( international standards ) ISO 639-2 &ISO 639-3 language code forBengali . FromMiddle English ben ,bene , fromOld English bēn ( “ prayer, request, favor, compulsory service ” ) , fromProto-Germanic *bōniz ( “ supplication ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *bʰeh₂- ( “ to say ” ) . Related toban . More atboon .
ben (plural bens )
( obsolete ) Aprayer ; apetition .FromMiddle English ben ,bene , variation ofbin ,binne ( “ within ” ) , fromOld English binnan ( “ within, in, inside of, into ” ) , equivalent tobe- +in .
( Scotland , Northern England ) In ,into .2008 ,James Kelman ,Kieron Smith, Boy , Penguin, published2009 , page32 :And he was waving to me to creep in, so I just did and then just to skipben the front and then in the lobby.
ben (notcomparable )
( Scotland , Northern England ) Inside .ben (comparative benner ,superlative benmost )
Inner,interior . ben (plural bens )
( Scotland , Northern England ) The innerroom of a two-roomcottage (as opposed to thebut ); theben room .1972 ,George Mackay Brown ,Greenvoe , Polygon, published2019 , page25 :Bert Kerston was awakened by a steady tap on theben window.
FromMiddle English been , fromOld French andMedieval Latin , probably from a North African pronunciation ofArabic بَان ( bān ,“ ben tree ” ) .
ben (plural bens )
A tree,Moringa oleifera orhorseradish tree of Arabia and India, which producesoil of ben . The wingedseed of the ben tree. Theoil of the ben seed. FromArabic بِن ( bin ) andHebrew בן ( ben ,“ son ” ) .
ben (uncountable )
( usually capitalized ) Son of (used with Hebrew and Arabic surnames).Borrowed fromScots ben ,benn , fromScottish Gaelic beinn .
ben (plural bens )
AScottish orIrish mountain or high peak. c. 16th century . Probably fromLatin bene orItalian bene .
ben (comparative benar ,superlative benat )
( obsolete , UK , thieves' cant ) Alternative spelling ofbene ;good .1611 ,Thomas Middleton ,The Roaring Girle [2] :A gage ofben Rom-bouse, / In a bousing-ken of Rom-vile, / Isbenar than a Caster, / Pecke, pennam, lay, or popler, / Which we mill in deuse a vile. [paraphrase] A pot of good wine, / In a pub of London, / Is better than a cloak, / Meat, bread, milk, or porridge, / Which we steal in the countryside. Shortening.
ben (plural bens )
( UK , theater , slang , obsolete ) Abenefit ( performance to raise funds ) .year? ,The Catholic Literary Circular (page 75)In the Chronicles of the Stage, some curious particulars are given relating to Sir Henry Herbert and the well-known Sir William Davidson, by which we learn, amongst other things, that a “ben ” or benefit at Drury Lane, two centuries ago, was worth a hundred pounds. John Camden Hotten (1873 )The Slang Dictionary ben (plural bens )
( Ireland ) Alternative form ofbin J. J. Hogan and Patrick C. O'Neill (1947 ) “A NORTH-COUNTY DUBLIN GLOSSARY”, inBéaloideas [3] , volume17 , number1/2 , An Cumann Le Béaloideas Eireann/Folklore of lreland Society, page264 ben
big ben
abig thing Pavol Štekauer, Salvador Valera, Lívia Kőrtvélyessy,Word-Formation in the World's Languages: A Typological Survey (2012) Berbice Creole Dutch [ edit ] ben
bean ben
Alternative form ofbé Porteu un vestitben bonic. ―Wear avery pretty dress. Demà al matíben d'hora m'aixeco i viatjo a Milan. ―Tomorrow morningquite early I'll get up and travel to Milan. The formben is used when it precedes the adjective, adverb or verb form that it modifies, andbé is used in all other cases. FromMiddle High German wenne ,wanne , fromOld High German hwenne ,hwanne , fromProto-West Germanic *hwannā , from*hwan , fromProto-Germanic *hwan ( “ when ” ) . Cognate withGerman wenn ,wann ,English when .Doublet ofbenn ( adverb ) , from the same Middle High German source.
