1751,[Tobias] Smollett, “He is Made Acquainted with the Characters of Commodore Trunnion and His Adherents; Meets with Them by Accident and Contracts an Intimacy with that Commander”, inThe Adventures of Peregrine Pickle[…], volume(please specify |volume=I to IV), London: Harrison and Co.,[…],→OCLC,page 6, column 1:
And if your honour ſhould want a ſmall parcel of fine tea, or a fewanchors of right Nantz, I'll be bound you ſhall be furniſhed to your heart's content.
[I]t is quite a painful reflection how many whole crews we have made to walk the plank for no more than a stock of biscuit or ananker or two of spirit.
"God damn and blast all you hamfisted yokels!" he was saying. "And you, sir, down there. Take that grin off your face and be more careful, or I'll have you clapped under hatches to sail with us today. Easy, there, easy! Christ, rum at seven guineas ananker isn't meant to be dropped like pig iron!"