( metrology ) Symbol for attoliter ( attolitre ) , anSI unit offluid measure equal to 10−18 liters ( litres ) .FromHindi आल ( āl ) .
al (usuallyuncountable ,plural als )
TheIndian mulberry ,Morinda citrifolia , especially as used to makedye . Multiple parts of speech [ edit ] al
Archaic form ofall .c. 1522 (date written),Thomas More , “A Treatyce (Vnfynyshed) vppon These Wordes of Holye Scrypture, Memorare Nouissima, & Ineternum non Peccabis, Remember the Last Thynges, and Thou shalt Neuer Synne. [ … ] ”, in Wyllyam Rastell [i.e. ,William Rastell ], editor,The Workes of Sir Thomas More Knyght, [ … ] , London: [ … ] Iohn Cawod , Iohn Waly, andRicharde Tottell , published30 April 1557 ,→OCLC , book I,page80 , column 1:Now if ye felt your belly in ſuche caſe, that ye muſt be fayneal daye to tende it with warme clothes, oꝛ els ye were not able to abide the payne, would ye recken your belly ſicke oꝛ whole? I wene ye would recken your belly not in good quart.
“al”, inThe American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language , 4th edition, Boston, Mass.:Houghton Mifflin ,2000 ,→ISBN . “al ”, Unabridged ,, LLC , 1995–present. "al " inWordNet 2.0 , Princeton University, 2003. FromDutch al , fromMiddle Dutch al , fromOld Dutch al , fromProto-West Germanic *all .
already al (attributive alle ,notcomparable )
all ;every al
even though ,although al m sg
Contraction ofa el ( “ to the ” ) .FromProto-Turkic *āl .
al (comparative daha al ,superlative ən al )
dark red ,blood red ,crimson Synonym: qırmızı al
second-person singular imperative ofalmaq A grammaticalization ofahal .[ 1]
Used to form yes/no questions. Esanal diozu? ―Did you tell her? It is placed before the verb.
“al ”, inEuskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy ] (in Basque),Euskaltzaindia [Royal Academy of the Basque Language ] “al ”, inOrotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary ],Euskaltzaindia ,1987–2005 al
the al m sg
Contraction ofa el ( “ at the ;to the” ) .Vaigal zoo. ―I goto the zoo. Whenel contracts tol' before a vowel,al is not used:
Ens veurema l' aeroport. ―We'll meet at the airport. al
vermeil FromOld Norse allr ( “ all ” ) .
al (neuter alt ,plural alle )
all any FromMiddle Dutch al , fromOld Dutch al , fromProto-West Germanic *all .
all ,all of Heb jeal het bier opgedronken? ―Did you drinkall the beer? Van Gogh produceerdeal zijn werk gedurende een periode van slechts tien jaar. ―Van Gogh producedall of his work during a period of only ten years. Alle olie is uit de tanker gelekt. ―All the oil has leaked out of the tanker.Nietalle mensen zijn zo gemeen. ―Notall people are that mean. Afrikaans:al Jersey Dutch:ā ,āl ,ālle ( from the inflected form ) Negerhollands:al ,alda → Aukan:ala → Sranan Tongo:ala al
already Het isal negen uur. ―It's 9 o'clockalready . yet Heb jeal een kip gekocht? ―Have you bought a chickenyet ? ( obsolete , today only in fixed phrases and compounds) emphatic modifier of adverbs al
even if Synonym: ook al Al zou ik het willen... ―Even if I wanted to...FromLatin ille ( “ that ” ) .
al (personal )
( nominative case ) he ( accusative case ) him Becomesl- before a vowel. Becomes-el when acting as an enclitic (after a consonant). Becomes-l when acting as an enclitic (after a vowel). Emilian personal pronouns (strong forms)
tospeak Likely fromItalian al ,Catalan al , andSpanish al .
