Isn't the hair of the sheep itself called wool too?Polyglot 05:42 Jun 18, 2003 (UTC)
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Rfv-sense: Adjective. Is this actually an adjective (likewoolen) or simply attributive use of the noun? --EncycloPetey (talk)07:00, 5 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
I watched the recent TV series ‘Life’, set in a fictional Liverpool prison, and Sean Bean’s character, who speaks in Sean’s natural Yorkshire accent, gets called a ‘wool’ by a Scouse prisoner. As Yorkshire isn’t in the immediate vicinity of Liverpool, perhaps we’ve excessively limited the definition here? Could ‘wool’ or ‘woolyback’ be used more generally to describe someone from outside Liverpool, rather than just nearby parts of Lancashire, Cheshire and Merseyside (or has the screenwriter got this wrong)?Overlordnat1 (talk)00:42, 9 July 2021 (UTC)Reply