Lexicalization ofaz(“that, it”) +-ért(causal-final case suffix).[1]
azért (notcomparable)
1Ő andőt refer to human beings; the forms below them might be construed likewise.
Forms in parentheses are uncommon.All Hungarian pronouns /edit this template
1Semhogy andsemmint are conjunctions meaning “(rather) than”, “before” (as ininkább meghal,semhogy… ―he'llrather diethan…).
2Valamint is now only used in the sense of “as well as” in enumerations.
3Mindeddig/-addig mean “up until this/that point” (=egészeneddig/addig).
Csak following relative pronouns expresses“-ever”, e.g.aki csak(“whoever”);is after “any” pronouns emphasizes “no matter”:akármit is(“no matter what”).