FromProto-Finnic*antadak, fromProto-Uralic*ëmta- / *amta-.[1] Cognate withEstonianandma,Northern Samivuovdit(“to sell”),Erzyaандомс(andoms,“to feed”),Komi-Zyrianуд(ud) andHungarianad.
Inflection ofantaa (Kotus type 56*J/kaivaa,nt-nn gradation) | |||||||||||||||||||||
indicative mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present tense | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | annan | enanna | 1st sing. | olenantanut | en oleantanut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | annat | etanna | 2nd sing. | oletantanut | et oleantanut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | antaa | eianna | 3rd sing. | onantanut | ei oleantanut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | annamme | emmeanna | 1st plur. | olemmeantaneet | emme oleantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | annatte | etteanna | 2nd plur. | oletteantaneet | ette oleantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | antavat | eivätanna | 3rd plur. | ovatantaneet | eivät oleantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | annetaan | eianneta | passive | onannettu | ei oleannettu | ||||||||||||||||
past tense | pluperfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | annoin | enantanut | 1st sing. | olinantanut | en ollutantanut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | annoit | etantanut | 2nd sing. | olitantanut | et ollutantanut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | antoi | eiantanut | 3rd sing. | oliantanut | ei ollutantanut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | annoimme | emmeantaneet | 1st plur. | olimmeantaneet | emme olleetantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | annoitte | etteantaneet | 2nd plur. | olitteantaneet | ette olleetantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | antoivat | eivätantaneet | 3rd plur. | olivatantaneet | eivät olleetantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | annettiin | eiannettu | passive | oliannettu | ei ollutannettu | ||||||||||||||||
conditional mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | antaisin | enantaisi | 1st sing. | olisinantanut | en olisiantanut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | antaisit | etantaisi | 2nd sing. | olisitantanut | et olisiantanut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | antaisi | eiantaisi | 3rd sing. | olisiantanut | ei olisiantanut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | antaisimme | emmeantaisi | 1st plur. | olisimmeantaneet | emme olisiantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | antaisitte | etteantaisi | 2nd plur. | olisitteantaneet | ette olisiantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | antaisivat | eivätantaisi | 3rd plur. | olisivatantaneet | eivät olisiantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | annettaisiin | eiannettaisi | passive | olisiannettu | ei olisiannettu | ||||||||||||||||
imperative mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | — | — | 1st sing. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | anna | äläanna | 2nd sing. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | antakoon | älköönantako | 3rd sing. | olkoonantanut | älköön olkoantanut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | antakaamme | älkäämmeantako | 1st plur. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | antakaa | älkääantako | 2nd plur. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | antakoot | älköötantako | 3rd plur. | olkootantaneet | älkööt olkoantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | annettakoon | älköönannettako | passive | olkoonannettu | älköön olkoannettu | ||||||||||||||||
potential mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | antanen | enantane | 1st sing. | lienenantanut | en lieneantanut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | antanet | etantane | 2nd sing. | lienetantanut | et lieneantanut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | antanee | eiantane | 3rd sing. | lieneeantanut | ei lieneantanut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | antanemme | emmeantane | 1st plur. | lienemmeantaneet | emme lieneantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | antanette | etteantane | 2nd plur. | lienetteantaneet | ette lieneantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | antanevat | eivätantane | 3rd plur. | lienevätantaneet | eivät lieneantaneet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | annettaneen | eiannettane | passive | lieneeannettu | ei lieneannettu | ||||||||||||||||
Nominal forms | |||||||||||||||||||||
infinitives | participles | ||||||||||||||||||||
active | passive | active | passive | ||||||||||||||||||
1st | antaa | present | antava | annettava | |||||||||||||||||
long 1st1 |
| past | antanut | annettu | |||||||||||||||||
2nd | inessive2 | antaessa | annettaessa | agent4 | antama | ||||||||||||||||
| negative | antamaton | |||||||||||||||||||
instructive | antaen | — | 1) Used only with a possessive suffix. 2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only). unlike the first infinitive (the lemma form), even though they are spelled identically. | ||||||||||||||||||
3rd | inessive | antamassa | — | ||||||||||||||||||
elative | antamasta | — | |||||||||||||||||||
illative | antamaan | — | |||||||||||||||||||
adessive | antamalla | — | |||||||||||||||||||
abessive | antamatta | — | |||||||||||||||||||
instructive | antaman | annettaman | |||||||||||||||||||
4th3 | verbal noun | antaminen | |||||||||||||||||||
5th1 |
FromProto-Finnic*antadak. Cognates includeFinnishantaa andEstoniananda.
