonym ofto do orto getseedo,‎get
(US) to reduce in rank
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked



bust (pluralbusts)

  1. (slang) The act ofarresting someone for acrime, orraiding asuspectedcriminaloperation.
    a narcoticsbust
  2. (slang) Apoliceraid ortakedown of a criminal enterprise.
  3. (slang) Afailedenterprise; abomb.
  4. (chess, slang) Arefutation of anopening, or of a previouslypublishedanalysis.
  5. (slang) Adisappointment.
  6. (sports, derogatory) Aplayer whofails to meetexpectations.
  7. (economics) The downward portion of aboom and bust cycle; arecession.
  8. (slang, dated) Aspree,unrestrainedrevel, orwildparty.
Derived terms
act of arresting someone for a crime, or raiding a suspected criminal operation
failed enterprise
(slang) a disappointmentseedisappointment
economics: the downward portion of a boom and bust cycle; a recessionseerecession



bust (notcomparable)

  1. (slang) Without any money,broke,bankrupt.
    After months of financial problems, the company finally wentbust.
Derived terms

Etymology 2

Bust of Marie Antoinette
The Bust of Pericles with the Corinthian Helmet, Roman after a Greek original, from circa 430 BC, made of marble

Borrowed fromFrenchbuste, fromItalianbusto(torso, upper body), fromLatinbustum(funeral monument, tomb," originally "funeral pyre, place where corpses are burned). Perhaps shortened fromLatinambustum, neuter ofambustus(scorched), past participle ofambūrō(burn all over, scorch), fromambi-(around) +ūrō(to burn).



bust (pluralbusts)

  1. Asculpturalportrayal of a person'shead andshoulders.
  2. Thecircumference of a woman's chest around herbreasts.
Derived terms
Related terms
sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders
breasts and upper thorax of a woman







Borrowed fromItalianbusto.





bust m (pluralbustsorbustos)

  1. bust(sculpture)
  2. bust(breasts and upper thorax)

Further reading









  1. inflection ofbussen:
    1. second/third-personsingularpresentindicative
    2. (archaic)pluralimperative





Borrowed fromFrenchbuste.



bust n (pluralbusturi)

  1. bust(sculpture)


Declension ofbust
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