FromMiddle Englishbach,bache,bahche, fromOld English*bæċċ(“something baked”), of uncertain origin, but possibly fromProto-West Germanic*bakku, fromProto-Germanic*bakkuz(“baking, baked goods”), cognate withMiddle High Germanbecke(“something baked, pastry, baking, bakery”). Related also to Old Englishbacan(“to bake”),Old Englishġebæc(“something baked”),Dutchgebak,GermanGebäck,Dutchbaksel.
batch (pluralbatches)
- The quantity ofbread or other baked goodsbaked at one time.
We made abatch of cookies to take to the party.
- (by extension) A quantity of anything produced at one operation.
- Synonyms:pressing,run,lot
We poured a bucket of water in at the top, and the ice-maker dispensed abatch of ice-cubes at the bottom.
- Agroup orcollection of things of thesame kind, such as a batch of letters or the next batch of business.
- Synonyms:group,lot
- (computing) A set ofdata to be processed at one time.
The system throttled itself tobatches of 50 requests at a time to keep the thread count under control.
- (UK, dialect, Midlands) Abread roll.
- (Philippines) Agraduating class;school class.
She was the valedictorian ofBatch ’73.
- (obsolete) The process ofbaking.
1551, T. Wilson,Logike 42 b:Except the baker doe his part also in thebatch.
quantity of baked goods made at one time
quantity of anything produced in one operation
- Armenian:խմբաքանակ (hy)(xmbakʻanak)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:批次(pīcì),批 (zh)(pī),批量 (zh)(pīliàng)
- Dutch:lot (nl) n
- Finnish:erä (fi),kertaerä (fi)
- French:lot (fr) m
- Galician:custribada f,nicrada f,tanecada f,lote (gl) m,partilla (gl) f
- German:Partie (de) f,Charge (de) f
- Hungarian:adag (hu),széria (hu),szállítmány (hu),sorozat (hu)
- Indonesian:tumpak (id)
- Italian:lotto (it) m
- Polish:wsad (pl),partia (pl) f
- Portuguese:lote (pt)
- Russian:па́ртия (ru) f(pártija),се́рия (ru) f(sérija),паке́т (ru) m(pakét)
- Spanish:lote (es) m,tanda (es) f
- Swedish:sats (sv) c,batch (sv)
group or collection of things of the same kind
- Armenian:խմբաքանակ (hy)(xmbakʻanak)
- Bulgarian:партида (bg)(partida),порция (bg)(porcija)
- Finnish:joukko (fi),sarja (fi),nippu (fi),kimppu (fi)
- French:jeu (fr) m
- Galician:mada f,runfra f
- German:Partie (de) f,Satz (de) m
- Hungarian:csoport (hu),köteg (hu),halom (hu),csomag (hu),csomó (hu),rakás (hu)
- Indonesian:kloter
- Italian:serie (it) f
- Japanese:束 (ja)(たば, taba),群れ (ja)(むれ, mure)
- Maori:rakerake
- Romanian:șarjă (ro) f
- Russian:па́ртия (ru) f(pártija),паке́т (ru) m(pakét),по́рция (ru) f(pórcija)
- Spanish:lote (es) m,juego (es) f
- Swedish:sats (sv) c
batch (third-person singular simple presentbatches,present participlebatching,simple past and past participlebatched)
- (transitive) Toaggregate things together into a batch.
The contractorbatched the purchase orders for the entire month into one statement.
- (transitive, computing) To handle a set of input data or requests as abatch process.
The purchase requests for the day were stored in a queue andbatched for printing the next morning.
batch (notcomparable)
- Of a process, operating for a defined set of conditions, and then halting.
The plant had twobatch assembly lines for packaging, as well as a continuous feed production line.
FromMiddle Englishbache,bæcche, fromOld Englishbæċ,beċe(“brook, stream”).Doublet ofbeck. More atbeach.
batch (pluralbatches)
- Abank; asandbank.
- Afield orpatch of ground lying near a stream; thedale in which a stream flows.
Clipping ofbachelor(“unmarried adult male”).
batch (third-person singular simple presentbatches,present participlebatching,simple past and past participlebatched)
- (informal) To live as a bachelor temporarily, of a married man or someone virtually married.
I ambatching next week when my wife visits her sister.
- Often withit: "I usuallybatch it three nights a week when she calls on her out-of-town accounts."
Borrowed fromEnglishbatch
batch c
- (computing, slang) abatch (of commands, processed as a group)