2016 March 29, Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos, “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right”, inBreitbart[1]:
Not allalt-righters will agree with our taxonomy of the movement. Hacker and white nationalist Andrew Auernheimer, better known as weev, responded in typically jaw-dropping fashion to our enquiries: “The tireless attempts of you Jews to smear us decent Nazis is shameful.”
2016 August 27, Maureen Dowd, “The Alt-Right Is All Wrong”, inThe New York Times[2]:
“Thanks for the free PR Hillary,” tweeted a self-describedalt-righter. “The #alt-right will long remember the day you helped make us into the real right.”
2016 December 2, Christopher Caldwell, “What the Alt-Right Really Means”, inThe New York Times[3]:
Mr. Trump disavowed thealt-righters once the excesses of Mr. Spencer’s conference went viral. But as a candidate, Mr. Trump called the government corrupt, assailed the Republican establishment, flouted almost every rule of political etiquette, racial and otherwise, and did so in a way that made thealt-righters trust his instincts.