A late borrowing from theAncient Greek letterΥ ( U ,“ ypsilon ” ) , first used to write Greek loanwords in Latin, derived from thePhoenician letter𐤅 ( w ,“ waw ” ) , from theEgyptian hieroglyph𓏲 .Doublet ofU ,V , and F .
Y (lower case y )
The twenty-fifth letter of thebasic modern Latin alphabet . Y
( chemistry ) Chemical symbol foryttrium . ( metrology ) Symbol for prefixyotta- ( genetics ) IUPAC 1-letter abbreviation for anypyrimidine ( biochemistry ) IUPAC 1-letter abbreviation fortyrosine ( travel , aviation ) Thereservation booking designator for the highest level of economy air fare.( mathematics , computer science ) AFixed-point combinator ; especiallyHaskell Curry 's combinator defined as λ f.(λ x.f (x x)) (λx.f (x x))The templateTemplate:Letter does not use the parameter(s):Character=Y Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning. Other representations of Y:
Y (upper case ,lower case y ,plural Ys or Y's )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Englishalphabet , calledwye and written in theLatin script . Used for the Greek letterΥ ( Y ,“ upsilon ” ) . ( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Y (plural Ys )
A figure or mark in the shape of the letterY . AY-shaped object, such as a railroad fork or a support for a telescope; awye , abifurcation . ( lepidopterology ) A moth of the genusPlusia , having markings resembling the letterY .Abbreviations.
Abbreviation ofyes .Y (plural Ys )
Abbreviation ofyear .(In some contexts asYY orYYYY to indicate only the last 2-digits or all 4-digits.) Y
( Stenoscript ) Abbreviation ofyear .Clipping s.
the Y
( Canada ,US ) Clipping oftheYMCA or YWCA .2001 , Jonathan Franzen,The Corrections :He had sat next to Cindy returning from theY and smelled the chlorine on her. A sodden Band-Aid had clung by a few lingering bits of stickum to her knee.
Y (plural Ys )
( Canada ,US , informal ) A particularfacility run by theYMCA /YWCA .1963 (date written),John Kennedy Toole ,A Confederacy of Dunces , London:Penguin Books , published1980 (1981 printing) ,→ISBN :Of course, the audience up here at the Bronx “Y ” will probably be a little parochial, but if I make good in the lecture, I might one day end up speaking down at the Lex. Ave. “Y ” where great thinkers like Norman Mailer and Seymour Krim are always airing their views.
2021 May 17, Jane E. Brody, “A Birthday Milestone: Turning 80!”, inThe New York Times [1] ,→ISSN :When a 50ish woman at myY learned that I was about to turn 80, she exclaimed, “80 is the new 60, and you set a great example for the rest of us!”
SeeIJ .
Obsolete form ofIJ ( “ a lake (formerly abay ) adjoining the city ofAmsterdam ,Netherlands ” ) .1813 , William Müller,D. P. ,Topographical and Military Description of Germany and the Surrounding Country , 2nd edition, London: T. Egerton, pages4–5 :Amsterdam , Hol. fortif. on the gulfY and the Amstel river, 27,000 ho. in the town, nearly as many in the suburbs; 210,000 inh. 1000 rp. 50,000 lm. 6000 sailors; well built, many canals, ground very damp and marshy, very clean streets,[ …]
The twenty-second and final letter in the Afar alphabet. ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,T t ,S s ,E e ,C c ,K k ,X x ,I i ,D d ,Q q ,R r ,F f ,G g ,O o ,L l ,M m ,N n ,U u ,W w ,H h ,Y y Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Afrikaansalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Y (plural Y's ,diminutive Y'tjie )
Y Y upper case (lower case y )
The thirty-firstletter of the Azerbaijanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) hərf ;A a ,B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,Ə ə ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,X x ,I ı ,İ i ,J j ,K k ,Q q ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u ,Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z IPA (key ) : /i ɡreko/ ,[i ɣ̞re̞.ko̞] Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-sixthletter of the Basquealphabet , calledi greko and written in theLatin script . Used chiefly in recent loanwords and foreign proper nouns. ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Catalanalphabet , calledi grega and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lletres ;A a (À à ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ï ï ),J j ,K k ,L l (L·L l·l ),M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z /i/ ,( German-based also ) /y/ ,/yː/ Y
A letter in the German-based alphabet of Central Franconian. A letter in the Dutch-based alphabet of Central Franconian. Only used rarely in loanwords, respectively after the German or Dutch cognate. Note : Often realised as one syllable.
Note : Often realised as one syllable.