to ;toward to ( indicates indirect object ) Ŝi donis la libronal siaj gepatroj. ―She gave the book to her (own) parents. Created in 2015 by Alpheratz, based on Old Frenchal , a variant of the pronounel .[ 1]
al gender-neutral (third-person singular ,plural als ,accusative lu )
( gender-neutral , neologism , nonstandard ) they ( singular ) .Agender-neutral singular third-person subject personal pronoun. Synonyms: ael ,iel ,ul ,ol 2022 , Vinay Swamy, Louisa Mackenzie,Devenir non-binaire en français contemporain [2] , Paris: Le Manuscrit,→ISBN , pages15-16 :Alpheratz vise un monde dans lequel le neutre ne serait pas une seule notion abstraite, mais bien un vécu et un parler. Parler de la langue, pour Alpheratz, c’est nécessairement parler des significations sociales de ses silences. Car si les mots ont un sens, commeal nous rappelle en tête de son site Web, leur absence en a un aussi. (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation) 1 On can also function as a first person plural (although agreeing with third person singular verb forms).2 Vous is also used as the polite singular form.3 Ils andeux are also used when a group has a mixture of masculine and feminine members.4 These forms are also used as third person plural reflexive.
vermeil FromOld Galician-Portuguese al , fromVulgar Latin *ale , fromLatin aliud , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂élyos .
( obsolete ) everything , therest Synonym: o resto ( obsolete ) other ,another Synonym: outro FromLeonese al .
Contraction ofa el ( “ to the (king) ” ) Used exclusively preceding the wordrei ( “ king ” ) , when referring to the current King of the land.
Contraction ofFrench ale , fromFrench aller .
togo Synonym: ale al
showing surpise, or admiration Al ! Aqqoq aqda/aqma!Oh ! What a great man/woman!Al , zaqqulal !Oh , how beautiful it is!al
indication completion of action zaqal ―finished eating used with negative sentence FromProto-Uralic *ëla ( “ space, area under something, under(neath), the lower (part) ” ) . (Spelled*ala in Uralonet.) Originally it was a noun; today it is used in compound words, seeal- .[ 1] Cognate withFinnish ala ,ala- ,Erzya ало ( alo ) .
( archaic , rare ) lower part of somethingal inBárczi, Géza andLászló Országh .A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language”, abbr.:ÉrtSz. ). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN al in Nóra Ittzés, editor,A magyar nyelv nagyszótára [A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language ] (Nszt.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó , 2006–2031(work in progress; publisheda–ez as of 2024) .al
indefinite accusative / dative singular ofalur al
Contraction ofa la ( “ to the ” ) .This is optional, you can also usea l' ...
Spatial inflection ofal ↗︎○ allative alle ○ adessive al ○↘︎ ablative alt
FromProto-Finnic *alla . Cognates includeFinnish alla andEstonian all .
In the sense "near",semantic loan fromRussian под ( pod ) .
( of location ) under ,underneath 1937 , D. I. Efimov,Lukukirja: Inkeroisia alkușkouluja vart (toin osa) , Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page53 :Präkkää jää i paukkaa, vesi onoal . The ice crackles and bangs, Water isunder it . 1937 , V. A. Tetjurev, translated by N. I. Molotsova,Loonnontiito (ensimäin osa): oppikirja alkușkoulun kolmatta klaassaa vart , Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 7:Kons șommela vesi seisohtaijaa, ni klaziputelin pohjaa jääpi kaks sloijaa:al — liiva, a sen pääl — savi. When the cloudy water settles down, two layers will remain on the bottom of the glass bottle:beneath - sand, and above it - clay. al (+ genitive )
( of location ) under ,underneath 1936 , V. I. Junus,Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka [3] , Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page135 :Aitanal ellää kärppä. Under the storehouse lives a stoat.1936 , D. I. Efimov,Lukukirja: Inkeroisia alkușkouluja vart (ensimäine osa) , Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page11 :Jäänal hänel ei oo kylmä. Under the ice they aren't cold.