FromProto-Bahnaric*ʔəkaːr. Cognate withSedangkéa. CompareProto-Katuic*ʔŋkar (whenceNgeqŋkar).
- skin
Uncertain. Perhaps fromProto-Ugric[Term?] +-r(obsolete frequentative suffix).[1]
- (auxiliary with an infinitive or transitive) towant
- Egyetemreakart menni. ―S/hewanted to go to university.
1912,Dezső Kosztolányi,Akarsz-e játszani?:A játszótársam, mondd,akarsz-e lenni, /akarsz-e mindig, mindig játszani, /akarsz-e együtt a sötétbe menni, / gyerekszívvel fontosnak látszani, / borból-vízből mértékkel tölteni, / gyöngyöt dobálni, semminek örülni, / sóhajtva rossz ruhákat ölteni?- (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)
potential conjugation ofakar
- akar inBárczi, Géza andLászló Országh.A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language”, abbr.:ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN
- (dialectal, archaic form ofakár):akar inBárczi, Géza andLászló Országh.A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language”, abbr.:ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN
- akar in Nóra Ittzés, editor,A magyar nyelv nagyszótára [A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language] (Nszt.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006–2031(work in progress; publisheda–ez as of 2024).
FromProto-Malayic*akar, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*wakaʀ.
- root(of plant)
- Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*wakaR”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI
Inherited fromMalayakar, fromProto-Malayic*akar,fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*wakaʀ.
akar (pluralakar-akar)
- root(the part of a plant)
- root(the part of a tooth)
- Synonym:akar gigi
- root(the part of a hair)
- Synonym:akar rambut
- (figurative)root,origin, the primarysource
- Synonym:sumber
- (of arithmetic)root
- (linguisticmorphology)root(the primary lexical unit of a word)
- Synonym:akar kata
- (computing)root(a person who manages accounts on a UNIX system)
- Synonyms:akun akar,pengguna akar
- Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*wakaR”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI
FromProto-Malayic*akar, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*wakaʀ.
akar (Jawi spellingاکر,pluralakar-akar,informal 1st possessiveakarku,2nd possessiveakarmu,3rd possessiveakarnya)
- root(the part of a plant)
- liana(acreeping orclimbing plant)
- root(the part of a tooth)
- Synonym:akar gigi
- root(the part of a hair)
- Synonym:akar rambut
- (figurative)root,origin, the primarysource
- Synonym:sumber
- (Indonesia, of arithmetic)root
- (linguisticmorphology)root(the primary lexical unit of a word)
- Synonym:akar kata
- Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*wakaR”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI
- Pijnappel, Jan (1875) “اکر akar”, inMaleisch-Hollandsch woordenboek, John Enschede en Zonen, Frederik Muller, page15
- Wilkinson, Richard James (1901) “اکر akar”, inA Malay-English dictionary, Hong Kong: Kelly & Walsh limited, page27
- Wilkinson, Richard James (1932) “akar”, inA Malay-English dictionary (romanised), volume I, Mytilene, Greece: Salavopoulos & Kinderlis, page13
- Wilkinson, Richard James.An Abridged Malay-English Dictionary. Macmillan. 1965.
Possiblyborrowed fromMalayakar.
- Alternative form ofakah
FromOttoman Turkishعقار, fromArabicعَقَار(ʕaqār).
akar (definite accusativeakarı,pluralakarlar)
- real estate
FromFrenchacare, fromAncient Greekἀκαρί(akarí).
akar (definite accusativeakarı,pluralakarlar)
- mite, tick
- third-personsingularindicativeaorist ofakmak
- house,hut,tent