[1971, Dick Wilson, “Home and Dry in Shensi”, inThe Long March 1935: The Epic of Chinese Communism's Survival[1], New York:Viking Press,→ISBN,→LCCN,→OCLC,→OL,page227:
At the end of 1927 the Communists were "purged" from the Kuomintang, and although in 1928 a short-lived soviet government had been proclaimed atHsunyi, it was crushed by General Feng Yu-hsiang's pro-Nanking troops.]
[1987, Alan P. L. Liu, “Popular Politicians and Totalitarian Cadres”, inPhoenix and the Lame Lion: Modernization in Taiwan and Mainland China, 1950-1980[2], number358, Stanford, Cali.:Hoover Institution Press,→ISBN,→LCCN,→OCLC,page114:
Then in August 1978, thePeople’s Daily reported a directive transmitted by Hua Kuo-feng, then chairman of CPC, concerning the despotic practices of the cadres inHsunyi county of Shensi province.]
Xia Zhanyi, Communist Party chief ofXunyi county - where the factory is located, called on all citizens to support the project and help it reach the sales goal, more than 10 times the planned 45,000 target for this year, the Beijing Daily said.
2010, Bi Yanli [毕艳莉], translated by Qin Dan [秦丹],Tales from the Hundreds Surnames (Tales from China's Classic Essential Readings)[5], Beijing: China Intercontinental Press (五洲传播出版社),→ISBN,→OCLC,page184:
Nowadays, there are still some people surnamed Diwu in China, and most of them lived in a village inXunyi County, Shaanxi Province.