( of location ) near ,around 1936 , L. G. Terehova, V. G. Erdeli, translated by Mihailov and P. I. Maksimov,Geografia: oppikirja iƶoroin alkușkoulun kolmatta klaassaa vart (ensimäine osa) , Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page77 :Talvi Moskovanal on pitkä, melkeen 5 kuuta. Winteraround Moscow is long, almost 5 months. ( antonym(s) of “ under ” ) : pääl ( “ on top; above ” ) V. I. Junus (1936 )Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka [4] , Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page135 Ruben E. Nirvi (1971 )Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja , Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page10 Arvo Laanest (1997 )Isuri keele Hevaha murde sõnastik , Eesti Keele Instituut, page18 Olga I. Konkova, Nikita A. Dyachkov (2014 )Inkeroin Keel: Пособие по Ижорскому Языку [5] ,→ISBN , page33 al
Contraction ofa le ( “ to the ” ) .al
Contraction ofa el ( “ at the ” ) .1877 , Antonio Ive,Canti popolari istriani: raccolti a Rovigno , volume 5, Ermanno Loescher, page40 :Che mai pioûn biela duon i’iê veistoal mondo, That I haven’t ever seen a more beautiful womanin the world, all' ( before a vowel ) allo ( before a cluster of two consonants other than cl, cr, pl, pr, fl, fr, tr ) al
Contraction ofa il ( “ to the, at the ” ) .al m (feminine all' or alla )
( cooking , in thesingular ) with ( an ingredient ) Synonym: con risottoal pecorino ―ricewith pecorino cheese risottoallo zafferano ―ricewith saffron pastaall' aglio ―pastawith garlic al
heavy al m sg
Contraction ofa l ( “ at /to the ” ) .FromOld High German ald , northern variant ofalt , fromProto-Germanic *aldaz . Cognate withGerman alt ,English old ,Dutch oud ,West Frisian âld .
al (masculine alen ,neuter aalt ,comparative méi alor eeler ,superlative ameelsten )
old ,aged Antonym: jonk Vunale Mënsche kann ee villes léieren. ―There’s a lot to learn fromold people. ( of food ) stale Antonym: frësch Dataalt Brout kënne mer de Vulle ginn. ―We can give thestale bread to the birds. al
you ( personal pronoun ) Mandinka personal pronouns singular plural 1st person nte ,n ,m ntolu ,ntelu ,n 2nd person ite ,i altolu ,altelu ,al 3rd person ate ,a itolu ,itelu ,y
Medial form ofale FromProto-Nahuan *aatl , fromProto-Uto-Aztecan *pa .
water FromOld Dutch al , fromProto-Germanic *allaz .
all , all ofal
completely al
even though , no matter whether“al (II) ”, inVroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek ,2000 “al (III) ”, inVroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek ,2000 “al (V) ”, inVroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek ,2000 Verwijs, E. ,Verdam, J. (1885–1929 ) “al (I) ”, inMiddelnederlandsch Woordenboek , The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,→ISBN , page IVerwijs, E. ,Verdam, J. (1885–1929 ) “al (II) ”, inMiddelnederlandsch Woordenboek , The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,→ISBN , page IIVerwijs, E. ,Verdam, J. (1885–1929 ) “al (IV) ”, inMiddelnederlandsch Woordenboek , The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,→ISBN , page IVal
Alternative form ofall 14th c. Geoffrey Chaucer ,The Canterbury Tales . General Prologue:And smale foweles maken melodye, That slepenal the nyght with open eye- (So priketh hem Nature in hir corages); And many little birds make melody That sleep throughall the night with open eye (So Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage) al
Alternative form ofall 1407 ,The Testimony of William Thorpe , pages40–41 :And therwith he was named, as I gesse worthili, a passing reuli man and an innocent inal his lyuynge. And with this he was named, as I believe worthily, an excellent ruly and innocent man inall his living. FromProto-Oceanic *jalan ( “ path, road ” ) , fromProto-Austronesian *zalan ( “ path, way ” )
al (third person singularly possessed aloa ,construct alen )
line road ,path ,way al
( intransitive ) toline ,draw linesCentral Kurdish لا ( la ) Southern Kurdish لا ( la )
Doublet ofyar , seealî for more.
al f (Arabic spelling ئال )
( archaic , dialectal ) sideFromala ( “ to foster, breed ” ) .
al n (definite singular alet ,indefinite plural al ,definite plural ala )
nourishing ,fostering a young (farm) animal that one has bred breeding See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
imperative ofala “al” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .al m sg
Contraction ofa lo ( “ to the; at the ” ) .al
war FromProto-West Germanic *all . Cognates includeOld High German al andOld Saxon al .
