Borrowed fromBritishMedieval Latinburglātor, fromOld Frenchburgeor(“burglar”), fromMedieval Latinburgātor(“burglar”), fromburgō(“to commit burglary”), fromLate Latinburgus(“fortified town”), probably fromFrankish*burg(“fortress”), fromProto-Germanic*burgz,*burgiją(“borough, watch-tower”). The-l- may have been inserted under influence fromLatinlatro(“thief”).
burglar (pluralburglars)
- A person whobreaks in topremises with the intent of committingtheft.
Theburglar made off with a large diamond from the museum.
2010, Louis De Bernières,Notwithstanding,→ISBN, page82:In the village itself his lionheartedness had been a legend ever since he had brained aburglar with a number seven iron, and the jury in Guildford had, despite the clear direction of the judge, resolutely declined to convict him for the use of unnecessary force.
2017 June 23, Max Byrd, “A Trip to Southern Italy to Shed Light on a Family Scandal”, inThe New York Times[1]:There’s good reason to worry. In an earlier memoir, “Five-Finger Discount,” Stapinski recreated the terrifying world of swindlers, embezzlers,burglars and mobster wannabes who made up her extended Jersey City family.
- Arabic:please add this translation if you can
- Armenian:please add this translation if you can
- Azerbaijani:evyaran
- Belarusian:узло́мшчык m(uzlómščyk)
- Bulgarian:крадец с взлом(kradec s vzlom)
- Catalan:lladre (ca) m orf,espanyaportes m
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:竊盜 /窃盗 (zh)(qièdào),竊賊 /窃贼 (zh)(qièzéi)
- Czech:lupič (cs) m
- Dutch:inbreker (nl) m,inbreekster (nl) f
- Esperanto:domŝtelisto
- Finnish:murtovaras (fi)
- French:cambrioleur (fr) m,cambrioleuse (fr) f
- Galician:ladrón m,ladroa f,garduño m
- Georgian:please add this translation if you can
- German:Einbrecher (de) m,Einbrecherin (de) f
- Greek:διαρρήκτης (el) m(diarríktis),διαρρήκτρια (el) f(diarríktria)
- Ancient:τοιχώρυχος m(toikhṓrukhos)
- Hebrew:פּוֹרֵץ m(poréts),פּוֹרֶצֶת f(porétset)
- Hindi:लुटेरा (hi) m(luṭerā)
- Hungarian:betörő (hu)
- Icelandic:innbrotsþjófur (is) m
- Ido:ruptofurtisto,ruptofurtero,domofurtisto (io)
- Indonesian:maling (id),pencuri (id)
- Irish:buirgléir m
- Italian:scassinatore m,scassinatrice f
- Japanese:強盗 (ja)(ごうとう, gōtō),夜盗 (ja)(やとう, yatō)
- Javanese:maling (jv)
- Khmer:ចោរ (km)(cao)
- Korean:강도 (ko)(gangdo)
- Latin:effractor m,perfossor m
- Lithuanian:please add this translation if you can
- Low German:Inbreker m,Inbrekerin f,Inbrekersch f,Inbrekersche f,Inbräker m,Inbräkerin f,Inbräkersch f,Inbräkersche f
- Luxembourgish:Abriecher m
- Macedonian:провалник m(provalnik)
- Malay:perompak
- Middle English:breker
- Mongolian:please add this translation if you can
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål:innbruddstyv m,innbruddstjuv m,innbrottstjuv m,innbrottstyv m
- Nynorsk:innbrotstjuv m,innbrottstjuv m
- Polish:włamywacz (pl) m,włamywaczka f
- Portuguese:ladrão (pt) m
- Romanian:spărgător (ro) m
- Russian:взло́мщик (ru) m(vzlómščik),взло́мщица f(vzlómščica),дому́шник (ru) m(domúšnik),дому́шница (ru) f(domúšnica)
- Spanish:ladrón (es) m
- Swedish:inbrottstjuv (sv) c
- Thai:โจร (th)(joon),ขโมย (th)(kà-mooi)
- Turkish:hırsız (tr)
- Tuvan:оор(oor)
- Ukrainian:зло́мщик m(zlómščyk)
- Vietnamese:please add this translation if you can
- Volapük:(♂♀)nübreikan,(♂)hinübreikan,(♀)jinübreikan
- Welsh:torrwrtŷ m;(loosely)lleidr (cy)
burglar (third-person singular simple presentburglars,present participleburglaring,simple past and past participleburglared)
- (ambitransitive) A person who commitsburglary.
1901,Emma Orczy,The Robbery in Phillimore Terrace:The latter, with another constable, remained to watch theburglared premises both back and front,[…]