Conjugation ofantaa (type 4/antaa, nt-nn gradation) | |||||
Indikativa | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | annan | enanna | 1st singular | oonantant,oonantanut | en ooantant,en ooantanut |
2nd singular | annat | etanna | 2nd singular | ootantant,ootantanut | et ooantant,et ooantanut |
3rd singular | antaa | eianna | 3rd singular | onoantant,onoantanut | ei ooantant,ei ooantanut |
1st plural | annamma | emmäanna | 1st plural | oommaantaneet | emmä ooantaneet |
2nd plural | annatta | ettäanna | 2nd plural | oottaantaneet | että ooantaneet |
3rd plural | antaat1),antavat2),annetaa | evätanna,eianneta | 3rd plural | ovatantaneet | evät ooantaneet,ei ooannettu |
impersonal | annetaa | eianneta | impersonal | onoannettu | ei ooannettu |
Imperfekta | Pluskvamperfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | annoin | enantant,enantanut | 1st singular | olinantant,olinantanut | en oltantant,en oltantanut |
2nd singular | annoit | etantant,etantanut | 2nd singular | olitantant,olitantanut | et oltantant,et oltantanut |
3rd singular | antoi | eiantant,eiantanut | 3rd singular | oliantant,oliantanut | ei oltantant,ei oltantanut |
1st plural | annoimma | emmäantaneet | 1st plural | olimmaantaneet | emmä olleetantaneet |
2nd plural | annoitta | ettäantaneet | 2nd plural | olittaantaneet | että olleetantaneet |
3rd plural | antoit1),antoivat2),annettii | evätantaneet,eiannettu | 3rd plural | olivatantaneet | evät olleetantaneet,ei oltannettu |
impersonal | annettii | eiannettu | impersonal | oliannettu | ei oltannettu |
Konditsionala | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | antaisin | enantais | 1st singular | olisinantant,olisinantanut | en olisantant,en olisantanut |
2nd singular | antaisit,antaist1) | etantais | 2nd singular | olisitantant,olisitantanut | et olisantant,et olisantanut |
3rd singular | antais | eiantais | 3rd singular | olisantant,olisantanut | ei olisantant,ei olisantanut |
1st plural | antaisimma | emmäantais | 1st plural | olisimmaantaneet | emmä olisantaneet |
2nd plural | antaisitta | ettäantais | 2nd plural | olisittaantaneet | että olisantaneet |
3rd plural | antaisiit1),antaisivat2),annettais | evätantais,eiannettais | 3rd plural | olisivatantaneet | evät olisantaneet,ei olisannettu |
impersonal | annettais | eiannettais | impersonal | olisannettu | ei olisannettu |
Imperativa | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | — | — | 1st singular | — | — |
2nd singular | anna | eläanna | 2nd singular | ooantant,ooantanut | elä ooantant,elä ooantanut |
3rd singular | antakoo | elkööantako | 3rd singular | olkooantant,olkooantanut | elköö olkoantant,elköö olkoantanut |
1st plural | — | — | 1st plural | — | — |
2nd plural | antakaa | elkääantako | 2nd plural | olkaaantaneet | elkää olkoantaneet |
3rd plural | antakoot | elköötantako,elkööannettako | 3rd plural | olkootantaneet | elkööt olkoantaneet,elköö olkoannettu |
impersonal | annettakkoo | elkööannettako | impersonal | olkooannettu | elköö olkoannettu |
Potentsiala | |||||
Preesens | |||||
positive | negative | ||||
1st singular | antanen | enantane | |||
2nd singular | antanet | etantane | |||
3rd singular | antanoo | eiantane | |||
1st plural | antanemma | emmäantane | |||
2nd plural | antanetta | ettäantane | |||
3rd plural | antanoot | evätantane,eiannettane | |||
impersonal | annettannoo | eiannettane | |||
Nominal forms | |||||
Infinitivat | Partisipat | ||||
active | passive | ||||
1st | antaa | present | antava | annettava | |
2nd | inessive | antajees | past | antant,antanut | annettu |
instructive | antaen | 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect. 2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect. *) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (antakaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well. **) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix-k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative ***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix-k (-ka?/-kä?) or-kse to either the indicative or the potential ****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix-kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition. | |||
3rd | illative | antamaa | |||
inessive | antamaas | ||||
elative | antamast | ||||
abessive | antamata | ||||
4th | nominative | antamiin | |||
partitive | antamista,antamist |