Pornography—or "porno," to use the hip term—is intended primarily to sexually arouse the viewer, or reader, or maybe listener. Porno films enjoy graphic realism. These are theXXX films.
The pornography industry, like all industries, is in the business of making money. Pornography makes a lot of money-fromPlayboy magazine toXXX videos. This industry would obviously produce, and capitalize upon, pornography for women as well, if a demand existed.
2012 April 19, Josh Halliday, “Free speech haven or lawless cesspool – can the internet be civilised?”, inThe Guardian[3]:
Other global taboos, such as sex and suicide, manifest themselves widely online, with websites offering suicide guides and HotXXX Action seconds away at the click of a button. The UK government will come under pressure to block access to pornographic websites this year when a committee of MPs publishes its report on protecting children online.
1847, William Howitt, Mary Howitt, “The Flint and Hart Matronship”, inHowitt's Journal of Literature and Popular Progress[4], volume 1, published by William Lovett, page13:
"God bless you, madam!" he said, fervently, "and all like you that keep a bright face through the darkest day. But come, madam, step in a moment, and taste a glass of theXXX ale, and a slice of l'eg's cake; it's yet early."
1882, Frederick Sherlock,More Than Conquerors[5], Home Words Publishing Office, page79:
Squash almost without stint! What is squash? Why, squash is squash! Squash in "Poplar" language stood for beer. NotXXX. beer, or Burton beer, but beer for all that. Table beer—school beer—beer of which a great deal might be taken without producing intoxication.
1898 June 9, George Harston,Report and Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Departmental Comm. on Beer Materials[6],House of Commons of the United Kingdom, page231:
It is wonderful how quickly a beer drinker, if he was to getXXX. beer for XXXX. beer, would be able to tell you the difference. Some publicans go in for more profit than others, some will buy theXXX. beer, and perhaps his next neighbour will buy the XXXX. beer; but the man who sells the XXXX. beer gets the business.