At one side lay the little town of Hollingford, into a street of which Mr. Gibson's front door opened; and delicate columns, and little puffs of smoke were already beginning to rise from many a cottage chimney where some housewife was already up, and preparing breakfast for thebread-winner of the family.
2013 June 3, Brad Harrington, “Behind the Data on Breadwinner Mothers”, inThe New York Times[1]:
The femalebreadwinners who are making more than their working husbands are in a whole different income bracket; their median household income is $80,000. The role of men is evolving even in the three-quarters of dual-parent families in which fathers are the primarybreadwinners.[…] Those fathers reported that being abreadwinner was less important to them than providing their children with love and emotional support, being present and involved in their child’s life, or being a good mentor and role model.