FromLatinasyndeton, fromAncient Greekἀσύνδετον(asúndeton), fromἀ-(a-,“a-,un-,non-”) and the neuter substantive ofσῠ́νδετος(sŭ́ndetos,“bound,joined”), fromσυνδεῖν(sundeîn,“tojoin, tobind”), fromσῠν-(sŭn-,“together”) +δεῖν(deîn,“tobind, totie”). Equivalent toa- +syndeton.
Examples (rhetoric) |
asyndeton (countable anduncountable,pluralasyndetonsorasyndeta)
Borrowed fromAncient Greekἀσύνδετον(asúndeton,“unconnected”).
asyndeton n
FromAncient Greekἀσύνδετον(asúndeton).
asyndeton n (genitiveasyndetī);second declension
Second-declension noun (neuter, Greek-type).
singular | plural | |
nominative | asyndeton | asyndeta |
genitive | asyndetī | asyndetōrum |
dative | asyndetō | asyndetīs |
accusative | asyndeton | asyndeta |
ablative | asyndetō | asyndetīs |
vocative | asyndeton | asyndeta |
Learned borrowing fromAncient Greekἀσύνδετον(asúndeton).
singular | plural | |
nominative | asyndeton | asyndetony |
genitive | asyndetonu | asyndetonów |
dative | asyndetonowi | asyndetonom |
accusative | asyndeton | asyndetony |
instrumental | asyndetonem | asyndetonami |
locative | asyndetonie | asyndetonach |
vocative | asyndetonie | asyndetony |