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See also:Aggregate




Noun and adjective

Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishaggregat(e)(a sum, unit, complex, aggregate), borrowed fromNew Latinaggregātum(an aggregate),substantivized from thenominativeneutersingular ofaggregātus, theperfectpassiveparticiple ofaggregō(to flock together), fromad-(at, to, toward)) +gregō(to flock or group), fromgrex(flock,greg- in compounds) +(verb-forming suffix). See alsoegregious andgregarious.



aggregate (countable anduncountable,pluralaggregates)

EnglishWikipedia has an article on:
  1. A mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars; somethingconsisting ofelements but considered as a whole.
    • 1898, Arthur Berry, chapter 12, inA Short History of Astronomy, Herschel:
      If the nebulosity were due to anaggregate of stars so far off as to be separately indistinguishable, then the central body would have to be a star of almost incomparably greater dimensions than an ordinary star; if, on the other hand, the central body were of dimensions comparable with those of an ordinary star, the nebulosity must be due to something other than a star cluster.
  2. A mass formed by the union of homogeneous particles; – in distinction from a compound, formed by the union of heterogeneous particles.
    • 1847, William Black,A Practical Treatise on Brewing : Calculating Lengths and Gravities
      This in the second boiling will be replaced by nearly an equal quantity of worts, of the same gravity as turned out of the copper, which, in making the calculation, is to be deducted from theaggregate of the second worts, and so on with a third wort if necessary.
  3. (mathematics, obsolete) Aset(collection of objects).
  4. (music) The fullchromatic scale of twelve equal temperedpitches.
  5. (sports) The total score in a set of games between teams or competitors, usually the combination of thehome andaway scores.
  6. (roofing) Crushedstone, crushedslag or water-worngravel used for surfacing a built-up roof system.
  7. Solid particles of lowaspect ratio added to acompositematerial, as distinguished from thematrix and anyfibers or reinforcements; especially thegravel andsand added toconcrete.
    • 1823,James Fenimore Cooper, chapter 21, inThe Pioneers:
      "Yes sair," returned the Frenchman, whose prominent eyes were watching the precarious footsteps of the beast he rode, as it picked its dangerous way among the roots of trees, holes, log bridges, and sloughs that formed theaggregate of the highway.
    • 2020 August 26, “Network News: Mid-September before line reopens, says Network Rail”, inRail, page10:
      He explained that engineers had been able to examine the bridge visually, and had started surveying likely sites for access roads and where to place the heavyweight crawler crane. NR was also ordering theaggregates needed for the access roads.
  8. (Buddhism) Any of the fiveattributes that constitute thesentient being.
  9. Amechanicalmixture of more than onephase.
  • (mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars):cluster
  • (attribute of the sentient being in Buddhism):skandha
Derived terms
a mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars
a mass formed by the union of homogeneous particles
set (mathematics)seeset
the full chromatic or the set of all twelve pitch classes
sports: the total score in a set of games between teams or competitors
solid particles of low aspect ratio added to a composite material
any of the five aspects constituting the sentient being in Buddhism
mechanical mixture
See also
  • DeLone et. al. (Eds.) (1975). Aspects of Twentieth-Century Music. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.→ISBN, Ch. 6.

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishaggregat(e)(aggregated,used as the past participle ofaggregaten), see-ate(adjective-forming suffix) andEtymology 1 for more.



aggregate (comparativemoreaggregate,superlativemostaggregate)

  1. Formed by a collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; collective; combined;added up.
    • 1902,Arthur Conan Doyle,The Great Boer War Chapter 33 The Northern Operations from January to April, 1901
      All over the country small British columns had been operating during these months--operations which were destined to increase in scope and energy as the cold weather drew in. The weekly tale of prisoners and captures, though small for any one column, gave theaggregate result of a considerable victory.
  2. Consisting or formed of smaller objects or parts.
  3. Formed into clusters or groups oflobules.
    aggregate glands
  4. (botany) Composed of severalflorets within a commoninvolucre, as in the daisy; or of severalcarpels formed from one flower, as in the raspberry.
  5. Having the several component parts adherent to each other only to such a degree as to be separable by mechanical means.
  6. United into a common organized mass; said of certain compound animals.
Derived terms
Formed by a collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum
consisting or formed of smaller objects or parts
Formed into clusters or groups of lobules
Composed of several florets within a common involucre
Having the several component parts adherent to each other only to such a degree as to be separable by mechanical means
United into a common organized mass; said of certain compound animals

Etymology 3


FromMiddle Englishaggregaten(to aggregate), from its earlier borrowedpast participleaggregat(e) +‎-en(verb-forming suffix), fromLatinaggregātus, see-ate(verb-forming suffix) andEtymology 1 for more.



aggregate (third-person singular simple presentaggregates,present participleaggregating,simple past and past participleaggregated)

  1. (transitive) To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum.
    theaggregated soil
  2. (archaic, transitive) To add or unite (e.g. a person), to an association.
  3. (transitive) To amount in the aggregate to.
    There are ten loads,aggregating five hundred bushels.
Derived terms
Related terms
To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum
To add or unite, as, a person, to an association
To amount in the aggregate to





Etymology 1





  1. inflection ofaggregare:
    1. second-personpluralpresentindicative
    2. second-personpluralimperative

Etymology 2




aggregate pl

  1. feminineplural ofaggregato






  1. second-personpluralpresentactiveimperative ofaggregō
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