aia (pluralaias)
- Alternative spelling ofayah
FromPortugueseaia.Thisetymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.
aia (pluralaias)
- ayah,mammy
FromProto-Chamic*ʔiar, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*wahiʀ(“fresh water; steam, fiver”).
aia (Akhar Thrah spellingꨀꨳꨩ)
- water(clear liquid H₂O)
- Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*wahiR”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI
Non-lemma form.
- genitivesingular ofaed
- ow,ouch
(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium.)
- IPA(key): /ˈai̯.a/,[ˈɐj.jə],[ˈɛj.jə](rapid speech)
- Used at the beginning of a sentence that describes the location (in space or time) of the subject.
Aia ka ʻohana ma ke kaʻa.- The family is in the car.
Inherited fromLatinārea. Doublet of Italianarea(“area”).
aia f (pluralaie)
- barnyard,farmyard,threshing floor;pavedarea (typical ofcase coloniche) used tothreshwheat,shelllegumes anddryingcereals
- Near-synonym:cortile
- stendere il grano sull'aia ―to spread the grain on thethreshing floor
1980,Umberto Eco, “Primo giorno – Verso nona”, inIl nome della rosa [The Name of the Rose] (I grandi tascabili), Milan:Bompiani, published1984, page77:Uscimmo anzi da quella porta e ci trovammo sull'aia, nell'estremità orientale del pianoro, a ridosso delle mura, dove sorgevano molte costruzioni.- We got out from that door and found ourselves on thebarnyard, at the eastern end of the tableland, near the walls, where stood many buildings.
- (medicine)area(clarification of this definition is needed)
- aia cardiaca ―cardiacarea
- aia epatica ―hepaticarea
- (archaic)open space,clearing
- Synonyms:spiazzo,terreno
Feminine ofaio, presumed to be from the unattestedGothic*𐌷𐌰𐌲𐌾𐌰(*hagja), or fromLatinavia. CompareSicilianaju,Spanishayo.
aia f (pluralaie)
- (literary)tutor, especially one hired by awealthy family
- aia in –Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
- àia – De Agostini Editore
- aia inDizionario Italiano Olivetti, Olivetti Media Communication
Borrowed fromCantonese哎呀(ai1 jaa3), possibly compounded withPortugueseai.
- interjection expressing fear, surprise, pain, impatience
Aia! Qui boniteza.- Wow! How beautiful.
Aia, qui susto!- Oh, how frightening!
- Unlike the Cantonese interjection, may sometimes be used positively.
FromProto-Malayic*air,Proto-Malayo-Chamic*air, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*wahiʀ.
- water
- Rhymes:-ajɐ
- Hyphenation:ai‧a
aia f (pluralaias)
- lady-in-waiting
- tutor,teacher
- chambermaid
Froma, fromLatinilla, feminine ofille.
- nominative/accusativefemininesingular ofăla
- Synonym:acea
- nominative/accusativefemininesingular ofăla
FromProto-Chamic*ʔiar, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*wahiʀ(“fresh water; steam, river”). Cognate withEastern Chamaia.
aia (Cham Jawi spellingايا)
- water(clear liquid H₂O)
- Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*wahiR”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI
- water
- Prehistoria: Lenguas y dialectos indigenas de Colombia (Luis Duque Gómez, Sergio Elías Ortiz, 1965), citing Romero's wordlist; also present in Čestmír Loukotka, Johannes Wilbert (editor),Classification of South American Indian Languages (1968, Los Angeles: Latin American Studies Center, University of California), page(s) 261