1647,Joseph Hall,Christ Mysticall; or the blessed union of Christ and his Members, as edited and reprinted in Josiah Pratt (editor),The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Joseph Hall, D.D., Volume 8, C. Wittingham (1808),page 217:
[…] by theanimation of the same soul quickening that whole frame.
(animation, in the sense of a cartoon) A sequence of still drawings or inanimate objects displayed in rapid succession to create the illusion of movement in motion pictures or computer graphics; the object (film, computer game, etc.) produced
The state of being lively, brisk, or full of spirit and vigor; vivacity; spiritedness
1992, Samuel E. Martin,A Reference Grammar of Korean, page291:
"The constraints are not so hard and fast that exceptional sentences do not occur. In particularanimation and disanimation can temporarily suspend the system."
Activities offered by a holiday resort encompassing activities that include movement, joy, leisure and spectacle, such as games, sports, shows, events, etc.