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See also:Allyand-ally


WOTD – 14 June 2022

Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishallien,alien(to form an alliance, associate, join; to become an ally; to introduce (someone) as an ally; to marry; to become related (to someone); to attack, engage in combat; to combine; (cooking) to combine ingredients, especially to bind them together) [and other forms],[1] fromAnglo-Normanalier,allier,Middle Frenchalier,allier [and other forms], andOld Frenchalier(to join together, unite; to alloy (metals); (cooking) to combine ingredients) (modernFrenchallier), fromLatinalligāre,[2] thepresentactiveinfinitive ofalligō,adligō(to bind around, to, or up (something), bandage, fasten, fetter, tie; to hold fast; to detain, hinder), fromal-,ad-(intensifyingprefix) +ligō(to bind, tie; to bandage, wrap around; to unite) (fromProto-Indo-European*leyǵ-(to bind, tie)).Doublet ofallay,alligate,alloy, andligament.





ally (third-person singular simple presentallies,present participleallying,simple past and past participleallied)

  1. (transitive)
    1. Tounite orform aconnection between (people or things), as betweenfamilies bymarriage, or betweenstates byconfederacy,league, ortreaty.
    2. Chiefly followed bytoorwith: toconnect or form arelation to (someone or something) bysimilarity infeatures ornature.
    3. (reflexive) Tojoin or unite (oneself or itself) against, with, etc., someone or something else.
      • 1577, Peter de la Place [i.e.Pierre de la Place], “Of the Excellencie of a Christian Man, and the Way to Knowe Him”, inL[aurence] Tomson, transl.,A Treatise of the Excellencie of a Christian Man, and Howe He may be Knowen. [], London: [] Christopher Barkar, [],→OCLC:
        To be ſhort, hauing thus ingrafted them into the body of his [God's] Sonne, he ioyneth andallieth him ſelfe to them, he maketh him ſelfe one with them, maketh them his children and heyres, partakers of his immortalitie and glorie, and all this he worketh by the inward vertue of his holy Ghost,[]
      • 1742, [Samuel Richardson], “Letter XXIX”, inPamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded. [], volume III, London: [] S[amuel] Richardson; and sold byC[harles] Rivington, []; and J. Osborn, [],→OCLC,page172:
        [W]e have ſo many of our firſt Titled Families vvho haveally'd themſelves to Trade, (vvhoſe Inducements vvere Money only) that it ceaſes to be either a VVonder as to the Fact, or a Diſgrace to the Honour.
      • 1841, W[illia]m H. Simmons, “Rain. A Colloquial Lecture.”, in [George Stillman Hillard], editor,The Boston Book. Being Specimens of Metropolitan Literature, Boston, Mass.: George W. Light, [],→OCLC,page306:
        And do we upbraid thee [rain], in our heartless stupidity, because, rather than withhold thy life-giving dispensations, thouallyest thy gentle nature with thy opposites, and comest in unwelcome company—in chilly league with Eurus, or riding on the stormy wings of night-confounding Aquilo—[]
      • 1849,Thomas Babington Macaulay, chapter X, inThe History of England from the Accession of James II, volume II, London:Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans,→OCLC,page626:
        [George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax] had seen that the settlement of the government could be effected on Whig principles only, and who had therefore, for the time,allied himself closely with the Whigs.
      • 1861,[T. John Vickers], “The Book of Counsels”, inThe New Koran of the Pacifican Friendhood: or Text-book of Turkish Reformers, in the Teaching and Example of Their Esteemed Master Jaido Morata, London: George Mainwaring, [],→OCLC, chapter XXIX, verses 24–25,page375, column 1:
        A wise damsel walketh up and down discreetly in the world, minding her affairs: she regardeth not the pleading of vain lovers, but taketh counsel with her friends andallieth herself at last to one of true worth. Then she giveth up her whole heart to the service of her husband, and receiveth from him again his love and strong help and the flower of his estate beyond calcuation or desire.
      • 1887,Heinrich Heine, “English Fragments. London.”, in Mr. Leland, transl., edited byHavelock Ellis,The Prose Writings of Heinrich Heine: [] (The Camelot Series), London:Walter Scott [],→OCLC,page51:
        Poor Poverty![] Well art thou in the right when thoualliest thyself to Vice and Crime.
  2. (intransitive)Chiefly followed bywith: toenter into analliance or unite for acommonaim.
    Synonym:make common cause
    • 1673,Gilbert Burnet, “The First Conference”, inA Vindication of the Authority, Constitution, and Laws of the Church and State of Scotland. [], Glasgow: Robert Sanders, [],→OCLC,page62:
      [A]ftervvards he [Constantine the Great]allied vvithLicinius, and gave him his Siſter in marriage, and acknovvledged him his Colleague in the Empire.
    • 1837, Edward Lytton Bulwer [i.e.,Edward Bulwer-Lytton], chapter VIII, inAthens: Its Rise and Fall: [], volume II, London: Saunders and Otley, [],→OCLC, book III (From the Battle of Marathon to the Battles of Platæa and Mycale, B.C. 490 – B.C. 479),page195:
      Whatever injuries[] the Athenians have done me I forgive.[] If they willally with me, rebuild the temples I have burnt.
Usage notes

The word is generally used in thepassive form or reflexively.