( Luserna ) when Khåntamar khönben 'z tüata offe di pinakotèk? ―Can you tell mewhen the art gallery opens? FromProto-Brythonic *bon , fromProto-Celtic *bonus (seeBreton Ben- ,Welsh bôn ). Found aspen in the placenamePentewan .
ben m (plural benyow )
base ,foot ( of a tree ) trunk ,stump Same source asbenyn . Cognate withEnglish queen , among others.
ben f
woman Only found in the expressionhy ben and its derivatives. kila (masculine equivalent)Frombè ( “ well ” ) .
ben m
deceased ben
Alternative form ofbè FromOld Norse bein ( “ bone, leg ” ) , fromProto-Germanic *bainą , cognate withEnglish bone ,German Bein .
ben n (singular definite benet ,plural indefinite ben )
leg ( a limb of a human or an animal used for walking; also, by analogy, the legs of a desk or a chair ) Synonym: pusselanke ( childish; joking ) bone ( any part of the skeleton ) sinecure ( a position that requires little to no work but still gives an ample payment; a cushy job. ) FromSauraseni Prakrit 𑀩𑀳𑀺𑀡𑀻 ( bahiṇī ) , fromSanskrit भगिनी ( bhaginī ) . Cognate withHindi बहन ( bahan ) .
ben f
sister Matras, Yaron (2012 )A Grammar of Domari (Mouton Grammar Library)[4] , Walter de Gruyter,→ISBN , page65 FromMiddle Dutch bim , fromProto-Germanic *beuną .
inflection ofzijn : first-person singular present indicative (in case ofinversion )second-person singular present indicative imperative Ben , as an imperative, is considered non-standard, the standard form beingwees .
FromOld Norse ben , fromProto-Germanic *banjō .
ben n (genitive singular bens , plural ben )
wound ben f (genitive singular benjar , plural benjar )
wound Alternative form ofbien
( informal ) Well ;uh Synonym: bah Clipping ofbénard .
ben m (plural bens )
( slang ) pants ,trousers FromLatin bene .
well properly ,nicely ben
good FromOld Galician-Portuguese ben , fromLatin bene .
IPA (key ) : /ˈbɛŋ/ [ˈbɛŋ] Rhymes:-ɛŋ Hyphenation:ben ben m (plural bens )
benefit ;welfare Synonym: beneficio ( in theplural ) goods good ( the forces that are the enemy of evil ) Antonym: mal ben
well Antonym: mal Ben feito! ―Well done!very ;a lot ;enough Eche un rapazben espilido! ―He's avery smart young man! 1473 , A. López Ferreiro, editor,Galicia Histórica. Colección diplomática , Santiago: Tipografía Galaica, page29 :cando se ganou dos mouros a grande batalla da figeira en donde tamen perdin e me mataron o cabalo e eu sahin ben librado enpero ben ferido de hua saetada enno braço dereito que non a vin curada fasta pasadosben tres meses when the great Battle of the Figtree was won to the Moors, where I also lost —and they killed— my horse and I got out safe but badly injured of an arrow shot in the right arm, wound that I saw not cured untilmore than three months later ( followed by de or a contraction ofde ) a lot (of) Bótalleben de zucre, sen medo! ―Adda lot of sugar, don't be shy! plus , ormore ,upwards c. 1295 , R. Lorenzo, editor,La traducción gallega de la Crónica General y de la Crónica de Castilla , Ourense: I.E.O.P.F, page174 :Et durou a guerra dessa uez ontre ellesbem dous ãnos, fazendosse todauia muyto mal os hũus aos outros, de guisa que, ante que sse aquella contenda fijnse, morrerõ y muytos And the war between them lasted that time for two yearsplus , making in every way a lot of harm the ones to the others, in wise that, before that conflict had ended, many died there “ben ”, inDicionario da Real Academia Galega (in Galician), A Coruña:Royal Galician Academy ,2012 –2025 Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja ,Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (2006 –2022 ) “ben ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández , editor (2006 –2013 ), “ben ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language ] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Rosario Álvarez Blanco , editor (2014 –2024 ), “ben ”, inTesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega ,→ISSN Borrowed fromItalian bene ,French bien ,Spanish bien andPortuguese bem .
ben (comparative melio ,superlative le melio )
well FromLatin bene .
well IPA (key ) : /ˈbɛn/ Hyphenation:bèn ben (apocopated )
Apocopic form ofbene ben fatto ―well done ben
Rōmaji transcription ofべん FromPortuguese vir .
tocome FromLatin bene .