all ,every 11th century ,Hebban olla vogala :Hebbanolla vogala nestas hagunnan All birds have started to build their nestswhole ,entire 10th century ,Wachtendonck Psalms :Anallero erthon fuor luit. Over theentire world the sound spread. al
completely ,wholly ca. 1100 ,Leiden Willeram :Sin buch is elphondbeinin,al underskeithet mit saphiris. His stomach is of ivory,wholly decorated with sapphires. al
even though ca. 1200 ,Rhinelandic Rhyming Bible :Ire beider sculde waren grozlich,al newæren sie nieht gelich. Both their debts were great,even though they weren't equal. “al (II) ”, inOudnederlands Woordenboek ,2012 “al (III) ”, inOudnederlands Woordenboek ,2012 “al (IV) ”, inOudnederlands Woordenboek ,2012 FromProto-West Germanic *ail , fromProto-Germanic *ailą , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂éydʰ-lom , from*h₂eydʰ- ( “ to burn, kindle ” ) .[ 1]
āl n
fire Stronga -stem:
^ Kroonen, Guus (2013 ) “*ailida-”, inEtymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series;11 )[1] , Leiden, Boston:Brill ,→ISBN ,page11 al
Contraction ofa le ( “ to the ” ) .FromProto-West Germanic *all , fromProto-Germanic *allaz . Cognate withOld English eall ,Old Saxon all ,Old Dutch al ,Old High German al ,Old Norse allr .
all al
wholly ,completely Saterland Frisian:al ,aal West Frisian:al FromProto-West Germanic *all , fromProto-Germanic *allaz .
all every ,each whole FromProto-West Germanic *āl , whence alsoOld English ǣl ,Old Norse áll .
āl m
eel Joseph Wright,An Old High German Primer Unstressed form ofoll ( “ great, vast ” ) .
al [with accusative ]
beyond Gregory Toner, Sharon Arbuthnot, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, Marie-Luise Theuerkauf, Dagmar Wodtko, editors (2019 ), “1 al ”, ineDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language Thurneysen, Rudolf (1940 )D. A. Binchy andOsborn Bergin , transl.,A Grammar of Old Irish , Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies,→ISBN ,§ 825 , page500 ; reprinted2017 al
indefinite accusative / dative singular ofalr al
second-person singular active imperative ofala FromProto-West Germanic *all , fromProto-Germanic *allaz .
all entire any Declension ofal Strong declension singular plural masculine neuter feminine masculine neuter feminine nominative al al al alle allu alle accusative allana al alla alle allu alle genitive alles alles allaro allarō allarō allarō dative allumu allumu allaro allum allum allum Weak declension singular plural masculine neuter feminine nominative allo alla alla allu accusative allun alla allun allun genitive allun allun allun allonō dative allun allun allun allum
Middle Low German:al ,alle German Low German:all ,alle ( Münsterländisch; Sauerländisch ) ,olle ( Paderbornisch ) al
entirely ,thoroughly exactly ,absolutely ,already ,quite FromProto-Germanic *ēlaz . Cognate withOld English ǣl ,Dutch aal ,Old High German āl (German Aal ),Old Norse áll (Danish andSwedish ål ).
āl m
eel FromOld Norse áll , fromProto-Germanic *ēlaz .
āl m
eel Declension of āler (stronga -stem)
FromOld French .
she FromOld French , fromLatin allium .
garlic Borrowed fromMiddle Low German al .
already 1725, Johann Parum Schultze,Die Wendländische Bauernchronik jongal no zartjü Jąal no carťėv He isalready at the cemetery. The templateTemplate:R:pox:SejDp does not use the parameter(s):3=1 Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning. Lehr-Spławiński, T. ,Polański, K. (1962 ) “al ”, inSłownik etymologiczny języka Drzewian połabskich [Etymological Dictionary of the Polabian Drevani Language ] (in Polish), number 1 (A – ďüzd ), Wrocław, Warszawa etc.: Ossolineum, page17 Polański, Kazimierz , James Allen Sehnert (1967 ) “al”, inPolabian-English Dictionary , The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co, page34 Olesch, Reinhold (1962 ) “al ”, inThesaurus Linguae Dravaenopolabicae [Thesaurus of the Drevani language ] (in German), volumes1: A – O , Cologne, Vienna: Böhlau Verlag,→ISBN , page 3FromOld Galician-Portuguese al , fromVulgar Latin *ale , fromLatin aliud , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂élyos .
