aver (third-person singular simple presentavers,present participleaverringor(obsolete)avering,simple past and past participleaverredor(obsolete)avered)
1624, Democritus Junior [pseudonym;Robert Burton], “Causes of Heroicall Loue, Temperature, Full Diet, Idlenesse, Place, Climat, &c.”, inThe Anatomy of Melancholy:[…], 2nd edition, Oxford, Oxfordshire:[…] John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps,→OCLC, partition 3, section 2, member 2, subsection 1,page209:
A rare thing to ſee a yong man or woman, that liues idlely, and fares well, of what condition ſoeuer, not to bee in loue.Vbicumqꝫ ſecuritas, ibi libido dominatur, luſt & ſecurity domineere together, as StHieromeauerreth.
1660,Samuel Fisher, “[Rusticus ad Academicos in Exercitationibus Expostulatoriis, Apologeticis Quatuor. The Rustick’s Alarm to the Rabbies: Or, The Country Correcting the University and Clergy, and (Not without Good Cause) Contesting for the Truth, against the Nursing Mothers and Their Children. In Four Apologetical and Expostulatory Exercitations; [...]] The Third Apologetical, and Expostulatory Exercitation”, inThe Testimony of Truth Exalted,[…],[London?]:[s.n.], published1679,→OCLC, chapter I,page411:
Now as to the Scriptures being the Word of God, and evidently known to be ſo, or evidencing themſelves to be ſo, and that of right, and properly they are to be ſo called; all which thou J. O. very abſolutelyaverreſt,[…]
Chiron, the four-legg'd Bard, had both / A Beard and Tail of his own growth; / And yet by Authors 'tisaverr'd, / He made use onely of his Beard.
1701, Lawrence Smith, “[First Discourse on2 Timothy 1:10]”, inThe Evidence of Things Not Seen: Or, The Immortality of the Human Soul, and the Separate Condition thereof in the Other World, Asserted and Made Manifest:[…], London:[…] Thomas Speed,[…],→OCLC,page 1:
[T]he partial Infidel[…]averreth the Sleep or Inſenſibility of the Soul both in good and bad perſons, from the time of their Deceaſe hence until their Reſurrection;[…]
1819, Miching Mallecho [pseudonym;Percy Bysshe Shelley], “Peter Bell the Third”, in[Mary] Shelley, editor,The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley.[…], new edition, London:Edward Moxon[…], published1840,→OCLC, part the second (The Devil), stanza 1,page239:
The Devil, I safely canaver, / Has neither hoof, nor tail, nor sting; / Nor is he, as some sages swear, / A spirit, neither here nor there, / In nothing—yet in everything.
An Irish authoravers that the Earl of Leicester, on bended knees, did likewise present to her highness another horn, pertaining to a land beast of the unicorn nature.
As Coroner, I mustaver, I thoroughly examined her. / And she's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead.
1997, Frederick W. Case, Jr., Roberta B. Case, “The North American Trilliums”, inTrilliums, Portland, Or.:Timber Press,→ISBN,page109:
Horticulturalist Richard Lighty has a form [ofTrillium grandiflorum] that heavers to open almost a cerise-red.
2007 July 26,European Court of Human Rights (Fifth Section),Peev v. Bulgaria (Application no. 64209/01)[1], Strasbourg, paragraph 19:
In the meantime, on 5 June 2000, the applicant had brought a civil action against the Prosecutor's Office. He alleged that the termination of his contract had been unlawful and sought reinstatement and compensation for loss of salary. Heaverred,inter alia, that the climate in the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's Office had deteriorated as a result of the actions of the Chief Prosecutor.
[W]hen Yara tells him he picked the losing side, heavers that he might just as soon head back to the Iron Islands—"But first, I'm gonna fuck the queen" [...]
[…] I return'd with ſimular proofe enough, / To make the NobleLeonatus mad, / By wounding his beleefe in her Renowne, / With tokens thus, and thus:auerring notes / Of Chamber-hanging, Pictures, this her Bracelet / (Oh cunning how I got) nay ſome markes / Of ſecret on her perſon, that he could not / But thinke her bond of Chaſtity quite crack'd, / I hauing tane the forfeyt.
Upon a time the Body summon'd all the Members to meet in the Guild for the common good (asAesops Chroniclesaverre many stranger Accidents) the head by right takes the first seat, and next to it a huge and monstrous Wen little lesse than the Head it selfe, growing to it by a narrower excrescency.
1841 December,R[ichard] R[obert] Madden, “Address on Slavery in Cuba, Presented to the General Anti-slavery Convention”, inThe Churchman’s Monthly Review, London: R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside; and sold by L. and G. Seeley,[…],→OCLC,page705:
[A]lthough thouaverrest this, andaverrest it truly, we are nevertheless constrained to plead guilty to the possession of so much of this sensibility [a refusal to hear details] (call it "sickly" if thou wilt) as that they case once proved, our feeling of duty refuses to sustain us any longer against that combined and overwhelming influence of shattered nerves and a sickened heart.
FromMiddle Englishaver,avere(“workhorse; any beast of burden (?); things which are owned, possessions, property, wealth; state of being rich, wealth; ownership, possession”)[and other forms],[2][3] and then either:
[…] Gilbert has but two half-starved cowardly peasants to follow him, and but an auld jadedaver to ride upon, fitter for the plough than for manly service;[…]
Turner, Ralph Lilley (1969–1985) “ápara”, inA Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages, London: Oxford University Press,page20
Boretzky, Norbert, Igla, Birgit (1994) “avér”, inWörterbuch Romani-Deutsch-Englisch für den südosteuropäischen Raum : mit einer Grammatik der Dialektvarianten [Romani-German-English dictionary for the Southern European region] (in German), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag,→ISBN, page14
Marcel Courthiade (2009) “aver B-ćham: -e”, in Melinda Rézműves, editor,Morri angluni rromane ćhibǎqi evroputni lavustik = Első rromani nyelvű európai szótáram : cigány, magyar, angol, francia, spanyol, német, ukrán, román, horvát, szlovák, görög [My First European-Romani Dictionary: Romani, Hungarian, English, French, Spanish, German, Ukrainian, Romanian, Croatian, Slovak, Greek] (overall work in Hungarian and English), Budapest: Fővárosi Onkormányzat Cigány Ház--Romano Kher,→ISBN, page68