The twenty-fifth letter of the Latin alphabet. Y
The twenty-fifth letter used inPinyin . 《汉语拼音方案》 defines a standard pronunciation for each letter. However, these pronunciations are rarely used in education; another pronunciation is commonly used instead. The pronunciation above are only used while referring to letters in Pinyin. They are not used in other context (such as English). Y (capital ,lowercase y )
the twenty-fifth letter of the Dutch alphabet Previous letter:X Next letter:Z The Finnish orthography using the Latin script was based on those of Swedish, German and Latin, and was first used in the mid-16th century. No earlier script is known. Seethe Wikipedia article on Finnish for more information , andY for information on the development of the glyph itself. In particular, the use of⟨ y ⟩ for/y/ follows the Swedish orthography, which in turn follows Latin.
Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-fourthletter of the Finnishalphabet , calledyy and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) kirjain ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s (Š š ),T t ,U u ,V v (W w ),X x ,Y y ,Z z (Ž ž ),Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö FromOld French Y ,Hy ,I fromLatin Iacum .[ 1]
Y ( letter name ) : IPA (key ) : /i ɡʁɛk/ Y (capital ,lowercase y )
The twenty-fifth letter of the French alphabet. Previous letter:X Next letter:Z Y ?
A French commune in the Somme département .( letter name ) IPA (key ) : /ˈʏpsilɔn/ ( phoneme ) In Greek words generally/ʏ/ ,/yː/ , but in unstressed syllables alternatively/i/ (e.g. inpoly- ). In other borrowings, e.g. from English,/j/ ,/i/ ,/aɪ̯/ , etc. Natively only in proper nouns, mostly in-ay-, -ey- , both pronounced/aɪ̯/ . Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-fifth letter of the German alphabet, calledYpsilon . Y (upper case ,lower case y )
A letter of the extended Hungarianalphabet , calledipszilon and written in theLatin script .Also occurs as part of the digraphsGy ,Ly ,Ny ,Ty , though these are considered letters in their own right. ( Latin-script letters) betű ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,C c ,Cs cs ,D d ,Dz dz ,Dzs dzs ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,Gy gy ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ly ly ,M m ,N n ,Ny ny ,O o ,Ó ó ,Ö ö ,Ő ő ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sz sz ,T t ,Ty ty ,U u ,Ú ú ,Ü ü ,Ű ű ,V v ,Z z ,Zs zs .Only in the extended alphabet: Q q W w X x Y y .Commonly used: ch .Also defined: à ë .In surnames (selection): ä aa cz ds eé eö ew oe oó th ts ÿ .Y (lower case y )
The twenty-eighthletter of the Icelandicalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bókstafur ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,D d ,Ð ð ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ú ú ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Þ þ ,Æ æ ,Ö ö Y (lower case y )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Idoalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litero ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Y (upper case )
A letter of the Latin alphabet, not used in Irish except in foreign words and scientific terminology ( letter name ) IPA (key ) : /i‿ɡˈɡrɛ.ka/ ,/i‿ɡˈɡrɛ.ko/ ,/ˈi.psi.lon/ [ 1] ( phonemic realization ) IPA (key ) : /j/ ,/i/ ( varies depending on the loanword ) Y f or m (invariable , upper case ,lower case y )
the twenty-fifth letter of theLatin alphabet , calledipsilon ,i greco ori greca in Italian The letterY is not considered part of the Italian alphabet. It is found mainly in loanwords. ( Latin-script letters) lettera ;A a (À à ),B b ,C c ,D d ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Î î ,J j ,K k ),L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ),V v (W w ,X x ,Y y ),Z z Italian alphabet on Wikipedia.Wikipedia Borrowed fromTagalog Y . Letter pronunciation is influenced byEnglish Y .
( letter name ) IPA (key ) : /waj/ [wai̯] ( phoneme ) IPA (key ) : /i/ [i̞] Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-seventhletter of the Kankanaeyalphabet , calledway and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (2016 )Ortograpiya di Kankanaëy [Kankanaey Orthography ][2] (in Kankanaey and Tagalog),→ISBN , pages10-11 The Kashubian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theKashubian alphabet article on Wikipedia for more, andY for development of the glyph itself.
Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The thirty-firstletter of the Kashubianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,É é ,Ë ë ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ò ò ,Ó ó ,Ô ô ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ù ù ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ż ż Y (upper case ,lower case y )
A letter in theLatin alphabet , representing the vowels /y/ and /yː/ Historical Latin texts did not generally distinguish short and long vowels orthographically. In modern texts and editions of older texts, the vowels are typically written ⟨Y⟩ and ⟨Ȳ⟩ to mark the length distinction. ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Z z
Y (lower case y )
The thirty-firstletter of the Lower Sorbianalphabet , calledy and written in theLatin script . Y
The twenty-fifthletter of the Malayalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Y (lower case y )
Aletter of the Navajoalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a (Á á ,Ą ą ,Ą́ ą́ ),B b ,Ch ch ,Chʼ chʼ ,D d ,Dl dl ,Dz dz ,E e (É é ,Ę ę ,Ę́ ę́ ),G g ,Gh gh ,H h ,Hw hw ,X x ,I i (Í í ,Į į ,Į́ į́ ),J j ,K k ,Kʼ kʼ ,Kw kw ,ʼ ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n (Ń ń ),O o (Ó ó ,Ǫ ǫ ,Ǫ́ ǫ́ ),S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,Tʼ tʼ ,Tł tł ,Tłʼ tłʼ ,Ts ts ,Tsʼ tsʼ ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Zh zh Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-eighthletter of the Nupealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) banki ;A a (Á á ,À à ),B b ,C c ,D d ,Dz dz ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ),J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,Ts ts ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ),V v ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Zh zh The Polish orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See thehistory of Polish orthography article on Wikipedia for more, andY for development of the glyph itself.
Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-ninthletter of the Polishalphabet , calledy origrek and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,Ę ę ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p (Q q ),R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u (V v ),W w (X x ),Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Portuguesealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,à ã ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,Ê ê ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Y m (plural Ys )
fork ( area where something forks ) Synonyms: forquilha ,bifurcação ,ramificação Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The thirtiethletter of the Romanianalphabet , calledigrec ori grec and written in theLatin script . Used chiefly in recent loanwords and foreign proper nouns.
( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ă ă , â ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Î î ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,Ș ș ,T t ,Ț ț ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Y
The thirty-seventhletter of the Saanichalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A ,Á ,Ⱥ ,B ,C ,Ć ,Ȼ ,D ,E ,H ,I ,Í ,J ,K ,Ꝁ ,Ꝃ ,₭ ,Ḵ ,Ḱ ,L ,Ƚ ,M ,N ,Ṉ ,O ,P ,Q ,S ,Ś ,T ,Ⱦ ,Ṯ ,Ŧ ,U ,W ,W̱ ,X ,X̱ ,Y ,Z ,s ,¸ The Silesian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theSilesian language article on Wikipedia for more, andY for development of the glyph itself.
Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The thirty-firstletter of the Silesianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ŏ ŏ ,Ō ō ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż Y (capital ,lowercase y )
The thirty-thirdletter of the Slovenealphabet (Resian), written in theLatin script . ( phoneme ) : IPA (key ) : /ʝ/ ,/ɪ̯/ ,/i̯/ ( letter name ) : IPA (key ) : /ʝæ/ Y upper case (lower case y )
The twenty-secondletter of the Somalialphabet , calledya and written in theLatin script . The twenty-second letter of theSomali alphabet, which followsArabic abjad order. It is preceded byH and followed byA . ( Latin-script letters) ʼ ,B b ,T t ,J j ,X x ,Kh kh ,D d ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,Dh dh ,C c ,G g ,F f ,Q q ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,W w ,H h ,Y y ,A a ,E e ,I i ,O o ,U u Y (upper case ,lower case y )