( obsolete ) everything , therest Synonym: o resto ( obsolete ) other ,another Synonym: outro Inherited fromLatin illum , fromille .
al m or n sg (feminine singular a ,masculine plural ai ,feminine/neuter plural ale )
of ( masculine/neuter singular possessive or genitive article ) el este un prieten al meu ―he is a friend of mine. FromOld Frisian all , fromProto-West Germanic *all . Cognates includeWest Frisian al andDutch al .
already Marron C. Fort (2015 ) “al ”, inSaterfriesisches Wörterbuch mit einer phonologischen und grammatischen Übersicht , Buske,→ISBN Borrowed fromGerman Aal .
al m animal
eel Barbara Podgórska, Adam Podgóski (2008 ) “al”, inSłownik gwar śląskich [A dictionary of Silesian lects ], Katowice: Wydawnictwo KOS,→ISBN , page25 al
Sun IPA (key ) : /al/ [al] Rhymes:-al Syllabification:al al
Contraction ofa el ( “ at the ,to the” ) .al
a tree species of the familyCombretaceae ,Terminalia impediens Coode, M. J. E. (1969 ) “Four new species ofTerminalia L. (Combretaceae) from Melanesia”, inKew Bulletin , volume23 , number 2,→DOI , page308 al
Romanization of𒀠 ( al ) FromOld Swedish al , fromOld Norse ǫlr (compareIcelandic elri ,Danish el ,Norwegian older ), fromProto-Germanic *aluz ,*alusō (compareEnglish alder ), variant of*alizō ,*alisō (compareDutch els ,German Erle ), fromProto-Indo-European *h₂élisos .
al c
alder (tree)al
Latin spelling ofал ( al ) FromOttoman Turkish آل ( al ) , fromProto-Turkic *āl ( “ red, crimson ” ) . Cognate withOld Turkic 𐰞 ( āl ) and akin toProto-Tungusic *pula ( “ red ” ) andProto-Mongolic *hulaxan ( “ red ” )
blood red ( specifically the red on the flag of Turkey ) ( dated ) dark red ( by extension ) red ( in general ) al (definite accusative alı ,plural allar )
blood red ( specifically the red on the flag of Turkey ) ( dated ) dark red ( by extension ) red ( in general ) Tokat, Feyza (2014 ) “On the Common Words in Mongolian and the Turkish Dialects in Turkey”, inThe Journal of International Social Research (Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi) [6] , volume 7, number32 ,→ISSN , pages185-198 .FromProto-Turkic *āl ( “ trick, deceit; to deceive ” ) .
( dated ) trick ,trap Synonyms: hile ,tuzak See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
second-person singular imperative ofalmak al (comparative ? ,superlative iň al )
pink al
to the at the al m sg
( Belluno ) Alternative form ofel FromProto-Finnic *alla ; related toFinnish alla .
under ,underneath ( stationary location ) Zajceva, N. G., Mullonen, M. I. (2007 ) “под ”, inUz’ venä-vepsläine vajehnik / Novyj russko-vepsskij slovarʹ [New Russian–Veps Dictionary ][7] , Petrozavodsk: Periodika Borrowed fromGerman all andEnglish all .
each every al
water al
already FromOld Frisian all , fromProto-West Germanic *all . Cognate withEnglish all .
all This determiner needs aninflection-table template .
“al ”, inWurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch),2011 al
already “al ”, inWurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch),2011 al
Alternative form ofaul 1927 , “PAUDEEN FOUGHLAAN'S WEDDEEN”, inTHE ANCIENT DIALECT OF THE BARONIES OF FORTH AND BARGY, COUNTY WEXFORD , page133 , line18 :An smithered hays videl, bow, strings anal ; And smashed his fiddle, bow, strings andall ; Kathleen A. Browne (1927 ) “THE ANCIENT DIALECT OF THE BARONIES OF FORTH AND BARGY, COUNTY WEXFORD.”, inJournal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of lreland (Sixth Series)[8] , volume17 , number 2, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, page133