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Latest comment:1 year ago by Dodecaplex in topicMissing word sense in Etymology 1 ?

This is going to be a big one


This is going to be a big one. There are well over a hundred definitions of this word. Care needs to be taken to ensure that translations are associated with the correct senses.

...not a lot of enthusiasm for this one, considering its the longest entry in OED...? ;), 27 January 2006 (UTC)Reply
By far- its entry is 85 000 words long i.i the length of a paperback novel212.219.59.22215:32, 6 February 2006 (UTC)Reply
Well, I think they put it well onPiffle and Balderdash (a BBC series in conjunction with the OED on words, defining, adding, redefining, etc.) when they talked of this word. I'll paraphrase since I'm not freakish enough to recall an exact quote word for word: Longest entry, etc. etc., many definitions, but unlike many words one does not need to be told a definition to understand what it means (meaning being provided by it's context), which makes it a very neat little word indeed.--Amedeofelix14:52, 6 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Actually, ever since June 2000, the entry for the verbmake has been longer than that for the verbset. (This might change back once theset entry gets revised, though; right now they're only up toprim.) —RuakhTALK02:38, 7 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Where, here? The fact that no explanation is required for people to know what set means in any given sentence separates it very nicely from most other words including make.--Amedeofelix09:53, 8 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

removed comment


Someone commented out this noun sense as:

not a noun sense: # device used to hold things (aset screw)

God I hate comments.DAVilla07:50, 3 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Adjustment of noun meaning #14 to encompass stand-up comedy? (i.e. performing arts)


(music) A musical performance by a band, disc jockey, etc., consisting of several musical pieces. This term also applies very similarly to stand-up comedy (and possibly to the performing arts in general). So I'm wondering which is the best option of the following:

  • 1 adjust the (music) meaning to "(performing arts) A performance by a band, disc jockey, comedian, etc., consisting of several musical pieces or jokes."


  • 2 add another meaning as follows: "# (stand-up comedy) An on-stageperformance by a stand-upcomedian consisting of several jokes."

?Thanks in advance for any (polite) feedback. (I'm still new at wiktionary.)--Tyranny Sue06:44, 4 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Noun meaning #15 sett ( 'see also'? related term? Alternative spelling?)


Should 'sett' be added to the 'See also' list? And/or listed as a related term list? And/or should it be an Alternative spelling (as 'set' appears on the 'sett' entry)? I'm still too new to Wiktionary to be sure of the rules. --Tyranny Sue07:20, 4 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

I added{{homophones}} in pronunciation. I hope users look there.DCDuringTALK20:09, 8 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

error? "collection of objects" is in etymology 1 *and* 2


Etymology 1, noun, entry #12 is:

  • A series of, a group of.

Etymology 2, noun, entries #5, #6, and #7 are:

  • A matching collection of similar things.
  • A collection of various objects for a particular purpose.
  • An object made up of several parts.

So, did the same word with the same spelling and the same meaning come from two different places, or should this definition be deleted from which etymology?Gronky (talk)16:28, 19 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

Different dictionaries treat this subject differently. Some argue that they are still separate words that have the same spelling, but others say that over time they have merged, with a new surface analysis of "objects that are set down".
Personally, I tend to give more credence to the latter argument.Tharthan (talk)18:12, 19 May 2015 (UTC)Reply
Hmm, interesting. Thanks for the reply. Neither possibility is intuitive, so I'll add a note to both definitions.Gronky (talk)23:04, 20 May 2015 (UTC)Reply



@Jamesjiao,Donnanz, aresit andset really homophones in New Zealand English? I’m aware that the vowel ofDRESS is very high in NZE, but it doesn’t merge withKIT, does it? —Ungoliant(falai)21:26, 22 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

@Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV: Not in my experience, but I haven't lived in NZ since 1971. I'm a South Islander, but it could happen in the north. It doesn't say that they are homophones atsit, only atset.DonnanZ (talk)21:51, 22 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

Dance-related noun


We have "the initial or basic formation of dancers". Chambers 1908 has two further (or overlapping) senses along these lines: "the couples that take part in a square dance" and "the movements in a country-dance or quadrille".Equinox20:42, 14 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

get set (for)


Doesget set (for) deserve an entry? --Backinstadiums (talk)13:43, 31 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

according to stereotype 2. assigned to study

2. conforming to an established, often conventional formulaHe rattled off a set speech2. assigned for students to studya set text Microsoft® Encarta® 2009

--Backinstadiums (talk)17:52, 7 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

adjective: when the sun was set


Isn't it used as an adjective inAt Even, When the Sun was Set ? --Backinstadiums (talk)18:36, 22 May 2020 (UTC)Reply

Thesaurus for set theoretical sense (and cleanup) of English etymology 4


Etymology 4 of the English section needs a bit of tending to. I'm mainly referring to the lists of linked terms; This entry already lists a lot of semantically related terms (though a good number of terms you'd expect to see listed are still missing too,) and these lists are quite disorganized. The set theoretical sense of the word in particular is a mess. Seen as this sense pertains to the fundamental concept at the core of set theory and the greater foundations of mathematics as a whole, there's alot of semantic relatives and terms derived specifically from this sense of the word. Yet this page listed only eight of them, all as hypernyms, no less, even though the majority of the terms listed were hyponyms, and one of them wasn't even a semantic relative at all! I've renamed that section as "See also" since. You'd think someone would have created a thesaurus page by now, but this isn't the case, thoughposet does have athesaurus page. So I'll be tending to that shortly. If anyone has any tips or recommendations about the specifics of this soon-to-be thesaurus page, I'm all ears. And it might be a good idea to look at other similarly lengthy pages that may be suffering from similar issues.110521sgl (talk)08:55, 5 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Missing word sense in Etymology 1 ?


The translations glosses include "bend teeth of a saw" and indeed translations are coherent with this gloss, but I cannot see any meaning fitting this gloss.Dodecaplex (talk)16:31, 28 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

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