"To the doctor's?Bah!" said the sorceress, and spat upon the floor.
1992, April Kihlstrom,Dangerous Masquerade:
Templeton looked over the assembled servants speculatively, then shrugged. "Bah!" he said. "They're of no use to me. Come, Andrew, a word with you upstairs."
`There, cut his throat quick. Where is the saucer?' `The Goat! the Goat! the Goat! Give me the blood of my black goat! I must have it, don't you see I must have it? Oh! oh! oh! give me the blood of the goat.' At this moment a terrifiedbah! announced that the poor goat had been sacrificed, and the next minute a woman ran up with a saucer full of blood.
indicatesastonishment,resignation anddespise; usually used after noticing or hearing something you don't like or you don't know what to think about, to avoid commenting or giving an answer to a question