the 26th letter of the Spanish alphabet Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Swedishalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bokstav ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z ,Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö Borrowed fromSpanish Y . Each pronunciation has a different source:
Filipino alphabet pronunciation is influenced byEnglish Y . Abakada alphabet pronunciation is influenced by Baybayin characterᜌ ( ya ) . Abecedario pronunciation is fromSpanish Y . ( Standard Tagalog ) IPA (key ) : /ˈwaj/ [ˈwaɪ̯] ( letter name, Filipino alphabet ) IPA (key ) : /ˈja/ [ˈja] ( letter name, Abakada alphabet ) IPA (key ) : /ˈje/ [ˈjɛ] ( letter name, Abecedario ) IPA (key ) : /j/ [j] ( phoneme ) IPA (key ) : /i/ [ɪ] ( phoneme, used as a vowel ) Y (upper case ,lower case y ,Baybayin spelling ᜏᜌ᜔ )
The twenty-seventhletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theFilipino alphabet ), calledway and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) titik ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Y (upper case ,lower case y ,Baybayin spelling ᜌ )
The twentiethletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theAbakada alphabet ), calledya and written in theLatin script . Y (upper case ,lower case y ,Baybayin spelling ᜌᜒ )
( historical ) The twenty-seventhletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theAbecedario ), calledye and written in theLatin script . Y (Baybayin spelling ᜁ )
Obsolete spelling ofI .“Y ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | Diksiyonaryo.ph , Manila,2018 Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-eighthletter of the Turkishalphabet , calledye and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) harf ;A a (Â â ),B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,I ı ,İ i (Î î ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u (Û û ),Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z
( Hà Nội ) IPA (key ) : [ʔi˧˧ zaːj˨˩] ,[ʔi˧˧ ɣəː˨˩ zɛt̚˧˦] ( Huế ) IPA (key ) : [ʔɪj˧˧ jaːj˦˩] ,[ʔɪj˧˧ ɣəː˦˩ ʐɛt̚˦˧˥] ( Saigon ) IPA (key ) : [ʔɪj˧˧ jaːj˨˩] ,[ʔɪj˧˧ ɣəː˨˩ ɹɛk̚˦˥] Phonetic spelling : i dài, i gờ rétY (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-ninthletter of the Vietnamesealphabet , calledi dài ori gờ-rét and written in theLatin script . ( Quốc ngữ letters) chữ cái ;A a (À à ,Ả ả ,à ã ,Á á ,Ạ ạ ),Ă ă (Ằ ằ ,Ẳ ẳ ,Ẵ ẵ ,Ắ ắ ,Ặ ặ ), â (Ầ ầ ,Ẩ ẩ ,Ẫ ẫ ,Ấ ấ ,Ậ ậ ),B b ,C c (Ch ch ),D d ,Đ đ ,E e (È è ,Ẻ ẻ ,Ẽ ẽ ,É é ,Ẹ ẹ ),Ê ê (Ề ề ,Ể ể ,Ễ ễ ,Ế ế ,Ệ ệ ),G g (Gh gh ,Gi gi ),H h ,I i (Ì ì ,Ỉ ỉ ,Ĩ ĩ ,Í í ,Ị ị ),K k (Kh kh ),L l ,M m ,N n (Ng ng ,Ngh ngh ,Nh nh ),O o (Ò ò ,Ỏ ỏ ,Õ õ ,Ó ó ,Ọ ọ ),Ô ô (Ồ ồ ,Ổ ổ ,Ỗ ỗ ,Ố ố ,Ộ ộ ),Ơ ơ (Ờ ờ ,Ở ở ,Ỡ ỡ ,Ớ ớ ,Ợ ợ ),P p (Ph ph ),Q q (Qu qu ),R r ,S s ,T t (Th th ,Tr tr ),U u (Ù ù ,Ủ ủ ,Ũ ũ ,Ú ú ,Ụ ụ ),Ư ư (Ừ ừ ,Ử ử ,Ữ ữ ,Ứ ứ ,Ự ự ),V v ,X x ,Y y (Ỳ ỳ ,Ỷ ỷ ,Ỹ ỹ ,Ý ý ,Ỵ ỵ )Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-ninthletter of the Welshalphabet , callede and written in theLatin script . It is preceded byW . Y cannot be mutated but, being a vowel, does takeh-prothesis , for example with the wordysgol ( “ school; ladder ” ) : Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
( Latin-script letters) llythyren ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,Ä ä ),B b ,C c ,Ch ch ,D d ,Dd dd ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ê ê ,Ë ë ),F f ,Ff ff ,G g ,Ng ng ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Î î ,Ï ï ),J j ,L l ,Ll ll ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ô ô ,Ö ö ),P p ,Ph ph ,R r ,Rh rh ,S s ,T t ,Th th ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Û û ,Ü ü ),W w (Ẃ ẃ ,Ẁ ẁ ,Ŵ ŵ ,Ẅ ẅ ),Y y (Ý ý ,Ỳ ỳ ,Ŷ ŷ ,Ÿ ÿ )R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “Y ”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Yorubaalphabet , calledyí and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lẹ́tà ;A a (Á á ,À à ,Ā ā ),B b ,D d ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ē ē ),Ẹ ẹ (Ẹ́ ẹ́ ,Ẹ̀ ẹ̀ ,Ẹ̄ ẹ̄ ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Ī ī ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ō ō ),Ọ ọ (Ọ́ ọ́ ,Ọ̀ ọ̀ ,Ọ̄ ọ̄ ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Ṣ ṣ ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Ū ū ),W w ,Y y ( Benin ) ( Latin-script letters) lɛ́tà ;A a ,B b ,D d ,E e ,Ɛ ɛ ,F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ɔ ɔ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y Y (upper case ,lower case y )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Zulualphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z