Conjugation ofally
present tensepast tense
Derived terms
Related terms
to unite or form a connection between (people or things)
to connect or form a relation to (someone or something) by similarity in features or nature
to join or unite (oneself or itself) against, with, etc., someone or something else
to enter into an alliance or unite for a common aim

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishallie,alie [and other forms],[3] probably partly:



ally (pluralallies)

  1. Aperson whoco-operates with orhelps another; anassociate; afriend.
    • 1660, [Richard Allestree], “Sect[ion] V. Of the Second Advantage, Wealth.”, inThe Gentlemans Calling, London: [] T[imothy] Garthwait [],→OCLC,page83:
      [N]o attempt is made to call in God to their reſcue, as if he vvere an idle unconcern'd ſpectator of humane affairs, or ſo inconſiderable anally, as not to be vvorth the care of engaging him on their ſide.
    • 1769,William Robertson, “Proofs and Illustrations. Note XLI. Sect. III. p. 186.”, inThe History of the Reign of the EmperorCharles V. [], volume I, London: [] W. and W. Strahan, forW[illiam] Strahan,T[homas] Cadell, []; and J. Balfour, [],→OCLC,page381:
      The rights of the ſeven Electors were ſupported by all the deſcendants andallies of their powerful families, who ſhared in the ſplendor and influence, which they enjoyed by this diſtinguiſhing privilege.
    • 1822 May 21, Geoffrey Crayon [pseudonym;Washington Irving], “The Culprit”, inBracebridge Hall, or The Humourists. A Medley. [], volume II, New York, N.Y.: [] C. S. Van Winkle, [],→OCLC,page197:
      [] Christy and his trustyally, the one armed with a fowling piece, the other with an ancient blunderbuss, turned out as sentries to keep watch over this donjon keep.
    • 1916 December 29,James Joyce, chapter II, inA Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York, N.Y.:B[enjamin] W. Huebsch,→OCLC,page68:
      He became theally of a boy named Aubrey Mills and founded with him a gang of adventurers in the avenue.
    1. A person who, ororganization which,supports ademographicgroupsubject todiscrimination and/ormisrepresentation but is not amember of the group; specifically(LGBTQ), a person who is not a member of theLGBT+community but issupportive of it.
      I’m glad you want to be a betterally to the disabled.
  2. A person, group,state, etc., which isassociated orunited bytreaty with another for acommon (especiallymilitary orpolitical)purpose; aconfederate.
    The two countries wereallies in World War I.
    • [1513],John Skelton,A Ballade of the Scottysshe Kynge, [London: Richard Fawkes],→OCLC; reprinted London:Elliot Stock, [],1882,→OCLC,page[94]:
      To be ſo ſcornefull to youralye⸝ / Your counſeyle was not worth a flye.
    • 1640,Fra[ncis] Quarles, “[The First Century.] Chapter IX.”, inEnchiridion: Containing Institutions, Divine, Contemplative, Practical. Moral, Ethical, Oeconomicall, Politicall, London: [] R. F., published1644,→OCLC, 1st book:
      If thou deſire to make vvarre vvith a Prince, vvith vvhom thou haſt formerly ratified a league; aſſaile ſomeAlly of his, rather then himſelfe:[] his infidelity in not aſſiſting hisAlly, vvill be diſcovered: Hereby thou ſhalt gaine thy ſelfe advantage, and facilitate thy deſignes.
    • 1851,Thomas Babington Macaulay, chapter XIV, inThe History of England from the Accession of James the Second, volume III, London:Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans,→OCLC,page427:
      During some days indeed there was great reason to fear that the enemy would be entertained with a bloody fight between the English soldiers and their Frenchallies.
    • 2019 May 5, Danette Chavez, “Campaigns are Waged On and Off theGame Of Thrones Battlefield (Newbies)”, inThe A.V. Club[1], archived fromthe original on28 January 2021:
      Even before she begs Jon to keep his identity a secret, she reeks of desperation; in order to gain anally that isn’t already in her entourage, she sets Gendry Baratheon né Rivers up in Storm’s End.
  3. Somethingregarded asconnected with orrelated to another thing bysimilarity infeatures ornature.
    • 1630,Michael Drayton, “[The Muses Elizium.] The Fift Nimphall.”, in Cyril Brett, editor,Minor Poems of Michael Drayton, Oxford, Oxfordshire:Clarendon Press, published1907,→OCLC,page198, lines113–115:
      the pretty Pansy then Ile tye / Like Stones some Chaine inchasing, / And next to them their neereAlye, / The purple Violet placing.
