( international standards ) ISO 639-2 &ISO 639-3 language code forAdangme . IPA (key ) : /aˈda/ [ʔʌˈdʌ] Hyphenation:a‧da adá f
disturbance ,bother Mohamed Hassan Kamil (2015 )L’afar: description grammaticale d’une langue couchitique (Djibouti, Erythrée et Ethiopie) [1] , Paris: Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (doctoral thesis), page74 Derived fromMalay ada andIndonesian ada .
there is ,there are to bepresent ,here Sagala waktu betaada . Iam here every minute. tohave Dorangada pung ruma deng kabong. Theyhave a house and a garden. tobe in astate ofDiaada saki. He/sheis currently sick. ada
rich Dorang orangada . They arerich people. D. Takaria, C. Pieter (1998 )Kamus Bahasa Melayu Ambon-Indonesia [2] , Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa ada island Inherited fromProto-Turkic *ātag ( “ island ” ) . Cognate withCrimean Tatar ada ,Turkish ada .
IPA (key ) : [ɑˈdɑ] Hyphenation:a‧da ada (definite accusative adanı ,plural adalar )
island ada
Romanization ofᬳᬤ FromProto-Germanic *ajją , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂ōwyóm . The*jj >d sound change followsHoltzmann's law .
egg ada
island FromTurkic , ultimately fromProto-Turkic *ata .
father Back-formation from-ada .
ada (accusative singular adan ,plural adaj ,accusative plural adajn )
continual ada m (plural adas )
tyrant ( bird ) ada
elder brother FromSpanish hada .
fairy FromProto-Malayic *adaʔ , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *wada .Doublet ofnadai .
to beborn ; togive birth tosupply ; toprovide tohave ; topossess àda
eldest daughter daughter FromMalay ada , fromClassical Malay اد ( ada ) , fromOld Malay hada , fromProto-Malayic *ada , fromProto-Malayo-Chamic *ada , fromProto-Malayo-Sumbawan *wada , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *wada .
ada ( intransitive , doesn't take voice prefixes)
to bepresent , toexist ,be there Iaada di sana. He/sheis over there. Diaada di sana deh. Ada tiga pilihan yang tersedia.There are three options available.Ada tiga pilihan sedia. tohave , topossess Ia tidakada uang He/she does nothave money. Dia gakada uangnya. there is ( antonym(s) of “ to be present, to exist ” ) : tiada ada
Rōmaji transcription ofあだ ada
Romanization ofꦲꦢ ada
third-person singular / plural present indicative ofadīt ( with the particlelai ) third-person singular imperative ofadīt ( with the particlelai ) third-person plural imperative ofadīt ada
Latin spelling ofადა ( ada ) FromProto-Malayic *ada ,*ada-ʔ , fromProto-Malayo-Chamic *ada , fromProto-Malayo-Sumbawan *wada , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *wada .
ada (Jawi spelling اد )
tobe ( exist ) Antonym: tiada Ada dua jalan untuk ke sekolah.There are two routes for going to school. tohave Synonym: punya Antonym: tiada Saya cumaada satu pemadam. I onlyhave one eraser. FromTurkish ada ( “ island ” ) ,Ottoman Turkish آطه ( ada ,“ island ” ) , fromProto-Turkic *ātag ( “ island ” ) .
ada f (Arabic spelling ئادا )
island Synonyms: cizîr ,dûrgeh ,girav Chyet, Michael L. (2020 ) “ada ”, inFerhenga Birûskî: Kurmanji–English Dictionary (Language Series; 1), volume 1, London: Transnational Press,page 1 CompareCahuilla 'álwet
crow ada
ginger ada
enemy Borrowed fromOttoman Turkish آطه ( ada ) .
àda, áda f (Cyrillic spelling а̀да, а́да )
( Bosnia , Serbia ) island (usually one in a river),eyot Synonym: ( Croatia ) òtok “ada ”, inHrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal ] (in Serbo-Croatian),2006–2025 FromProto-Cushitic . Cognates includeHadiyya ada ,Kambaata ada andOromo adaadaa .
IPA (key ) : /ˈada/ Hyphenation:a‧da ada f
paternal aunt Declension ofada (feminine) unmodified modified predicative ada nominative ada ada genitive adate *) ada *) dative adate adara accusative ada *) ablative adatenni adanni
*) Stressed on the final vowel.
Kazuhiro Kawachi (2007 )A grammar of Sidaama (Sidamo), a Cushitic language of Ethiopia , page82 Gizaw Shimelis, editor (2007 ), “ada”, inSidaama-Amharic-English dictionary , Addis Ababa: Sidama Information and Culture department Borrowed fromArabic أَدَاء ( ʔadāʔ ,“ payment ” ) .[ 1]
ada classIX (plural ada classX )
fee ^ Baldi, Sergio (2020 November 30)Dictionary of Arabic Loanwords in the Languages of Central and East Africa (Handbuch der Orientalistik; Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten;145 ), Leiden • Boston: Brill,→ISBN ,page217 Nr. 1965 Borrowed fromSpanish hada ( “ fairy ” ) , fromVulgar Latin Fāta ( “ goddess of fate ” ) , from the plural ofLatin fātum ( “ fate ” ) .
ada (Baybayin spelling ᜀᜇ )
fairy Synonyms: diwata ,nimpa “ada ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 “ada ”, inPinoy Dictionary ,2010–2025 FromOttoman Turkish آطه ( ada ,“ island ” ) , fromProto-Turkic *ātag ( “ island ” ) . Cognate withAzerbaijani ada ,Crimean Tatar ada ,Turkmen ada ,Kazakh атау ( atau ) ,Kumyk атав ( ataw ) , etc. The following are borrowings from Turkish:Serbo-Croatian ada ,Ladino adá ,Laz ada ,Zazaki ada .
ada (definite accusative adayı ,plural adalar )
island → Northern Kurdish:ada → Zazaki:ada ada
( Loli ) toguard Lobu Ori, S,Pd, M.Pd (2010 ) “ada ”, inKamus Bahasa Lolina [Dictionary of the Loli Language ] (in Indonesian), Waikabubak: Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Kabupaten Sumba Barat Cognate withEdo áda , possibly derived fromà- ( “ nominalizing prefix ” ) +dá ( “ to split, to slice ” )
machete ,cutlass Synonym: ìgòdan aládàá ( “ one who has a cutlass, butcher ” ) Àwòrán ẹ̀yà igiAdà adà
thetree Lophira lanceolata , commonly used intraditional herbal medicine ada f