2018,VOA Learning English > China's Melting Glacier Brings Visitors, Adds to Climate Concerns[1]:
Ashley Johnson is an energy, trade and economics expert at the NationalBureau of Asian Research, based in the United States.
Anorganization or office for collecting or providing information or news.
a newsbureau; a travelbureau; a servicebureau; an employmentbureau; the Citizens AdviceBureau
Anoffice(room where clerical or professional duties are performed).
2015, Victoria Delderfield,Secret Mother:
There was an eerie silence in the dorm [... in] the factory. [...] The lamp glowed in hisbureau, warm and reassuring and, through the window, I could see his papers strewn across the desk. [...] I called his name again. A movement from hisbureau. [...] I banged on his door until it opened a crack[. ...] He pushed me out onto the staircase. "Get out," he screamed. The door to hisbureau slammed in my face.
2010, Ellie Nielsen,Buying a Piece of Paris: A Memoir, page17:
Both my ability to comprehend what is being said [in French] and my ability to fake comprehension have improved expeditiously. Monsieur holds the door open for me as we step inside hisbureau. No one looks up as we enter. He offers me a seat, and when I fail to take it he returns to my side of the desk [...].
2015, Dan Riker,The Blue Girl Murders, page287:
Nick opened thebureau door and told Joan he was going to find Susan. He walked to the cafeteria, but it was empty. He went back to thebureau, and asked Joan to check the restrooms.
(chiefly British) Adesk, usually with a cover andcompartments that are located above the level of the writing surface rather than underneath, and often used for storing papers.
(building)office,office building[from late 18th c.] (especially office buildings for writing and publishing journalism and literature, or thepolice station as a building)