    • 1659–1660,Thomas Stanley, “[Timæus the Locrian. Of the Soul of the World, and of Nature.]”, inThe History of Philosophy, the Third and Last Volume, [], volume III, London: [] Humphrey Moseley, andThomas Dring, [],→OCLC, 1st part (Containing the Italick Sects),pages134–135:
      The Aleptick art, and, its neereſtally, Medicine, are deſign'd for the cure of bodies, reducing the faculties to the beſt harmony;[]
    • 1697,Virgil, “The Fourth Book of theGeorgics”, inJohn Dryden, transl.,The Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and Æneis. [], London: [] Jacob Tonson, [],→OCLC,page112, lines547–549:
      The frozen Earth lies buried there, belovv / A hilly heap, ſev'n Cubits deep in Snovv: / And all theVVeſtAllies of ſtormyBoreas blovv.
    • 1713,W[illiam] Derham, “[A Survey of the Particular Tribes of Animals.] Of the Head, Stomach, and Other Parts of Birds.”, inPhysico-Theology: Or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from His Works of Creation. [], London: [] W[illiam] Innys, [],→OCLC, book VII (A Survey of Birds),page384:
      And novv from the Head and Mouth, paſs vve to it's nearAllie the Stomach, another no leſs notable than uſeful Part;[]
    1. (taxonomy) Anorganism which is related to another organism through commonevolutionaryorigin; specifically, aspecies which isclosely related to another species, usually within the samefamily.
      The order of Gruiformes includes cranes and theirallies.
      • 1979, Larry G. Marshallet al., “Calibration of the Great American Interchange: A radioisotope chronology for Late Tertiary interchange of terrestrial faunas between the Americas.”, inScience[2], volume204, number4390,→DOI, pages272–279:
        Procyonids (raccoons and theirallies), a group ofNorth American origin, are first recorded inSouth America in a level immediately below a unit dated at 6.0 million years.
  4. (figuratively) A person, group,concept, etc., which isassociated with another as ahelper; anauxiliary; asupporter.
    • 1861,Henry Thomas Buckle, “An Examination of the Scotch Intellect during the Eighteenth Century”, inHistory of Civilization in England, volume II, London: Parker, Son, and Bourn, [],→OCLC,page596:
      [S]cience, instead of being the enemy of religion, becomes itsally.
  5. (historical or obsolete) Akinsman orkinswoman; arelative.
Derived terms
Related terms
person who co-operates with or helps anotherseeassociate,‎friend
person who, or organization which, supports a demographic group subject to discrimination and/or misrepresentation but is not a member of the group
person who is not a member of the LGBT+ community but is supportive of it
person, group, state, etc., which is associated or united by treaty with another for a common (especially military or political) purpose
something regarded as connected with or related to another thing by similarity in features or nature
organism which is related to another organism through common evolutionary origin; species which is closely related to another species, usually within the same family
person, group, concept, etc., which is associated with another as a helpersee alsoauxiliary,‎supporter
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked



ally pl (plural only)(obsolete)

  1. One'srelatives;kin,kindred,relations; also,relationship throughdescent ormarriage;kinship.
    • 1556,John Heywood, chapter 29, inThe Spider and the Flie. [], London: [] Tho[mas] Powell,→OCLC; republished asA[dolphus] W[illiam] Ward, editor,The Spider and the Flie. [] (Publications of the Spenser Society, New Series; 6), Manchester: [] [Charles E. Simms] for the Spenser Society,1894,→OCLC,page135:
      The ſpider: as of vſe in talke new entrid, / (Frendes axe of frends: the ſtate of their frends frendly,) / Axte how his coſins (thants father and mother) did. / His brothers ſiſters with all kyn andaly, / Thant ſaid thei did well.
  2. People,groups,states, etc., which areassociated orunited with each other for acommonpurpose;confederates; also, the state of beingallied;alliance,confederation.

Etymology 3







ally (pluralallies)

  1. Alternative spelling ofalley(aglassmarble ortaw)


  1. ^allīen,v.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  2. ^ally,v.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press,June 2022;ally1,v.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  3. 3.03.1allīe,n.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  4. ^ally,n.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press,June 2022;ally1,n.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  5. ^ally2,n.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.

Further reading



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