ben (comparative miec )
well properly ben m (plural bens )
( especially in theplural ) goods ,property Akin toItalian bene , from Latin.
well ben
Nonstandard spelling ofbēn .Nonstandard spelling ofběn .Nonstandard spelling ofbèn .Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.FromOld Irish ben , fromProto-Celtic *benā , fromProto-Indo-European *gʷḗn .
ben f (genitive singular mreih ,plural mraane )
woman Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Manx. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
Alternative form ofbeen ben ?
string ,rope FromDanish ben , fromOld Norse bein , fromProto-Germanic *bainą .
ben n (definite singular benet ,indefinite plural ben ,definite plural bena or benene )
aleg abone “ben” inThe Bokmål Dictionary .FromOld Occitan ben , fromLatin bene .
well ben m (plural bens )
good ,possession FromProto-Germanic *bainą .
bēn n
leg bone Declension ofbēn (neuter a-stem noun)
“bēn ”, inOudnederlands Woordenboek ,2012 FromProto-Germanic *bōniz . Cognate withOld Norse bón .
bēn f (nominative plural bēne or bēna )
prayer ,praying request ,entreaty boon late 10th century ,Ælfric ,"Saint Basilius, Bishop" Bide nu æt gode þæt ic grecisc cunne. Þa cwæþ se biscop him to, þu bæde ofer mine mæðe ac uton swa þeah biddan þasbena æt gode. Pray now to God that I may know Greek. Pray now to God that I may know Greek. Then said the Bishop to him, 'Thou hast asked beyond my power, but let us, nevertheless, ask thisboon of God.' Strongi -stem:
FromProto-Germanic *banjō . Cognate withOld Norse ben .
ben f
Alternative form ofbenn ben
( Anglo-Norman ) Alternative form ofbien Ēn bēn (1). Ēn bēn (2). FromProto-West Germanic *bain , fromProto-Germanic *bainą . Cognates includeOld English bān ,Old Saxon bēn andOld Dutch bēn .
bēn n
bone leg Bremmer, Rolf H. (2009 )An Introduction to Old Frisian: History, Grammar, Reader, Glossary , Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company,→ISBN FromProto-Celtic *benā , fromProto-Indo-European *gʷḗn .
ben f (genitive mná ,nominative plural mná )
woman Synonyms: banscál ,bé ,frac c. 800 , Würzburg Glosses on the Pauline Epistles, published inThesaurus Palaeohibernicus (reprinted 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, vol. I, pp. 499–712, Wb.31c 7 arna érbarthar, “Ó chretsit, nín·tá airli armban ” lest it be said, “Since they believed, we do not have management (?) of ourwomen ” wife Synonym: séitig c. 800 , Würzburg Glosses on the Pauline Epistles, published inThesaurus Palaeohibernicus (reprinted 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, vol. I, pp. 499–712, Wb.22c 10 Is bés trá dosom aní-siu cosc innamban i tossug et a tabairt fo chumacte a feir, armbat irlamu de ind ḟir fo chumacte Dǽi, co·mbí íarum coscitir ind ḟir et do·airbertar fo réir Dǽ. This, then, is a custom of his, to correct the wives at first and to bring them under the power of their husbands, so that the husbands may be the readier under God’s power, so that afterwards the husbands are corrected and bowed down in subjection to God. Initial mutations of a following adjective:
H = triggers aspirationL = triggers lenitionN = triggers nasalizationSee the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
third-person singular present indicative conjunct ofbenaid ben
second-person singular imperative ofbenaid Mutation ofben radical lenition nasalization ben ben pronounced with /β(ʲ)-/ mben
Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in Old Irish. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
Gregory Toner, Sharon Arbuthnot, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, Marie-Luise Theuerkauf, Dagmar Wodtko, editors (2019 ), “1 ben ”, ineDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language Thurneysen, Rudolf (1940 )D. A. Binchy andOsborn Bergin , transl.,A Grammar of Old Irish , Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies,→ISBN ,§ 291 , page184 ; reprinted2017 FromProto-Germanic *banjō .
ben f (genitive benjar ,plural benjar )
mortal wound small bleeding wound ben n
wound Zoëga, Geir T. (1910 ) “ben ”, inA Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic , Oxford: Clarendon Press ; also available at theInternet Archive FromLatin bene .
well FromProto-West Germanic *bain .
