1978 November 4, “"CRUDEN IS EEN SLECHT ADVISEUR" ZEGT EENDRACHT ["CRUDEN IS A BAD ADVISOR" SAYS EENDRACHT]”, inVrije Stem: onafhankelijk weekblad voor Suriname[1], page 6:
Ik weet nietals de heer Ramon Cruden de Minister van Arbeid werkelijk zal kunnen adviseren
I don't knowwhether Mr Ramon Cruden will be truly able to advise the Minister of Labour
2021 April 29, Wilfred Leeuwin, “Einde in zicht in geruchtmakende strafzaak Centrale Bank [End in sight in controversial Central Bank criminal case]”, inDe Ware Tijd[2], retrieved2 May 2021:
Het document is in opdracht van het OM samengesteld om aan te tonenals de gesloten contracten tussen de CBvS en het Belgische bedrijf Clairfield rechtmatig zijn,als de bedragen die contractueel zijn afgedwongen gangbaar zijn naar internationale maatstaven enals de verdachten wel of geen financieel voordeel hebben gehad aan deze deals.
The document was commissioned by the prosecution to determinewhether the contracts concluded between the Central Bank of Suriname and the Belgian company Clairfield were lawful,whether the sums enforced in the contracts were customary by international standards andwhether or not the suspects benefited financially from these deals.
"Als" must be followed by S-O-V word order. For if/then statements, V-S-O word inversion must be used in the following clause whether the superfluous "dan" is included or not.
Als in the sense of “than” does not govern case. The case of the standard of comparison depends on its syntactic function:
Sie liebt das Kind mehr alsihr Mann.(nominative)
She loves the child more thanher husband does.
Sie liebt das Kind mehr alsihren Mann.(accusative)
She loves the child more than she lovesher husband.
Als in the sense of “as, like” is claimed by some traditional grammars to require the nominative case:Er verkleidet sich als spanischer Stierkämpfer. (“He dresses himself up as a Spanish bullfighter.”) This may indeed be the most common usage in reflexive constructions, such as in the example given (althoughals spanischen Stierkämpfer is acceptable). The mechanical use of the nominative, however, is often ungrammatical by any standards of common usage:Sie kannte ihn schon als jungen Mann (“She knew him already as a young man”; the nominativeals *junger Mann would be odd and indeed would suggest the meaning that she knew him whenshe was a young man). Thus, the same general rule applies as given above.
Als in the sense of “as” vs. “than” is retained in derived constructions other than the simile: You see the conjunctionsals ob,als wenn, and with inverted syntaxals, andals following aftersowohl, much commoner thanwie though this be impeccable. By the same token,als referring to time of occurrence can be replaced bywie at least in the colloquials. This means that probably all senses can be replaced bywie, save the meaning “in the function of”, in whichwie would be incomprehensible.