From a brand name, coined asabdomin- +-ize +-er.
abdominizer (pluralabdominizers)
- Any type ofexerciseequipment designed to work theabdominalmuscles.
1999, Ken Dychtwald,Healthy Aging: Challenges and Solutions, page261:No matter how many "age-defying" wrinkle creams, miracle vitamins or "abdominizers" we buy for firming up and smoothing out, the reality is that the average number of birthday candles on the cake is rising.
2008, Tracie Ratiner,Contemporary Musicians: Profiles of the People in Music, page161:"Miss Fortune was born in a place where hit singles, formats andabdominizers don't matter," said Moorer on her Web site, taking a playful swipe at Shania Twain's celebrated bare midriff.
2010, Kevin Laye,Positive Shrinking:Having read and digested the miso soup article, Jo was now looking at an advert for an 'abdominizer' machine that promised amazing results – 'lose both pounds and inches within weeks,' the ad proclaimed.
- A person whoexercises theabdominalmuscles anddresses to show off theirtrimmidriff.
1994, Keli Roberts,Keli Roberts' Fitness Hollywood: The Trainer to the Stars, page278:The combination of losing body fat and doing these exercises make baring your midriff something to be proud of. Cher was the originalabdominizer.
2003, Jose Javier Reyes,Porn Again: Midlife Outtakes and Mistakes, page ix:Yes, he is the walking, talking, jewelry-designing, filmmakingabdominizer.