FromMiddle Dutchbroeder, fromOld Dutchbruother, fromProto-West Germanic*brōþer, fromProto-Germanic*brōþēr, fromProto-Indo-European*bʰréh₂tēr.
broeder m (pluralbroeders,diminutivebroedertje n)
- (formal, dated)brother, male sibling
- friar, member -especially non-priest- of certain ecclesiastical (notably Catholic clerical) groups
- member of abrotherhood,fraternity,order etc.;brother(fictive male kin member)
- (slightly dated)malemedicalnurse
- Synonym:ziekenbroeder
- colleague, especially if member of acorporation or other profession-related organisation
- fellowfaithful, especially in certain sects, such as the HussiteMoravian Brothers
- a certainbread-likedish
- (male sibling):broer(now the common form)
Frombroeden +-er.
broeder m (pluralbroeders,diminutivebroedertje n)
- brooder
De steenuil is geen verstoringsgevoeligebroeder, dus kunnen we de eierencontrole zonder risico uitvoeren.- Thelittle owl is not a disturbance-sensitivebrooder, so we can carry out the egg check without risk.
FromOld Dutchbruother, fromProto-Germanic*brōþēr, fromProto-Indo-European*bʰréh₂tēr.
broeder m
- brother
- colleague
- friar
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