bēn n
bone FromOld Norse bein , fromProto-Germanic *bainą .
bēn n
bone leg Declension of bēn (stronga -stem)
FromOld English binnan .
through ,in ,into ,inside (a dwelling).A gaed ben the chaumer. (please add an English translation of this usage example) Come awah ben, hen. (please add an English translation of this usage example) ben (comparative benner ,superlative benmaist )
inner ,interior .ben (plural bens )
The innerroom of a two-roomhut orshack (as opposed to thebut ). Borrowed fromScottish Gaelic beinn .
ben (plural bens )
mountain ,hill “ben,adv. ”, inThe Dictionary of the Scots Language , Edinburgh:Scottish Language Dictionaries , 2004–present,→OCLC , retrieved12 June 2024 , reproduced fromWilliam A[ lexander] Craigie ,A[ dam] J[ ack] Aitken [ et al. ] , editors,A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue: [ … ] , Oxford, Oxfordshire:Oxford University Press , 1931–2002,→OCLC . “ben,adv., prep., adj., n.1. ”, inThe Dictionary of the Scots Language , Edinburgh:Scottish Language Dictionaries , 2004–present,→OCLC , retrieved12 June 2024 , reproduced from W[ illiam] Grant and D[ avid] D. Murison, editors,The Scottish National Dictionary , Edinburgh:Scottish National Dictionary Association , 1931–1976,→OCLC . “ben,n.3. ”, inThe Dictionary of the Scots Language , Edinburgh:Scottish Language Dictionaries , 2004–present,→OCLC , retrieved12 June 2024 , reproduced from W[ illiam] Grant and D[ avid] D. Murison, editors,The Scottish National Dictionary , Edinburgh:Scottish National Dictionary Association , 1931–1976,→OCLC . Borrowed fromOttoman Turkish بك ( beñ ) .
ben m (Cyrillic spelling бен )
( regional ) birthmark ,mole ,naevus Synonym: madež “ben ”, inHrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal ] (in Serbo-Croatian),2006–2025 “ben ”, inHrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal ] (in Serbo-Croatian),2006–2025 “ben ”, inHrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal ] (in Serbo-Croatian),2006–2025 FromEnglish been .
IPA (key ) : /ˈbeŋ/ ,/ˈben/ ,[ˈbɪ̞ŋ] ,[ˈbe̝ŋ] ben
Verbal marker for the past tense. This marker can be combined with the markerssa oro for the future tense ande for the progressive aspect, in which case the order, if all are used, is that ofben sa/o e . Some examples:
mi ben waka : “I had walked”.mi ben e waka : “I was walking”.mi ben sa waka : “I would walk”.mi ben sa e waka : “I would have been walking”.FromOld Swedish bēn , fromOld Norse bein , fromProto-Germanic *bainą .
ben n
( anatomy ) leg ; abody part leg ; part of trousers which covers the legsthe part of a piecefurniture on which it stands ( anatomy ) bone ; any of the components of anendoskeleton ( anatomy ) bone ; the material of the endoskeletonben
betel case ben (扁 )
pack ;bundle ben khẩu nâng ―onebundle of rice ben da ―pack of medicineben (扁 )
towrap aroundBen đảy pác khêm bấuben đảy pác cần.You canwrap up a needlestick but you can'twrap up a person's mouth. (Classifier :ăn ) ben
weir ngắtben ―to stretch theweir nằngben ―to wait for fish at theweir Lương Bèn (2011 )Từ điển Tày-Việt [Tay-Vietnamese dictionary ][5] [6] (in Vietnamese), Thái Nguyên: Nhà Xuất bản Đại học Thái Nguyên Lục Văn Pảo, Hoàng Tuấn Nam (2003 ) Hoàng Triều Ân, editor,Từ điển chữ Nôm Tày [A Dictionary of (chữ) Nôm Tày ][7] (in Vietnamese), Hanoi: Nhà xuất bản Khoa học Xã hội Léopold Michel Cadière (1910 )Dictionnaire Tày-Annamite-Français [Tày-Vietnamese-French Dictionary ][8] (in French), Hanoi: Impressions d'Extrême-Orient IPA (key ) : /bɛn/ ,/bæn/ Hyphenation:ben Inherited fromOttoman Turkish بَنْ ( ban /ben/ ,“ I ” ) , fromOld Anatolian Turkish بن ( /bän/ ,“ I ” ) , fromProto-Common Turkic *bän ( “ I ” ) , fromProto-Turkic *ben- ( “ me ” ) ,oblique of*be ( “ I ” ) .[ 1] [ 2]
Cognate withAzerbaijani mən ,Turkmen men ;Uzbek men ,Uyghur مەن ( men ) ,Karakhanid مَنْ ( man /män/ ,“ I ” ) ;Crimean Tatar men ,Armeno-Kipchak մեն ( men ) ,Tatar мин ( min ) ,Bashkir мин ( min ) ,Kazakh мен ( men ) ,Kyrgyz мен ( men ) ;Old Turkic 𐰋𐰤 ( b²n² /bän/ ,“ I ” ) ,𐰢𐰤 ( mn² /män/ ) ;Chuvash эпӗ ( ep̬ĕ ) ; etc.
Possibly related toMongolian ᠪᠢ ( bi ,“ I ” ) /би ( bi ) ,Evenki бӣ ( bī ) ,Manchu ᠪᡳ ( bi ,“ I ” ) .[ 3]
I ,me It is one of the two words that has irregular dative case declension. (The other one is "sen "). It is one of the two words that has irregular genitive case declension. (The other one is "biz "). ben (definite accusative beni ,plural biz )
( psychology ) ego FromOttoman Turkish بك ( beñ ,“ mole ” ) , fromProto-Turkic *beŋ ( “ mole on the face ” ) .[ 4]
Cognate withBashkir миң ( miñ ) ,Kyrgyz мең ( meŋ ) ,Kazakh мең ( meñ ) Turkmen meň ,Yakut мэҥ ( meñ ) .
Also compareMongolian мэнгэ ( menge ,“ mole, birthmark ” ) .( Canthis (+ ) etymology besourced ?)
ben (definite accusative beni ,plural benler )
birthmark ,mole ^ Starostin, Sergei ,Dybo, Anna ,Mudrak, Oleg (2003 ) “*bẹ- ”, inEtymological dictionary of the Altaic languages (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII.8), Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. Brill ^ Nişanyan, Sevan (2002– ) “ben ”, inNişanyan Sözlük ^ Janhunen, Juha (2013 ) “Personal pronouns in Core Altaic”, in Martine Irma Robbeets, editor,Shared Grammaticalization: With Special Focus on the Transeurasian Languages [1] , page221 ; republished as Hubert Cuyckens, editor,(Please provide a date or year) ^ Starostin, Sergei ,Dybo, Anna ,Mudrak, Oleg (2003 ) “*beŋ ”, inEtymological dictionary of the Altaic languages (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII.8), Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. BrillFromLatin bene .
well FromFrench benne .
acabin (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
( Southern Vietnam ) to becomparable Synonym: bì Ai thong thả, trâu nào ben được ―(please add an English translation of this usage example) Borrowed fromLatin bene .
ben (nominative plural bens )
(sense of)well-being ,welfare ,being well ,wellness 1 status as a case is disputed2 in later, non-classical Volapük only
benedam ( “ benediction , blessing (as an action)” ) benedik ( “ benedictive , rich in blessings” ) benedön ( “ bless ” ,transitive verb ) beniköl ( “ doing well,thriving ,flourishing ” ) benikön ( “ become well,prosper ,thrive ,flourish ” ,intransitive verb ) benoköm ( “ awelcome ” ) benokömaglidön ( “ to welcome,bid welcome ” ,transitive verb ) benokömö ( “ welcome! ” ) !benokömön ( “ arrive at theopportune moment ” ,intransitive verb ) benolab ( “ wellness, i.e. "having (it) well", well-being,prosperity ,affluence ” ) benolabik ( “ prosperous ,well-to-do ” ) benovimik ( “ good-tempered ” ) benovip ( “ congratulation ” ) benovipön ( “ congratulate , wish (someone) well” ,transitive verb ) benädik ( “ gracious ” ) benüköl benükön ( “ benefit ” ,transitive verb ) FromMiddle Welsh benn , fromProto-Brythonic *benn , fromProto-Celtic *bend(n)ā (whence Latinbenna ), fromProto-Indo-European *bʰendʰ- ( “ to bind ” ) .
ben f (plural benni )
( transport , archaic ) cart ,wagon Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
Soft mutation ofpen ( “ head ” ) .Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.